
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

CHEEKY OTTER BITES CROCODILE'S TAIL - Just for fun - So, how does it feel being prey instead of predator for a change Mr Crocodile?

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Startled crocodile is bitten on the tail and chased by a very cheeky otter
For a tiny animal, he clearly has a brave heart. The otter was pictured biting the croc's tail at the Jim Corbett National park in India before chasing him in circles. Despite the angry reptile's efforts to gobble him up, the otter proved elusive. Witness Raminder Singh said the otter 'certainly knew what he was doing'.
See more images of this unusual encounter

Oblivious: The otter sneaks up behind the crocodile before nibbling on his tail in a bizarre attack

Have a go hero? The otter is pictured nibbling at the tail of the fearsome croc at the Jim Corbett National Park in India

Prey turned predator: The incredible pictures show the otter chasing after the usually-terrifying crocodile

The crocodile tucks his tail in for fear of being bitten again

Quick footed: The otter escaped unharmed after its daring attack

Face off: Despite the best efforts of the crocodile to gobble up his attacker, the bold otter managed to escape unharmed

Angry: The croc was far from happy at being bitten, but was unable to get his teeth into the cheeky otter who attacked him

Triumphant: Despite dicing with danger, the otter was able to make an impressive getaway from the vexed reptile

Not to be messed with: The crocodile relaxing on a riverbank
Recovering from the humiliating encounter, the croc finally relaxes. 



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