
Thursday, October 20, 2016

AN OMEN FOR AMERICA? HILLARY'S CAMPAIGN BUS DELIBERATELY DUMPS RAW SEWAGE ON ATLANTA STREET - Fearful authorities won't file any charges - Firemen had to clean it up - Democrats said it was a mistake and they were sorry.

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DEMOCRATS ARE SORRY.  JUST A MISTAKE.  The Democratic National Committee has apologized after one of its campaign buses was caught dumping raw sewage along a road outside Atlanta. 
The Democrat campaign workers said they did not know this was illegal.  They may have been disposing of their sewage this way for months.
Firefighters had to clean up the mess.  There won't be any charges filed against Hillary's people.
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News outlets report a Lawrenceville auto shop employee alerted police Tuesday morning after witnessing the sewage getting dumped into a storm drain. The bus, which bears the slogan “Forward Together” and features the likenesses of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and running mate Tim Kaine, was in town for an early voting event.
Witnesses alerted police on Tuesday morning after they smelled and then saw Democrat campaign workers dumping sewage into a storm drain. 
The bus, one of two traveling the country for the DNC’s “Forward Together” tour, was in the Atlanta suburb of Lawrenceville on Tuesday to campaign for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and encourage locals to vote. Just down the street, Fox 5 reported, people waited in line for early voting in Gwinnett County.
The DNC later apologized in statements to local media and USA Today, calling the bus leak an “honest” and “unacceptable” mistake.
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“This was an honest mistake and we apologize to the Lawrenceville community for any harm we may have caused,” the DNC said in a statement to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “We were unaware of any possible violations and have already taken corrective action with the charter bus company to prevent this from happening again. Furthermore, the DNC will work with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources as well as local and state officials to determine the best course of corrective action.”
The driver said that the sewage tank on the bus was full and leaking, a DNC spokesperson told Fox 5, and that there was concern the spillage could put other cars at risk if the bus kept barreling down the road.
Lawrenceville police told Fox 5 that they are not filing charges, but opted to hand over the investigation to the state’s environmental protection agency. State and local authorities are working together to prevent the raw waste dumped into the storm sewer from entering the region’s water supply.
Police Captain Jeff Smith told Fox 5 that dumping the sewage did violate the city code, and Kevin Chambers, with the state agency, said the investigation will include an interview with the charter bus company to determine “what happened and why.”
Left behind, according to the police report, was evidence: a hefty amount of “drying toilet paper” and a “foul smell.”
The fire department dispatched a hazmat crew.   The Gwinnett County fire hazmat crews cleaned up the spill, which included a large amount of drying toilet paper on the roadway.
The Georgia Environmental Protection Division is investigating.
A mistake?  Could this be standard operating procedure?   The Georgia Environmental Protection Division is investigating. 

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