
Monday, August 22, 2016

SOROS TOLD OBAMA TO ACCEPT 100,000 MIGRANTS A YEAR, AND OBAMA DID JUST THAT according to leaked memo - Hillary Clinton has also promised Open Borders for millions of new migrants (future Democrat voters) - Thousands of infiltrators from Muslim countries have been crossing into the US from Mexico for years, sometimes aided by Drug Cartels

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-  He 'persuaded' the US government to increase to 100,000 the yearly number of migrants from Muslim countries into the country. 
-  This in addition to the non-enforcement of immigration laws to those already illegally in the US. 
Report exposes how thousands of Muslims, some with terrorist ties, are already infiltrating the migration route from Mexico, according to border police.  They know they won't be deported.
  • Democrats are aware that their Open Borders immigration policy will be deleterious to the safety and the culture of the USA - just as it been in Britain and the rest of Europe. 
  • Muslim migrants have turned Europe from a vacation paradise into a hellhole, with acts of criminality, violence, and terror. 
  • There are now daily rape of women and children, and killings of innocent people on board trains, in the streets, everywhere -  all done in the name of Islam.
  • The rising costs of fighting domestic terror and paying social benefits to millions of newcomers is hurting Europe's economy.
  • A new report  highlights the growing and alarming infiltration of Muslims among migrants crossing the border with Mexico.
  • Between October 2015 and May 2016, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) detained 5,350 African and Asian migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border.
  • There is growing support for Trump among Afro-Americans, Latinos, and established immigrants.  They understand too well the threat to jobs and security from out-of-control migration into the country. 
  • Hacked emails prove how Soros has spent enormous amounts of money supporting groups that demonize ISRAEL and that engage in activities aimed at isolating and weakening that country.
  • On the following article see how Soros gives orders and Democrats obey.  That's the power of money on a corrupt political system.  

By Aaron Klein, for Breitbart
Hacked documents from George Soros’s Open Society Institute state that the billionaire and his foundation helped to successfully press the Obama administration into increasing to 100,000 the total number of refugees taken in by the U.S. annually, Breitbart Jerusalem has found. 

The documents reveal that the billionaire personally sent President Obama a letter on the issue of accepting refugees.  The hacked memo also shows that the billionaire’s foundation pressed the U.S. government to enact two other major policy objectives regarding the intake of Syrian refugees.
Continue reading this and related articles

The information was contained in a detailed 69-page Open Society report on the agenda of an Open Society U.S. Programs board meeting held in New York from October 1 to October 2, 2015.

A timeline demonstrates that at last one of those policies – providing more financing to overseas refugee efforts – was indeed implemented by the Obama administration, while it isn’t clear whether the administration was reacting directly to the Soros group’s campaign in that case.

Regarding the increase in the total number of refugees accepted annually by the U.S., the board meeting memo states that, before the meeting, Soros himself, as well as the Open Society Foundation and a coalition of groups supported by Soros, had already helped to successfully lobby the Obama administration to take in 100,000 refugees starting in 2017 as opposed to the earlier quota of 70,000.

“In the face of this pressure, the Obama administration announced Sept. 20 that by 2017, it would raise to 100,000 the total number of refugees the U.S. takes worldwide each year,” the document states.
The memo describes the successful lobbying efforts:
Over the course of several weeks, we, along with our colleagues in the Washington office led by Stephen Rickard, combined to undertake very active efforts to support a request to the Administration to provide a special allocation of an additional 100,000 refugee slots for Syrians and significantly expanded resources for international aid efforts. George Soros made such a request to President Obama in a recent letter, and 18 mayors across America are committed to welcoming refugees to their cities in numbers surpassing the administration’s proposal. 
We used the extensive networks we have developed to help engage an array of actors, most of whom were sympathetic to the cause but had not focused on the issue. In part, our active role reflects our observation that the refugee advocacy community, while long-standing and sophisticated in the inner workings of refugee policy, does not have a strong advocacy capacity or deep grassroots ties.  
In the course of our work, we were able to generate engagement by a group of mayors through Emma Lazarus II Fund grantee Cities United for Immigration Action; the civil rights and immigrant rights community, through long-time grantee the Leadership Council for Civil and Human Rights; liberal and conservative former national security and state department officials with the help of grantee Human Rights First; and some conservative voices, such as evangelical Christians and Southern Baptists through grantee National Immigration Forum.  
In the face of this pressure, the Obama administration announced Sept. 20 that by 2017, it would raise to 100,000 the total number of refugees the U.S. takes worldwide each year. While we applaud this development, it falls short of the proposed special allocation. We and allied advocates believe the U.S. can and should do more.
Secretary of State John Kerry announced last September that the U.S. would increase from 70,000 to 100,000 the number of worldwide refugees that it accepts.
A section of the Open Society document relates that Soros and the foundation “pushed for three specific policy objectives” from the Obama administration:
As George Soros and the parts of the foundation that focus on the Middle East, Africa, and Europe direct major resources and attention to that crisis, we have moved to press the United States government to respond at a level consistent with the global crisis. 
Working in close coordination with our colleagues in the DC Advocacy office, we (in support of George Soros) have pushed for three specific policy objectives:  
(1) an increase in the worldwide refugee authorization from the pre-existing 70,000 to one commensurate with the need, (2) an increase in resources to the relevant government agencies to expand their ability to process individuals under the existing numbers (noting that the United States has only processed 1,500 Syrians since 2011 even though existing authority allows 10,000 as of now), and (3) an increase in the financing for efforts overseas, recognizing that the United States is and remains the largest funder of support for these efforts. George Soros’ letter to President Obama is included here.
In the document itself, the text that states “George Soros’ letter to President Obama is included here” is hyperlinked and brings readers to an internal Open Society Foundation’s account that requires users to first log in.
Regarding the third policy objective of an increase in financing to overseas refugee efforts, the Obama administration announced in September 2015, one month before the Open Society’s board meeting of that year, that it would inject $419 million more in humanitarian aid to, as the Washington Post reported, “assist Syrian refugees and the countries that are hosting them.”



