
Friday, October 21, 2016

AUSTRIA SUPREME COURT OVERTURNS CONVICTION OF MUSLIM ACCUSED OF RAPING A TEN YEAR OLD BOY at swimming pool because he claimed he did not know the child was resisting - In another case SWEDEN police released a gang of Muslim rapists because police said the woman, disabled and in a wheelchair, did not try to run away

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  • Adults having sex with children, whether they appear to consent or not, is regarded as a crime in civilized countries. 
  • The Austrian Supreme Court, however, overturned a sentence given to a Muslim rapist because he claimed he did not understand the child was resisting. 
  • The court's decision seems to legalize pedophilia, as long as the child consents to the sex act.
  • It is now obvious that there are double standards for just about everything in Islamized Europe. 
  • Muslims are not only given benefits and privileges denied to white citizens, but their crimes are also tolerated, hidden from the public, and generally unpunished.  
  • Having lower standards of conduct for Muslims from the Middle East and Africa is a liberal form of racism, as it implies those populations are too backward and too unintelligent to know right from wrong. 
  • In a recent case in Germany, a Muslim Afghan rapist of a toddler was given a light sentence because, according to the judge, the child did not seem to have suffered much damage.  (See report on this page.)
  • A disabled woman in a wheelchair was gang raped by Muslim migrants in Sweden, but police let the perpetrators go free because the woman had only resisted but "not tried to run away".  (See report on this page.)
  • Muslim crimes  such as gang rapes - are routinely covered up by police and the media, so as to protect them from public criticism.  Governments direct their agencies to hide statistics and crime reports if the perpetrators are Muslims. 
  • British police ignored for years countless reports of organized Pakistani gangs preying on 1400 vulnerable children.  It even threatened their parents against denouncing those crimes.  
  • Police failure to act, and their superiors' indifference, are still hard to explain, except that Muslims have a lot of political clout in British institutions.
  • Justice is being turned upside down, as victims, including women and children, are sacrificed at the altar of political correctness, all as part of the elites' grand plan to Islamize Europe through demographic takeover. 
  • By the way, Islam condones the raping of boys and the activity is widespread.  Koran 52:24:  “There will circulate among them [servant] boys [especially] for them, as if they were pearls well-protected." A similar verse (76:19) reads (about Muslim heaven): “There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them [as beautiful as] scattered pearls.”
  • In a society where women are kept out of sight, men resort to homosexuality until they are able to marry, and even after that out of personal preference.  Muslim regard women as good for procreation, while young boys are used for pleasure.
  • Their idea of heaven is of an eternal orgy with 72 virgins and young boys, Mohammad's clever incentive for sexually frustrated men to die for their god and so go straight to heaven. 

Iraqi refugee who raped a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in a 'sexual emergency' has his conviction overturned because the Austrian court 'didn't prove he realised the boy was saying no' 

  • Rapist, known as Amir A, 20, said he attacked boy in a 'sexual emergency'
  • He had not had sex in four months, so dragged him into changing rooms
  • Supreme Court in Austria now say prosecution did not prove the rape claim
  • They want harder evidence the boy, 10, was forced to act against his will 
  • Brazen predator even went back to the swimming pool after the rape and was playing on the diving board when police came to arrest him.  
  • The victim required immediate medical treatment and has been suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder ever since. 
  • In an ironic twist, the victim's mother had previously advocated for increased Muslim migration into Austria.

  • An Iraqi refugee who raped a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool has had his conviction overturned because a court didn't prove he realised the boy was saying no.
    The rapist, identified as Amir A, 20, violently sexually assaulted the boy in the changing room of Theresienbad pool in Austria claiming it was a 'sexual emergency' because he had not had sex for four months. 
    But an appeal court in the country accepted the defence lawyer's claim that the lower court had not done enough to prove he knew the schoolboy was saying no and overturned the conviction.
    Continue reading this article, one on the wheelchair victim, and several other related items and videos.

    The migrant was jumping from the diving board at Theresienbad pool (pictured above) when police came to arrest him with the man now sentenced to six years jail
    The incident occurred in December 2015 as part of the integration process where he traveled with a 15-year-old helper and translator who was meant to be teaching him how to integrate into life in Vienna.
    He seized his moment at the pool and dragged the boy into the changing rooms and locked the door before raping him. 
    The boy, known as Goran, required immediate medical treatment and has been suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder ever since. 
    Brazen predator Amir A even went back to the swimming pool after the rape and was playing on the diving board when police came to arrest him.  
    Confessing to the rape in an interview with officers, he said he knew what he did was wrong but did it anyway because it was a 'sexual emergency' having gone four months without sex, according to The Local
    In the initial court hearing, he was found guilty of sexual assault and the rape of a minor and was sentenced to six years in jail. 
    But the Supreme Court rescinded the sentence and ordered a re-trial with the court's president Thomas Philipp calling the verdict 'watertight' when it came to the sexual assault of a child, but that rape could not be sufficiently proved, says The Local
    The higher court said it should have been ascertained whether or not the victim agreed to the sexual act or whether Amir A had acted against the will of the boy.  
    A second trial for the rape is expected to take place next year, but the attacker is likely to remain in custody until then. 
     The young victim loved going swimming at the local pool in Vienna but now suffers from severe post-traumatic stress disorder and panic attacks
    The recreation building in Vienna where the crime took place.




