
Thursday, September 8, 2016

HILLARY WEARING EARPIECE AT FORUM? - IS SOMEONE ELSE DICTATING ANSWERS TO HER DURING INTERVIEWS? - The disturbing signs that Hillary appears to have too many physical and mental ailments to be president

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  • There is no official confirmation that the earpiece is a device to coach Hillary during interviews. 
  • hillary helpedWearing one is cheating, since last night's forum and other televised interviews are a chance to gauge her ability to think well and independently.
  • This issue is one more in a series of disturbing revelations about her ethics, and legitimate questions about her mental and physical health after she suffered from a concussion some time ago. 
  • The media and her supporters have no problem discussing the serious long-term effects of a concussion on football players. 
  • hillary stoolBut they keep silent and in a state of denial when the patient is the Democrats' candidate to the presidency. 
  • The first picture here shows her being assisted up the stairs because she appears to have balance difficulties and is prone to falling.
  • The second picture shows her in one of many occasions when she needed to sit down during her campaign, unable to stand on her feet for too long. 
  • She frequently needs to be propped up by pillows when sitting for an interview.
  • The third photo shows at least one male assistant holding her by the hand while she gives a speech.
  • On the fourth photo we see a neurologist, Dr. Okunola.  He has been spotted close to her at public gatherings, holding a diazepam autopen in his hand, a device used in case of seizures.
  • Cameras have caught her in what appear to be seizures, with her head bobbing up and down repeatedly, and in another occasion making bizarre faces at the sight of balloons.
  • If she becomes president her apparent inability to function independently and normally could have major consequences for the country and for the entire world. 
  • At best she will be directed and managed by unelected assistants.  A worst case scenario defies the imagination. 
  • The following media excerpts call attention to this disturbing new element in the Hillary saga.

From news reports and social media:  Was Hillary Clinton wearing an earpiece during last night’s presidential forum?

That’s the latest question swirling around the Internet after pictures appeared to show Hillary with some kind of flesh-colored device embedded inside her ear.

This is not the first time Clinton has faced charges that she was wearing an earpiece during a crucial event - similar claims were made after her appearance in front of the House Select Benghazi Hearing in October last year.
Of course, the earpiece could have just been a hearing aid, although there doesn’t appear to be any admission or record of Hillary wearing one in the past. 
VIDEO - The truth about Hillary Clinton's bizarre behavior

Cheating like this is not totally unexpected.  President Obama was accused of doing the same thing in the debates in 2012 with candidate Romney and some have warned that this may happen again a few weeks ago.  
The picture of the wireless earpiece above is similar to one Obama may have used during those debates.  There are pictures of him wearing one.
Continue reading and see more related images

In the next photos, there is some odd coloring in Obama’s ear that warrants speculation about him having an earpiece.
According to John Gaultier, the left arrow in the center picture is point to a strange, nearly vertical, line, while the arrow on the right is pointing at a semicircle of flesh that’s a different color than that of his skin:
 Obama Ear
Conservative actor James Woods drew attention the issue with the simple question, “Earpiece?” and a close up image of Hillary from last night’s forum.
An article by TruePundit which reported that Hillary was wearing an earpiece to receive “stealth coaching” during the NBC live town hall event.
“NYPD sources involved with the NBC forum’s security detail confirm Clinton was wearing an ‘inductive earpiece,” the same technology employed by almost all lead Broadway actors to receive forgotten lines and stealth off-stage cues from directors.
The flesh-colored earbud is easily concealed. There are no wires running directly to the ear like you see with the units employed by Secret Service protection detail personnel,” claimed the article.
Wireless Earpieces
The report goes on to provide technical details about the earpiece, asserting that it is “almost invisible to anyone” and is “normally issued to law enforcement or corporate security teams.”

The story also drew almost a thousand comments over on The Donald subreddit, with one user commenting, “Either she admits a health issue and says she’s deaf or she admits to cheating.”
“I commented earlier during the Town Hall saying her responses seemed a little slower than normal. Now it all makes sense,” responded another. 
Another user remarked that Hillary appeared to be uttering broken sentences such as “I think that’s an ex—- actly right way to proceed.”  
Woods also posted a Clinton email from the Wikileaks archive in which Huma Abedin asked Hillary, “Did u take your earpiece or do I need to get it?” 








Screen Shot 2016-09-08 at 12.23.47 PM

Neurologist Dr Oladotun A. Okunola, MD
Seen next to Hillary at many of her public appearances

He is assumed to be her seizure doctor.  He has been spotted close to Hillary carrying a device with an injection in his hand called a diazepam autopen.

hillary handler diazepam



Other related articles on Hillary Clinton's record

 - Also watch "CLINTON CASH" full documentary movie about her Foundation and her record at the State Department


Khizr Khan, father of fallen US Army Capt. Humayun S. M. Khan waves as he stands near the podium before speaking during the final day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia , Thursday, July 28, 2016. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)WHO IS THE MYSTERIOUS HILLARY SUPPORTER, MR KHIZR KHAN? 

 - Two investigative articles expose the TANGLED WEB between Mr Khan, Saudi Arabia, and the Clinton Foundation

Websites exposing Hillary Clinton news
that other media are covering up

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