
Monday, October 3, 2016

A TREAT FOR YOU: PICTURES OF HAPPY RESCUED DOGS TO MAKE YOU SMILE - Also watch VIDEO with cautionary advice for your dog's safety

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The ultimate paw-traits! Hilarious hounds are captured looking their absolute happiest in
A photographer has captured the moment of unbridled joy on the face of rescued dogs as they prepare to catch a treat. The hilarious paw-traits were taken by Manuela Kulpa - who said it could take up to 80 times to get the perfect snap. The dogs were all pictured gleefully waiting for a snack.
See more pictures of adorable dogs smiling, and read cautionary note about your dog's safety.

Pari is an American Bull Terrier/Great Dane mix and recently found a home after staying in an animal shelter most of his life
Pari is an American Bull Terrier/Great Dane mix and recently found a home after staying in an animal shelter most of his life
Maya, a Jack Russell Terrier mix bitch
Maya, a Jack Russell Terrier mix female looks delighted.
Chulo, a 16-year-old American Bull Terrier grins for the camera
Chulo, a 16-year-old American Bull Terrier grins for the camera
Carlos, a Bernese Mountain Dog
Carlos, a Bernese Mountain dog, looks definitely happy and full of love.
Louis, a French Bulldog, waits for his treat
Louis, a French Bulldog, waits for his treat.
Sam a Flat-Coated Retriever pulls an excited face
Sam, a Flat Coated Retriever, pulls an excited face.
Jack, a Dachshund mix, was one of the dogs pictured expectantly waiting for their snack 
Jack, a Dachshund mix, was one of the dogs pictured expectantly waiting for their snack 

Dear reader:
Since you clicked on this article you must be a dog lover, like me.  As I search the web for articles of interest I sometimes find news stories of animal abuse by Muslims that are simply terrifying.   
Yes, abuse is done everywhere by people of different beliefs, but in those cases it's perpetrated by psychopaths.  In Islam the mistreatment of dogs and animals in general is done by regular people, as prescribed and sanctioned by their god, Allah, and his prophet. 
Islam has decreed that dogs are impure and so they are the object of widespread torture and mistreatment in Muslim countries - and now in Western countries as well, as Muslim migrants and refugees have come to settle here. 
In cities with large Muslim minorities, they are now demanding that dogs be banned from the streets, as they offend Muslim sensitivities. 
So now that Muslims are our neighbors, please take extra care when you take your dog out for a walk.  There have been cases of people being attacked for just doing that. 
Dogs are not even safe at home.  Some European cities are suffering from an epidemic of poisoning of dogs in their own yards. 
Please understand that there is no way to educate Muslims who hate dogs.  Their religion tells them to.  They are just being good Muslims.
The following video explains the particular Muslim scriptures that demonize dogs and call for their killing. 

As explained by researcher David Wood

More Videos by David Wood

Crucified dogs, a common abuse by followers of Islam


This blog's archive on Muslim abuse of animals


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