    So do many others. More than 25% of Germans support police shooting migrant infiltrators if necessary.

    Boy's mother speaks out.

    Read about the West's indifference to the widespread rape of boys in the Muslim world

    The boy's mother Dunja, (pictured in local media) who arrived in Austria as an immigrant in the 90s from Serbia during the Civil War, said she had always taught her five children to offer the same hospitality to new arrivals that she had herself received 



    Im Johannisbad soll ein Flüchtling in den Whirlpool onaniert haben
    - They defecate, grope girls and boys, rape, and masturbate in front of children
    - AUSTRIAN mother catches middle-aged migrant sexually assaulting her little boy at the pool
    Read more
    Wheelchair-bound woman is gang-raped by six migrants at Swedish asylum centre after asking if she could use their toilet
  • Victim was sharing taxi home in Visby, Sweden when she asked to stop off
  • But when she entered building she was set upon by six men, lawyer claims
  • Police in Visby arrested six men after attack but they were later released
  • Demonstration took place in the town and mob attacked asylum centre 

    A wheelchair-bound woman was gang-raped by up to six migrants at a Swedish asylum centre after asking if she could use their toilet, it has been reported.
    One of the rapists freed
     One of the rapists freed by Swedish police.

    The woman, in her 30s, was sharing a taxi home with a man after going in the medieval town of Visby on Sweden's Gotland island when she asked to stop off.
    Her fellow passenger invited her inside before she was brutally set upon in the toilet, her lawyer said.
    He added: 'Where they came from we don't know. This was going on for a couple of hours.
    'She got paralysed in this situation and was not able to bring herself to resist physically, other than saying no.'
    He said his client is unable to walk long distances and need a wheelchair. She was eventually able to escape the building.
    Six men aged in their 20s were arrested in the days that followed they were later released. 
    Sweden's Expressen newspaper reported that the suspects were all asylum seekers and that the attack allegedly took place at asylum accommodation. 
    Large crowds gathered in protest and marched in the town. 
    The head of Gotland police Torbjörn Nilsson said: 'Gotland is safe, compared to other places, and there are few crimes compared to the rest of the country. But the way people have now acted is unprecedented.' 


    - GERMANY'S TRAGEDY: A still weak opposition while the country spirals down into cultural, demographic, and moral suicide 
    - READ SUMMARY of A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism - July 2016

    The Express - Jama B., 22, showed no remorse as he was sentenced to just two years and four months behind bars on the milder charge of sexual abuse of the four-year-old boy at the centre in Boostedt, Schleswig-Holstein.


    The toddler, from Iraq, was lured into a toilet cubicle at the home in March this year.  The court heard the Afghani forced his penis into the child's mouth.  Afterwards the distraught youngster was returned to his father with his trousers down around his ankles.  
    Bacha Bazi - The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan 2
    During the trial Jama B. boasted:  "I'm a superstar in Afghanistan, a singer." 

    The rape of little boys is accepted as a cultural tradition in Aghanistan, as in other Muslim countries.

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    SWEDISH POLICE TRYING TO SAVE LITTLE BOY from gang rape inside migrant center runs away when confronted by migrant threats and violence.
    Swedish police that tried to save ten year old boy from repeated gang rapes inside migrant center are forced to flee by violent migrants defending what they perceive is their right to rape.
    A police patrol of 10 officers was forced to flee a refugee center in Vasteras, Sweden after being surrounded by a mob of violent migrants. Law enforcement officials had arrived to relocate a 10-year-old boy after reports of his repeated rape at the facility.
    Read more


    030516b1 Muslims Rape Seven Boys So Bad In Calais Camp That They Need Surgery, French Authorities Do Nothing
    These are Muslim men raping Muslim boys. If this is how Muslims treat the children from people who belong to the same religion as they do, is it any surprise that Muslims have been raping and sexually assaulting European women in mass?
    Read more
    Muslim refugee, 20, who raped a boy, 10, in his Sydney, Australia, home says what he did 'is not a crime because it is acceptable in his homeland'
    • Mufiz Rahaman, 20, said he thought raping a 10-year-old boy was okay 
    • The Myanmar refugee said it was culturally acceptable in his home land
    • The court heard Rahaman tried to offer the boy money and denied rape
    • Rahaman is a Rohingya Muslim - as was his young victim
    The refugee who raped a ten-year-old boy has claimed he did not know sexually assaulting the child was wrong as it was 'culturally acceptable' in his homeland.  Mufiz Rahaman told Sydney's Downing Centre Court raping children was not seen as morally wrong in his native Myanmar when he pleaded guilty to the aggravated sexual assault of a 10-year-old refugee on Wednesday, the Daily Telegraph reported.   
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    OUTRAGEOUS!  German police release without charge a gang of Muslims who raped 13 year old girl for 30 hours. 
    Police turned on the victim.  Interrogated her for three hours, accused her of lying, until the girl eventually collapsed.

