
Friday, August 12, 2016

INSECT-SIZED SPY DRONE WITH DRAGONFLY WINGS MAKES SPYING EASY - Smart tech, dumb border control - While Europeans develop anti-terror gadgets, they allow hordes of jihadists into their own countries

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  • The gadget could even fly into heavily guarded rooms full of jihadists and provide soldiers on the battlefield a picture of what is going onFirst, you may ask yourself why is British intelligence revealing the existence of this gadget.  In fact, this is a variation of spying technology that has been around for many years. 
  • Next, you may wonder at the UTTER ABSURDITY of our culture, where we develop ever more sophisticated technology to deal with Jihadists - while we invite millions of them to settle into our countries. 
  • The West, particularly Europe, is driving itself into bankruptcy by paying social services to million of Muslims who have very little chance of becoming a productive workforce.
  • In addition, billions of euros are needed to pay for extra policing, and terror monitoring expenses. 
  • These costs are rising exponentially as the number of Muslim migrants and their offspring increase to the point where sometime in mid-century they will outnumber indigenous Europeans.  
  • Economic collapse before cultural collapse?  The economic collapse of many European countries may happen before white Europeans become a minority.  Sweden appears to be first in line. 
  • European governments have given up.  They just can't keep up with threats and acts of Muslim terror so, as the French PM recently told the citizens he is supposed to protect:  Just learn to live with terrorism.  
  • Openly waving the white flag of surrender would be rather embarrassing, so authorities engage in make-believe resistance, or what could be compared to rearranging the deck chairs in a sinking Titanic.
  • They catch a few jihadists here and there, they threaten to ban burkas and close down radical mosques, and they develop spying gadgets - all for show - while they continue to admit millions of potential jihadists. 
  • At the same time, and with a straight face, governments and media vehemently deny all connection between Islam and terror.
  • Governments' refusal to enforce border control has been characterized as TREASON.  Based on current evidence and demographic trends, the end of European civilization is not IF anymore, but WHEN. 
  • Our elites are just trying to make the transition into the Dark Ages as smooth as possible, by appeasing the occupier through silencing anti-Islamization dissent, and any comment calling attention to Muslim violence and crime. 
  • Law-abiding people are being investigated, threatened, and even incarcerated, for the crime of insulting Islam.  Even victims of rape are told to be silent.  News media and social media are fully collaborating in this censorship.
  • Governments have created a situation where the public fears both Muslim violence and government oppression.  Shocking as it may seem, this is nothing short of collaboration with terror for the dismantlement of European civilization.   

Britain brags about their insect-sized spy drone.  Yes, sure, nobody will notice it.   

  • The tiny drone has four wings and four legs to let it perch on surfaces
  • The gadget could even fly into heavily guarded rooms full of jihadists and provide soldiers on the battlefield a picture of what is going on
  • Other new devices include a Star Wars style laser weapons system, and mobile robots that can detect chemical weapons 
  • Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said the MoD’s new innovation initiative would ‘help keep Britain safe’.  He said this with a straight face, while his government allows millions of Muslims, most of them with radical Islamist ideology, to invade and settle in the country - at taxpayers' expense.
  • In the meantime any Muslim with something as simple as a kitchen knife or a truck can wreak havoc.

    DAILY MAIL - It is one of the futuristic pieces of kit currently being developed for the Ministry of Defence and the UK’s security forces as part of the MoD’s new innovation project.
    Continue reading about this drone and other innovations to fight terror.  See illustrations explaining these technologies.

    The Dragonfly drone is inspired by the biology of a dragonfly, with four flapping wings and four legs to enable it to fly through the air seamlessly and perch on a windowsill to spy on terrorists
    A Star-Wars style laser weapons system which will be able to burn holes in enemy drones will also be added to the Army’s new kit.
    Currently in development, the laser will target and defeat aerial threats such as drones or conventional aircraft from the ground.
    The hugely powerful and accurate device will be able to attack the enemy in three ways.
    For the most deadly impact, it would wipe the aircraft out by burning a hole in it and destroying its electronics.
    It could also blind aircrew in the cockpit and force them to land.
    Thirdly, the laser could be fired at the sensors on the aircraft and overload it with light so it does not work anymore.
    The aircraft could still fly but it would not be able to fire missiles or drop bombs.
    Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said the MoD’s new innovation initiative would ‘help keep Britain safe’.
    He said: ‘This new approach will help to keep Britain safe while supporting our economy with our brightest brains keeping us ahead of our adversaries.
    ‘Backed by a defence budget that will rise every year until the end of the decade, it will ensure that the UK maintains its military advantage in an increasingly dangerous world.’
    A mobile robot which can detect chemical weapons is also being created.
    It would be sent into hazardous environments where nerve agents and other toxic chemicals were feared to have been used and see what has been contaminated.
    This would help protect soldiers from entering lethal areas.
    The army will also be equipped with sensors that will use gravity to survey underground structures in minutes rather than weeks.
    The army will also be equipped with sensors that will use gravity to survey underground structures in minutes rather than weeks 
    The army will also be equipped with sensors that will use gravity to survey underground structures in minutes rather than weeks 
    The device is currently in design stage but once it is built it will be able to help soldiers compile a picture of underground tunnels such as those being used by jihadists in Syria and Iraq.
    Using specialised headgear, personnel could see simulated aircraft, enemy personnel and vehicles appearing on the real surrounding landscape, immersing and testing soldiers in complex joint forces situations
    Using specialised headgear, personnel could see simulated aircraft, enemy personnel and vehicles appearing on the real surrounding landscape, immersing and testing soldiers in complex joint forces situations
    Virtual reality helmets are also being designed which would enable pilots to train on the ground rather than in the skies using simulated air strikes.
    The headgear would enable personnel to see aircraft, enemy personnel and vehicles appearing on the real surrounding landscape.
    The Dragonfly micro-drone has cutting edge sensing technology enables it to gather intelligence in both the day and night.
    Its sensors enable it to detect incoming objects and buildings enabling it to avoid obstacles at high speeds.
    Their details have been released as the government today (FRI) launched a new defence innovative initiative.
    The plan is aimed to gain an advantage for the UK’s defence and security forces.
    The Dragonfly drone ¿ which can fit in the palm of a hand - will spy on enemy positions and gather intelligence for the military and British agents
    The gadget could even fly into heavily guarded rooms full of jihadists and provide soldiers on the battlefield a picture of what is going on.  The Dragonfly drone – which can fit in the palm of a hand - will spy on enemy positions and gather intelligence for the military and British agents
    An Innovation and Research Insights Unit will analyse emerging technologies and make sure the UK maintains its military advantage over other countries.
    Companies and individuals will be asked to pitch to a Dragon’s Den style panel – backed by a fund of around £800milllion of 10 years.
    The idea is to take more risks in backing ideas. The full launch of the initiative will be in September.
    The MoD currently spends 20 per cent of its science and technology budget on so-called ‘disruptive capability projects’ aimed to shake-up the industry.
    It pays for the development of the micro-drone, gravity sensor and laser technology.


    - A micro-drone with flapping wings and four legs inspired by the biology of a dragonfly. It will be used in intelligence-gathering in future operations.

    - Star-Wars style laser weapon which can burn through drones rendering them useless, and blind pilots on conventional aircraft. 

    - Mobile robots that detect chemical weapons so military personnel don’t have to risk lives. 

    - Sensors that use gravity to survey underground structures in minutes. 

    - Virtual reality helmets to practice calling in simulated air strikes. These would enable pilots to train on the ground rather than in the skies using simulated air strikes.






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