
Sunday, October 30, 2016

BABY PANGOLINS - MEET THESE ADORABLE AND SCALY MAMMALS WHO CURL INTO A BALL WHEN AFRAID - Chinese and Vietnamese are eating pangolins into extinction, killing at lest 100,000 a year - Pangolins are valuable to the ecosystem as insect eaters,

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Baby Pangolin

China, Vietnam, and other Asian countries are killing these useful insect-eaters into extinction:  at least one million pangolins illegally captured and killed in the past 10 years alone.

Baby Pangolin

Not sure what this cute little critter is? Then let us introduce you to the pangolin. They've been around for about 80 million years and they're the only mammals in the world that are covered in scales.

Pangolins’ insatiable appetite for insects gives them an important role in their ecosystem: pest control. Estimates indicate that one adult pangolin can consume more than 70 million insects annually.

Continue reading, see more images of cute pangolin babies, and read about China's cultural tradition of eating pangolins that is driving this extraordinary creature to extinction.

Baby Pangolin
Their tongue can be longer than their bodies and they can also let off a foul-smelling odor like skunks when in danger. The word 'pangolin' comes from the Malay word 'pengguling', which means "rolling up".
Baby Pangolin
This is a reference to the pangolin's habit of rolling into a ball like a pill bug whenever they feel threatened.  Unfortunately this makes them easy to capture, and it's estimated that 100,000 pangolins are caught and sold every year.

Baby Pangolin
Most of them get shipped to China and Vietnam where their meat and scales are sold for food and medicine. (Probably they are cooked alive, the same way they cook cats and dogs.)
Because of this, all eight species of pangolin are now on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 

Where Have All the Pangolins Gone?
COOKED ALIVE?  IT'S A CHINESE CULTURAL TRADITION, AFTER ALL.  Chinese, Vietnamese, and other similar cultures believe meat (dog, cat, many other small and medium animals ) tastes better with the stress hormones released by the tortured animal. 

Baby Pangolin

Baby Pangolin

Baby Pangolin

Baby Pangolin

Baby Pangolin



Pangolins eaten by Chinese into extinction


What Is A Pangolin?