    Read more

     - She ended up in a wheelchair with mental breakdown
    - Swedish Left says it would be racist to expel rapists 

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    GERMAN GOVERNMENT'S SINISTER PLAN TO COVER UP MIGRANT RAPES - Minister told police to remove word "RAPE" from Muslim migrants crime reports - If governments are the first to break the law, what can we expect from criminals?

    leaked cache of confidential emails and notes passed between the North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) state government and local police has revealed the extent to which the force were placed under pressure to cover up the migrant sex attacks in Cologne and other cities during New Year’s Eve.
    A German state minister allegedly tried to pressure police in Cologne to remove the word rape from reports about the mass sexual assaults committed by asylum seekers on New Year's Eve
    Muslim migrants organized mass gang rapes
    across Germany on New Year's Eve.

    The most media-publicized took place

    in Cologne, but there were many others
    • Senior police officer claims he was urged to remove word 'rape' from reports
    • He was allegedly given the order by the interior ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia (where city of Cologne is)
    • Ralf Jäger is facing calls to stand down but has since denied the allegation
    • An internal report was drawn up morning after New Year's Eve attacks in Cologne
    • Police also ignored citizens' complaints of mass sexual assaults and rapes occurring near main railway station on New Year's Eve involving about 1,000 attackers and hundreds of victims.
    • The next day police reported the night had been calm, glaring evidence of a cover up.
    • But police sent hundreds of reinforcements with water cannons a few days later to contain a peaceful demonstration by Germans against migrant rape. 
    • Water cannon was deployed in a bid to stem the growing dis contempt among protesters
      Cologne police in full force attack
      peaceful anti-migrant rape

       demonstrators a few days later
      In view of government lax response to Muslim migrant crime, the rape wave continues.
    • The German government now has started placing women-and-children-only carriages on trains in order to reduce the incidence of Muslim rapes on vulnerable citizens.
    • This amounts to establishing Sharia Law of gender segregation in Germany, instead of enforcing German law and charging and prosecuting  the criminals.

    One of the documents sent by Jäger’s interior ministry to the police on the first of January is a so-called “Important Event-Message” (“Wichtiges Ereignis-Meldung”).
    Minister Ralf Jäger

    Far from the initial claims made, and statements made at an early press conference about the attacks the message confirmed the state government had full knowledge of the gang sex attacks.
    The internal message explained there had been “Rape, sexual offenses, thefts, robberies committed by larger foreign group” ... acting in the “downtown area” by the railway station “to the detriment of young women”.
    Describing the offences, it said: “The women were in this case surrounded by the group of people and groped above their clothing, jewellery stolen and was snatched. In one case, a 19-year-old German victim had fingers inserted into her (private) body openings.
    “The criminal group was consistently described by the victims as North Africans, between 17-28 years of age. Investigations are continuing”.  In all, there were 359 complaints of sexual assault and rape on that night alone.
    More damning than the revelation that police knew about the attacks and kept them from the public was the explicit order to play down the seriousness of crimes by the Interior ministry.
    Read more

    VIDEO - Muslim migrants shoot guns in downtown Cologne, Germany, turning it into a war zone
    Embedded image permalink - WATCH VIDEO
    - A former Soviet writer blames leftist CULTURAL TOTALITARIANISM for the collapse of ethical values and for a lack of basic sense of self-preservation


    ELIN KRANTZ was brutally raped and murdered by an African in Sweden. 
    - She had been strong advocate of Muslim migration into her country
    - SHE WAS LIKE SWEDEN AND THE WEST, welcoming those who will destroy them.

    She was a member of the “We Like Diversity” Facebook page, called herself “multicultural” and a supporter of Third-world immigration into Sweden, the country of her birth.  Maybe in those last few moments of life, she changed her mind about a few things, as if it made any difference. 
    On that day, Elin and her African immigrant killer were riding the same tram to the Hisingen neighbourhood in Sweden.  Shortly thereafter Krantz was found raped and murdered in a wooded area not far from the tram stop.  Her 23-year old African“refugee” (who supposedly once lived in the US) killer was arrested shortly after the killing. He was charged with murder and aggravated rape. According to the prosecutors, the attack was one of “extreme ruthlessness”.
    The dead woman was reported to have been a member of the Facebook community “We like diversity.”

    Read more

    See the horrific way in which her body was found





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