
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

VIDEO - HOW TO DEFEND YOURSELF AGAINST A KNIFE ATTACK - The West condoned such acts as 'resistance' as long as the terrorists were Arabs and the victims were Jews - But as Jihadi stabbings increase in the West, they must now be exposed as terror based on Muslim Koranic decrees to kill the Infidel

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First they came for the Jews.  Arabs have been stabbing and massacring Israeli men, women and children for a long time.  But as long as the victims were Jews, the West condoned and dismissed such crimes as 'resistance'.   It was only after Muslim terrorists started targeting non-Jews in Europe and the USA that the West took notice and realized that those acts were nothing but centuries-old jihad based on Koranic decrees to kill the Infidel. 

How to defend yourself against a knife attack
Martial arts expert reveals the TWO easy to learn moves that could save your life.  Being armed with a gun would be even better, as you would be able to fully deter the assailant after you have put these moves into effect. 

How to defend yourself against a knife attack

Dalia Terret, who teaches classes at KB Fitness in Euston, London, has studied various martial arts for more than 35 years and has even taught the Metropolitan Police lifesaving self-defence techniques. This one-minute video shows Dalia, who has experience teaching Judo, kickboxing and Jujutsu, demonstrating a number of moves that could be used against an attacker wielding a knife, should the worst case scenario arise.
Continue and watch VIDEO, and read quotes from the Koran calling for the killing of the Infidel.


Those who engage in terror are just trying to be good Muslims, and to follow the dictates of the Koran, which to them represents the will of Allah. 


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