
Saturday, September 17, 2016

MUSLIM GANG GAGS, TIES UP, BEATS AND RAPES TEEN GIRL BY THE THE EIFFEL TOWER - While France continues to submit to Muslim colonization and Islam's cultural takeover

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6-ban-running-shoes-for-womenGerman officials recently suggested that women should wear sneakers in order to outrun the rapist gangs that roam European cities, and to wear No Rape tattoos.  BARE NAKED ISLAM

The Muslim rape of European women and children continues unabated.  Governments choose not to do anything.  European males are so neutered by decades of feminist culture that they hide and fail to protect their women and children, or even to voice their outrage out of fear of appearing to be "racist".

Governments and media, notoriously those of Germany, France and Scandinavia, routinely hide reports and statistics on Muslim crime, so as to protect Muslim migrants, while abandoning their victims.  

The French elite has always thought that being a leftist is rather chic. 
As you read the following report keep in mind that the citizens of France elected a Socialist government, which has an agenda of allowing an increasing Muslim population to settle in France so as to bolster the Left's  voter base. 

Also, the citizens of Paris elected a Socialist mayor, who welcomes Muslim migrants to Paris, tolerating makeshift, unhygienic camps in the middle of this beautiful city, and who endeavors to provide them with more permanent housing on city-owned property.

Hooked on the welfare state, and in love with leftist ideology chic, Europeans have elected leftist and 'right-wing-lite' politicians (like Cameron and Sarkozy in the past) who welcome with a wink the arrival of an actual migrant army of colonization and crime.  Submission to the dictatorship of the EU has made it even easier for governments to make the excuse that they are following EU orders to keep their borders wide open.
Teen tied up gagged three men gang rape Eiffel Tower

The UK Express - The 19-year-old French girl was lured to the monument on the proviso of a 'date' set up through Facebook.  She responded to messages from who she thought was a 17-year-old Tunisian boy and initially met him close to her home in the Paris suburbs.
Last Sunday evening she turned up for another date where she expected to have a picnic with the boy at the Champs des Mars, the park where the Eiffel Tower is, and was attacked.

A source close to the case, said: “It was a warm night, and she expected to eat strawberries and grapes, and to drink Coke, but then the attack took place.”
The girl was dragged under a bush behind where a blanket had been laid out.  She was then assaulted by three men who then gagged, beat her up and tied her up.
Continue reading and see references and video of France at war

The victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is said to have recently run away from her mother’s home in the Paris suburbs.  She was only found when a couple who were jogging early on Monday morning heard the victim making a muffled sobbing noise.  They raised the alarm after finding her in deep shock, naked and crying.
Police then used computer data to quickly trace the three men to a hotel in the 18th arrondissement of Paris.  They were caught there just before they tried to flee to Germany on Monday.
None of them had any official papers and all claimed they were 17 year olds from Tunisia and were seeking asylum.  (As minors they expect to get just a slap on the wrist.)  However, early checks suggest they are likely to be a lot older and possibly from Algeria.
The source, said: “An enquiry is underway to try and work out exactly who they are, and what they were doing in France.”  All the men deny rape, saying they were involved in a “consensual adult relationship” with the woman. 
The three men, who also cannot be named for legal reasons, have been remanded in custody as prosecutors and police continue a rape investigation.  Their victim is currently in the care of social services.
migrant campMakeshift migrant camps have popped up all around Paris and when they are destroyed by authorities another one appears nearby.  The capital's Socialist mayor, Anne Hidalgo, announced last week Paris will be opening its first official migrant camp next month. 
There will be capacity for 800 beds, with 400 immediately available when it opens close to the Gare du Nord Eurostar hub.  Kitchens, showers, wi-fi and a health centre with nurses - as well as a football pitch - will be available to all of its residents, the vast majority who will be young and male.


President Hollande calls on the French to embrace Islam

Thousands of European towns and cities now have NO-GO Zones that are inhabited by, and under the control of, Muslim migrants.  National sovereignty no longer applies there.

 Paris looks a lot better in
old Hollywood movies now


The Israeli PM gives sound advice

 to the beleaguered French President  



VIDEO - GOOD BYE SWEDEN - Europe's rape capital
By Pat Condell

More videos by Pat Condell



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