- They reveal how he finances organizations dedicated to the demonization and undermining of ISRAEL 
 - Leaked e-mails also reveal Puppet Master Soros giving orders to HILLARY CLINTON, to whom he has been donating millions for years

George Soros seems more like an evil character from the James Bond series than an elderly Holocaust survivor. 
  • As a Jewish youngster he happily collaborated with the Nazis during the persecution and annihilation of the Jews.
  • He called his time with the Nazis the most exciting and happy of his life.
  • Having enriched himself he has dedicated his money to undermine Europe, the US, and Israel.
  • He funds the hate group Black Lives Matter, whose members incite violence against white people and against cops. 
  • He is the author of the Open Borders policy of Angela Merkel, one of his many puppets in high places.
  • Leaked emails reveal that he is also the puppet master behind Hillary Clinton's agenda.  Chilling.
  • New hacked emails also expose he gives millions of dollars to anti-Israel organizations. 
  • The names of the these organizations (also funded by European countries) are misleading, since they appear to have humanitarian purposes. 
  • Their true goal, however, is to undermine the State of Israel through activities such as international boycotts, disinformation, breaking the law, inciting Arab and leftist violence in Israel, and demonizing Israel abroad.  The damage they do is incalculable. 


    Report: Illegal Migrants from Terror-Linked Countries Surging at Southern Border

    U.S. officials are trying to establish closer cooperation with various Latin American nations to combat an increase in the number of illegal migrants from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East attempting to sneak into the United States.

    Between October 2015 and May 2016, the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency, a component of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), detained 5,350 African and Asian migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border, according to Reuters..  
    The apprehensions of illegals from Africa and Asia during that period marks an increase from those that took place in all of 2015 (4,261) and 2014 (1,831).
    In its report, Reuters highlighted attempted entries into the U.S. by individuals from Pakistan, Syria, and Afghanistan, which the U.S. considers to be terrorism-linked countries.
    Most countries considered by the U.S. government to be linked to terrorism are located in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. American border authorities are trying to stop the illegal migrants at the Mexico border with Guatemala, before they reach the United States.
    Reuters reports:
    U.S. agents deployed to an immigration facility on Mexico’s southern border have vetted the more than 640 migrants from countries outside the Americas who have been detained at the center since October 2015, according to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documents reviewed by Reuters… 
    The U.S. agents’ findings come as Mexican immigration data show 6,342 Asian, African and Middle Eastern migrants were apprehended trying to enter Mexico in the first six months of this year. That was up from 4,261 in all of 2015, and 1,831 in 2014. 
    U.S. border apprehensions point to the same trend. Between October 2015 and May 2016, U.S. agents apprehended 5,350 African and Asian migrants at the U.S. Southwest border. That’s up from 6,126 in all of fiscal year 2015 and 4,172 in all of fiscal year 2014.
    “The reality is that the vast majority of the people that Mexico encounters that are extra-continental will eventually end up on our border,” an unnamed official from CBP, told Reuters.
    The Reuters report came soon after Central American authorities dismantled a human trafficking network dedicated to smuggling illegal migrants into the United States from terror-linked countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
    Moreover, the top American military official in Latin America and the Caribbean, U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) chief Navy Adm. Kurt W. Tidd, recently warned that there are various networks in his area of responsibility that specialize in trafficking illegals into the United States from countries affiliated with terrorism.
    He noted that both the Shiite Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, an Iranian proxy, and the Sunni Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) are known to operate in the region.
    Reuters points out:
    Washington is seeking closer coordination with several Latin American countries to tackle a jump in migrants from Asia, Africa and the Middle East who it believes are trying to reach the United States from the south on an arduous route by plane, boat and through jungle on foot…
    The migrants often fly to Brazil, obtain fake passports there, and are smuggled to Panama before heading through Central America to Mexico’s porous southern border, according to transcripts of 14 interviews conducted at the center and other internal briefing documents seen by Reuters…
    U.S. concerns about potential security risks from migrants using the unusual and circuitous southern route have been growing in recent years, following a string of Islamic State-inspired attacks in the West and the surge in Syrian refugees fleeing that country’s civil war.
    Breitbart Texas previously released leaked documents from CBP showing that hundreds of individuals from 75 countries outside the Americas, including some compromised by terrorist organizations, were attempting to sneak into the United States through the southern border.

    Mexican Cartels smuggle terrorists into the USA


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