
Sunday, September 4, 2016

IS TRUMP ANTI-SEMITIC? IS HE A NAZI? - VIDEO: Four of his children are either married to or dating Jews - That means his grandchildren are Jewish - So far his statements have been reasonably pro-Israel

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Most American Jews are terminally liberal.  That means they vote for the same Democrat Party that has imported millions of Muslims into the United States who today threaten the safety and the life of Jewish students at colleges and universities.   The same Democrat Party that consistently promotes and supports anti-Israel policies. 
Defying logic and the most basic survival instinct most American Jews will  donate to, and vote for, anti-Semitic Hillary Clinton, while unfairly accusing pro-Israel Donald Trump of being a racist.   

Prior to Hitler's takeover in 1933 |German Jews refused to escape for safer shores because they believed that their civilized country would never hurt their Jewish citizens, many of whom proudly displayed medals awarded for heroism while defending their country in World War One. 
For people with such high IQs, Jews can be fatally naïve when it comes to assessing their own future security, and they consistently fail to predict how a sudden change in politics can make life impossible for Jews.   
Post World War Two Europe was pretty safe for Jews for a while.  Not anymore, with millions of virulently anti-Semitic Muslims living there.  The United States has also been a great country for Jews, who have generously paid back with their talent and creativity.  But the winds are shifting.  
Donald Trump's premonition should be heeded by everyone:  This election is THE LAST CHANCE to save America from the nation-destroying Democrats.
Watch VIDEO about Donald Trump's children links to Judaism by marriage, and his support for Israel.  

More videos by The Rebel Media
Caveat emptor:  The fact that his grandchildren are Jewish is not a guarantee that he will always try to be fair to Israel.  Hillary's grandchildren are half Jewish but that hasn't tempered her anti-Semitism. 

Trump being Trump, may at some point, if he becomes president, do what he promised to do:  To put America first in decisions that affect Israel.  If that means throwing Israel under the bus, he'll do it.  It is impossible to know exactly what a Trump presidency will be like.  Jews will just have to take chances with him as the best candidate available.
Hillary, however, regardless of campaign assurances, will certainly throw Israel under the bus.  Her sympathies have always been with the Palestinians, and now the Arabs practically own her.  Her presidency would be nothing less than a catastrophe  not just for Israel, but for America.   
Five items from Hillary Clinton's
 long anti-Semitic track record
She is regarded as the most anti-Semitic
presidential candidate ever 
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1. Attacking Bernie Sanders for his religion
Wikileaks released emails showing that senior officials in the Democratic National Committee (DNC) discussed helping Clinton by targeting Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for being a Jew and, they believed, possibly an atheist. “Does he believe in a God. He has said he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps.” The scandal forced several resignations.
2. Embracing the antisemitic Black Lives Matter movement. 
Clinton has tied herself closely to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization, whose platform accuses Israel of “genocide.” Clinton supporter Alan Dershowitz said: “Until and unless Black Lives Matter removes this blood libel from its platform and renounces it, no decent person — black, white, or of any other racial or ethnic background — should have anything to do with it.” Clinton has yet to renounce BLM or its views.
3. Promoting anti-Israel articles by anti-Israel authors. 
The State Department’s email dump of Clinton’s correspondence — revealed that she often shared and promoted articles attacking Israel. Some of them referred to the work of Max Blumenthal, the rabidly anti-Israel author who compares Israel to Nazi Germany — and who happens to be the son of her closest adviser, Sidney Blumenthal. Clinton was forced to distance herself from the younger Blumenthal after he attacked the late Elie Wiesel.
Hillary Clinton Suha Arafat (Sven Nackstrand / AFP / Getty)4. Kissing and embracing terrorist Yasser Arafat’s wife after she accused Israel of gassing Palestinians. 
In 2000, on a visit to the Palestinian Authority, Clinton kissed Suha Arafat (above) after the latter “accused the Israeli government of poisoning Palestinian women and children with toxic gas.” The charge was particularly jarring, given that the Nazis used poison gas to murder millions of Jews in the Holocaust. Clinton’s bizarre explanation for her behavior: “I did what I was expected to do.”
5. Supporting the Iran deal, the ransom, and Tim Kaine.
Clinton not only supported the Iran deal, but takes credit for the early negotiations that led to it. The deal shovels billions of dollars to the most antisemitic, terrorist regime in the world.
She failed to condemn the $400 million cash ransom paid for American hostages. And she chose Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) as her running mate, who not only backed the deal but boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech in 2015.
And then there is the antisemitism of her supporters, including actress Lena Dunham, who published an article last year, “Dog or Jewish Boyfriend? A Quiz.” Hillary Clinton embraced her regardless, joining her for an interview several months later.

Hillary intends to increase Syrian migration to America by 500%
VIDEO -  Watch "CLINTON CASH" full documentary movie based on the book about her Foundation and her shady record at the State Department

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