
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

FBI botched Clinton investigation: Never disclosed Hillary and aides used covert Google server to hide Benghazi emails

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  • The corruption and incompetence of one individual in power is not as scary as finding evidence that the political system enables such corruption and incompetence to thrive. 
  • Whether Hillary Clinton becomes president or not, the system is the real problem.  As many say with despair, it's rigged.
  • There can be no checks and balances when much of the system is compromised.  
  • The following article by True Pundit reveals more on how government institutions and individuals, along with the media, have allowed the subversion of the American political and justice systems. 
 FBI Botched Clinton Investigation: Never Disclosed Hillary, Aides Used Covert Google Server to Hide Benghazi Emails
By True Pundit
It's like a bad spy movie involving a third-world government. Or perhaps a slap stick comedy. The Secretary of State of the United States reading, sending, receiving sensitive emails with national security secrets, threats and classified or top secret intelligence over Google’s public Gmail.   We expect this from chatting soccer moms but not from the top diplomat of the United States and her aides.
But it gets even worse. The FBI either never discovered this blatant and clandestine violation of federal laws or did and simply covered it up.  Following the Benghazi consulate attack in 2012, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton secretly worked with Google to reroute email traffic away from her private computer server and use public Google Gmail servers instead.
That clandestine move served to cloak her inner circle’s communications from lawmakers, public scrutiny and would-be criminal investigators, according to intelligence sources who provided documents to True Pundit.
These bombshell revelations shatter Clinton’s repeated claims and testimony that she solely used her private server in her Chappaqua NY home to conduct government business at State. But it also reveals that previously undisclosed computer servers were employed by Clinton and her aides for conducting official government business.
Lawmakers have been on a dogged and often frustrated quest to secure all of Clinton’s emails during her tenure as Secretary of State. She has maintained in interviews and testimony that all emails were warehoused on a single home brew server during her four years in office.
Perhaps more alarming, none of these revelations, or the intelligence which follows in this expose were included in the FBI’s recent “comprehensive” report released to the public detailing the bureau’s alleged dogged investigation into Clinton’s emails and home servers.
According to its report of the year-long investigation by 30 agents and administrative personnel and a secondary detail of its interrogation of Clinton, the FBI:
  • Failed to report that Clinton along with her top aides routed official State emails through Google’s public Gmail
  • Failed to pinpoint these missing post-Benghazi emails
  • Failed to subpoena Google for such stored or archived messages from its servers
  • Failed to even question Clinton or her aides about use or rerouting of emails through Google
  • Failed to question Google personnel involved with the setting up the server to handle Clinton’s emails
  • Failed to disclose Clinton’s use of Gmail for State business during sworn Congressional testimony
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