
Wednesday, August 3, 2016


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Jonas said: 'It was very unique, usually strong storms occur around afternoon or late evening but this one arrived with perfect timing at sunrise.
The images were taken over the windmills of Kinderdijk, Netherlands by photographer Jonas Piontek, who stayed awake all night waiting for the storm to arrive.  The storm arrived at sunrise and created this strange orange and purple scene.  The same storm produced over 100,000 lightning strikes over the English Channel.

See more amazing images

'The first light of the sunrise started to paint the shelf cloud in a nice mix of orange and purple, ever intensifying the feeling.


 'We really thought about sleeping an hour before and everyone was overwhelmed by the luck we had with the decision to stay up and wait for the storm.'
'It was like we were standing in between two different worlds, having the warm sun behind us while witnessing a severe looking storm moving straight towards us.'
According to Jonas, shelf clouds are not that rare in themselves but it takes a lot of work and luck to take a photo which does justice to their magnitude.
'We knew that the storm was a cycling super-cell and they usually can become really severe, but we realised quite soon that the blue-shimmering core would miss us by just a few kilometres to our north.'
Before this supercharged storm soared over an idyllic world heritage site, it had produced over 100,000 lightning strikes over Northern France and the English Channel
Capturing such a dangerous and imposing shelf cloud above the beautiful windmills was no easy task for Jonas who described the experience as unforgettable

More images of beautiful and unusual CLOUDS on this blog

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