
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

"TRIBAL BEHAVIOR AND THE LAW OF THE JUNGLE have replaced the RULE OF LAW" says Milwaukee BLACK Sheriff David Clarke, and blames the Democrats welfare state for the collapse of social order in black ghettos, which have regressed to a state of violence usually seen in Sub-Sahara Africa

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Sheriff David Clarke: The social order collapsed on Saturday night. When social order collapses tribal behavior takes over. The law of the jungle replaces the rule of law and that’s why you end up with what you saw. Last night it was a little better, not good enough for me. I won’t be satisfied until these creeps crawl back into their holes.  ... What causes riots are failed liberal urban policies, not police shootings.  Things were not this bad when I was growing up.  Then came the Democrats' welfare state.

Watch this fascinating VIDEO


This is the appalling state of American society, as a result of Democrat Party liberal policies - Sheriff David Clarke:
You are on your own.


Image result for images milwaukee riot 2016
  • The following video by Stefan Molyneux puts the riots in Milwaukee in social and historical context. 
  • You may be surprised to find how statistics expose the welfare state's pernicious effect on Afro-American families and the black community at large.  
  • Black families were much stronger and upwardly mobile before Lyndon Johnson and his Democrat Party unleashed the War on Poverty 
  • The welfare state has penalized the institution of marriage, by paying women who have children out of wedlock. 
  • Welfare programs reward the very behaviors that get them dependent on the government.
  • The Democrat agenda is to keep more and more people addicted to government programs, thus ensuring an increasing supply of Democrat voters. 
  • (The same idea is behind the importation of hundreds of thousands of Muslims into America by the Obama administration.  They too lack the skills to fully integrate into the economy.)
  • The levels of violence and HIV rates in black ghettos mirror those of the most afflicted areas in sub-Sahara Africa.
  • Up to 1965 - when Johnson launched the War on Poverty -  the number of Americans living under the poverty line had been declining.  Black poverty rate had been cut in half between 1940 and 1960.  Listen to this on 14.0 minute on this video.

Stefan Molyneux of Freedom Radio comments about the riot in Milwaukee up to minute 11.  After that he addresses the social and political background of this violence. Stunning statistics come after minute 14.00.

More videos by Stefan Molyneux

Continue reading and see more articles and photos of the mayhem in Milwaukee

So there's black racism, after all
White reporters, who have been vehemently denying black racism, are now afraid to go to Milwaukee because their white race may be enough of a reason for them getting assaulted.
An independent journalist has quit reporting from Milwaukee, saying that the situation is too dangerous for anyone who looks like a white person to be walking the streets.

The National Guard had to be brought in to try and quell the unrest last night as protesters rallied in the streets (pictured) while today they imposed a 10pm curfew for teenagers“For those that are perceivably white, it is just not safe to be here … that’s why I’m deciding to leave,” reporter Tim Pool said in a video.
He posted the video to his Youtube page to inform fans that he was pulling out of Milwaukee because the rioters have targeted white people for attacks. 

Pool, an award winning reporter who gained notice by his coverage of the Occupy Wall Street protests in Chicago back in 2011, said even though he is not strictly white, he said he felt in danger as the protests morphed from a complaint over a police shooting to an excuse to attack white people simply for being white.

- The media censors news that expose black racist violence against whites, Asians and Jews.
 - The media prefers to impose their narrative of blacks as victims instead of perpetrators
 - WATCH VIDEOS and read columns by author COLIN FLAHERTY on the epidemic of black racist violence in America

Blacks killing blacks in gun-controlled,
Democrat-ruled Chicago
As Milwaukee Burned, Chicago Bloodshed Continued with 46 Wounded, 9 Killed in 72 Hours
From Friday afternoon to the first few hours of Monday morning, the perennial weekend bloodletting in Chicago continued with a loss of nine lives among 46 shootings across the city.
Victims included a 6-year-old girl, identified by relatives as India Tinker (pictured), who was wounded in the arm when a group of men opened fire as she and her family got out of a car in the West Pullman neighborhood.  As Chicago’s CBS affiliate reports, the girl “is the 26th child under age 13 to be shot in Chicago in 2016.”

in images

A 24-year-old cop shot and killed Smith after a traffic stop and foot chase earlier in the day. Pictured is a squad car that was set on fire

A BP gas station (pictured) had been set on fire during the violent protests in Milwaukee 

Violent protests erupted in Milwaukee after more than 100 people gathered in a standoff with police following the shooting. Pictured are burned cars in the parking lot of the BP gas station from Saturday night's riots 

Milwaukee Metro PCS Looted Twitter Fox6
Looting PCS cellphone store

A total of four buildings had been set on fire, including the gas station

Sheriff David Clarke said Sunday that a repeat of the previous night's violence on the city's north side cannot be allowed and asked governor Scott Walker for assistance 

Milwaukee riot images-

Looting -

Obama's race war arrives.  Whites hunted on streets of Milwaukee, beaten bloody during riots (Video)
Obama and Democrats have been feeding this bear for years ever since Obama came into office.
They stoked the fire of racial hatred in Ferguson.
And rioters burned down the business district.

riots milwaukeeAs a reward, Obama invited the protest leaders to the White House – several times.
Last night in Milwaukee black rioters hunted down whites like dogs.
So this is what “Hope and Change” was all about?

At least four businesses were torched to the ground.
Rioters targeted whites last night in Milwaukee.
The clip shows angry rioters chanting “black power!” before asking “is they white?” as cars slowly drive past.
“Yeah they white!” states someone else, prompting the mob to run towards the vehicle.
“Yeah they white, get their ass!” screams another.
“Hey they beatin’ up every white person!” exclaims another rioter.
“He white – beat his head – bitch!” he adds.
The footage appears to show the mob attacking cars and trying to drag out the drivers.
The footage then cuts to an upper floor window before the person shooting the video states, “I think they just beat some white bitch ass for no reason – they bust open the window.”


Hillary supporter (pictured on the right) brags on video about looting white-owned businesses

milwaukee protester
Milwaukee Rioter:  Rich people got all this money... Don't give us none, so we burn gas stations (video)


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