Pangolins, often called “scaly anteaters,” are covered in tough, overlapping scales. These burrowing mammals eat ants and termites using an extraordinarily long, sticky tongue, and are able to quickly roll themselves up into a tight ball when threatened.
Eight different pangolin species can be found across Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Poaching for illegal wildlife trade and habitat loss have made these incredible creatures one of the most endangered groups of mammals in the world.
Physical Characteristics
Pangolin species vary in size from about 1.6kg (~3.5 lbs) to a maximum of about 33kg (~73 lbs). They vary in color from light to yellowish brown through olive to dark brown. Protective, overlapping scales cover most of their bodies. These scales are made from keratin — the same protein that forms human hair and finger nails.
Overlapping like artichoke leaves, the scales grow throughout the life of a pangolin just like hair; scale edges are constantly filed down as pangolins dig burrows and tunnel through the soil in search of termites and ants. Pangolin undersides do not have scales, and are covered with sparse fur.
Unlike African pangolins, Asian pangolins also have thick bristles that emerge from between their scales.
With small conical heads and jaws lacking teeth, pangolins have amazingly long, muscular, and sticky tongues that are perfect for reaching and lapping up ants and termites in deep cavities. Pangolins have poor vision, so they locate termite and ant nests with their strong sense of smell.
A pangolin’s tongue is attached near its pelvis and last pair of ribs, and when fully extended is longer than the animal’s head and body. At rest a pangolin’s tongue retracts into a sheath in its chest cavity.
A pangolin’s stomach is muscular and has keratinous spines projecting into its interior. Usually containing small stones, the stomach mashes and grinds prey in much the same manner as a bird’s gizzard.
Pangolin limbs are stout and well adapted for digging. Each paw has five toes, and their forefeet have three long, curved, claws used to demolish the nests of termites and ants and to dig nesting and sleeping burrows.
Pangolins shuffle on all four limbs, balancing on the outer edges of their forefeet and tucking their foreclaws underneath as they walk. They can run surprisingly fast, and will often rise on their hind limbs to sniff the air.
Pangolins are also capable swimmers, and while some pangolin species such as the African ground pangolin (Manis temmincki) are completely terrestrial, others, such as the African tree pangolin (Manis tricuspis), are adept climbers, using their claws and semi-prehensile tails to grip bark and scale trees.
There are eight pangolin species. All pangolins belong to the genus Manis in the family Manidae, which is the only family within the order Pholidota. Although pangolins share similar characteristics with Xenarthrans (anteaters, armadillos, and sloths), they are in fact more closely related to the order Carnivora (cats, dogs, bears, etc.).
Asian pangolins:
  • Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) – Critically Endangered
  • Sunda pangolin (Manis javanica) – Critically Endangered
  • Indian pangolin (Manis crassicaudata) – Endangered
  • Philippine pangolin (Manis culionensis) – Endangered
African pangolins:
  • Cape or Temminck’s Ground pangolin (Smutsia temminckii) – Vulnerable
  • White-bellied or Tree pangolin (Phataginus tricuspis) – Vulnerable
  • Giant Ground pangolin (Smutsia gigantea) – Vulnerable
  • Black-bellied or Long-tailed pangolin  (Phataginus tetradactyla) – Vulnerable
Distribution and Habitat
Four pangolin species occur across Asia: the Indian pangolin, the Chinese or Formosan pangolin, the Malayan or Sunda pangolin, and the Palawan pangolin. Four species are found in Africa south of the Sahara Desert: the Cape or ground pangolin, the tree pangolin, the giant pangolin, and the long-tailed pangolin. The four Asian pangolins are distinguished from the African species by the presence of bristles which emerge from between the scales.
Pangolins are found in a variety of habitats including tropical and flooded forests, thick brush, cleared and cultivated areas, and savannah grassland; in general they occur where large numbers of ants and termites are found. Asian pangolins in particular are threatened by loss of habitat due to expanding agriculture and other human uses.
Pangolins dig deep burrows for sleeping and nesting that contain circular chambers. Large chambers have been discovered in terrestrial pangolin burrows that were big enough for a human to crawl inside and stand up. Some pangolin species such as the Malayan pangolin also sleep in the hollows and forks of trees and logs.
Life Span
It is unknown how long pangolins can live in the wild, though pangolins have reportedly lived as long as twenty years in captivity.
These solitary mammals are nocturnal and highly secretive, thus it is difficult for scientists to study them in the wild, and many mysteries remain about their behavior and habits. Some pangolin species such as the Chinese pangolin sleep in underground burrows during the day, and others including African tree pangolins and Malayan pangolins are known to sleep in trees.
They emerge in the evening to forage for insects. Pangolins are well adapted for digging: they dig burrows with their strong front legs and claws, using their tails and rear legs for support and balance.
Tunneling underground, they excavate the sides and roofs of passages by pushing up and from side to side with their tough scaled bodies. They use their front and hind feet to back accumulated soil toward the burrow entrance, and vigorously kick dirt out of the entrance up to a meter or more.
Chinese pangolins (Manis pentadactyla) in temperate areas spend the winter months in deep burrows. The winter burrows are strategically excavated near termite nests that provide a lasting food source. In Chinese legend pangolins are said to travel all around the world underground, and in the Cantonese language the name for pangolins translates to “the animal that digs through the mountain,” or “Chun-shua-cap,” which translates to “scaly hill-borer.”
While pangolins species share many characteristics and habits, there are also differences. African tree pangolins (Manis tricuspis) are arboreal tree climbers, while African ground pangolins (Manis temmincki) are terrestrial ground dwellers. And some, including all three Asian species, are opportunistic and can be found foraging both in trees and on the ground.
Indian pangolins found in Sri Lanka reportedly live in the rain forest canopy where fruit and flowers that attract ants occur, instead of at ground level where it is very dark and the food supply is limited.
Some pangolin species even have semi-prehensile tails—they can grasp and hang from branches with their tails, which aids them in climbing.
Pangolin scales provide good defense against predators. When threatened, pangolins can quickly curl into a ball, protecting their defenseless undersides. They also deter predators by hissing and puffing, and lashing their sharp edged tails. Pangolins, dependent on their strong sense of smell, identify their territories by scent marking with urine and secretions from a special gland, and by scattering feces.
Scientists suspect that these odors advertise dominance and sexual status, and may also help individuals recognize each other.

Pangolins live predominantly on a diet of ants and termites, which they may supplement with various other invertebrates including bee larvae, flies, worms, earthworms, and crickets. This specialist diet makes them extremely difficult to maintain in captivity—they often reject unfamiliar insect species or become ill when fed foreign food.
Wild pangolins locate insect nests using a well developed sense of smell. Voraciously digging ants and termites from mounds, stumps, and fallen logs with their claws, they use their extremely long sticky tongues to capture and eat them.
Pangolins’ insatiable appetite for insects gives them an important role in their ecosystem: pest control. Estimates indicate that one adult pangolin can consume more than 70 million insects annually.
Pangolins have special muscles that seal their nostrils and ears shut, protecting them from attacking insects. They also have special muscles in their mouths which prevent ants and termites from escaping after capture.


Male and female pangolins are sexually dimorphic: the sexes differ in weight. In most species, males are 10-50 percent heavier than females, while Indian pangolins can be up to 90 percent heavier.
Pangolins reach sexual maturity at two years, and most pangolins give birth to a single offspring, though two and three young have been reported in the Asian species. Gestation periods range from 65-70 days (Indian pangolin) to 139 days (Cape and Tree pangolins). When born, pangolins are about six inches long and weigh about 12 ounces (.75 lbs).
Their scales are soft and pale, and begin to harden by the second day. Pangolin mothers nurture their young in nesting burrows. A mother will protectively roll around her baby when sleeping or if threatened.
Babies nurse for three to four months, but can eat termites and ants at one month. At that time the infant begins to accompany the mother outside of the burrow, riding on the base of her tail as she forages for insects (pictured right).
Photos credits (from top to bottom):  Darren Ellis; Keri Parker; unknown; Julie Scardina/Sea World Busch Gardens; unknown.


 The torture massacre of millions of wildlife continues
- in the name of cultural tradition




- Many are also cooked alive because of S.E. Asian tradition that says that the hormones released by tortured animals are good for those who eat them, and also make the meat taste better









In Muslim Indonesia, dogs are SKINNED AND BLOWTORCHED alive right there at the street market.


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