
Thursday, August 18, 2016

FIERCE CAT NAMED BABY ATTACKS SEVEN PITBULLS AT ONCE to protect her owner - Dogs needed veterinary care after the attack. - Baby, a fearless bodyguard, has attacked dogs before, when they came too close to her owner.

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  • Never underestimate your sweet kitten.  She has a tiger inside. 
  • The dogs said the scratches were no too bad.  It was the humiliation they couldn't stand. 
  • 5 cat attack folo
    BABY -  Looks so sweet and innocent
    An amazing bodyguard.
    Maybe they'll need life-long psychological therapy after their traumatic ordeal.     
  • "The dogs were walking by, completely minding their own business," Kyla Grover, owner of a couple of the dogs, said.
  • "The cat just goes at all of the dogs, not backing down."
  • She said the dogs were all on leashes and just barked as this kitty went ape. 
  • Kyla Grover said that the cat started swiping at the dogs when it caught onto Bandida's face, biting and scratching Grover in the process.
  • The cat's name is Baby.  Her owner, Del Thompson, said that Baby was just protecting his wife, who was gardening when the dogs were walking by. 
  • "She's an older cat. She sleeps most of the time, so she doesn't have any reaction to anything really, except when dogs come near my wife. Then she acts like a guard dog," Thompson said.
  • He said "it could've been a lot worse" and said the cat has attacked other dogs before.
  • Thompson will pay for the veterinary costs for the injured and humiliated pitbulls.
  • The dog owner is calling for a Dangerous Cat Bylaw.
Thompson's wife, Betty Jean, was outside gardening when the attack took place.  She says she was shocked to see so many dogs. 

Javiera Rodriguez says her pit bull, Bandida, was attacked by a cat yet there are no bylaws in the municipality of Saanich, B.C., against dangerous animals other than dogs.“You could see how a little cat would think someone was going to attack her when you see seven dogs in front of our house,” she says.

The 78-year-old says one of the dogs — Bandida — came onto the boulevard near their property line and she was worried the dogs would try to chase Baby.
“I yelled out, get those dogs out of here I have a cat!” Thompson says. “She pulled the dog back and it reared up and kinda looked like a horse.”
That’s when Baby attacked.  By the time Betty Jean was able to get up, she says Bandida was fighting back. 
“The dog had the cat in her mouth, by the back of the throat, and it looked like our cat was a rag doll,” she says. “It looked like our cat was dead and I thought the dogs were going to rip it apart.”
Fearing the worst, Betty Jean says she tried to intervene by putting her gardening mat in front of the dog’s eyes to break up the fight.  She’s upset the dogs owners’ said she didn’t help.
In the end, Kyla Grover separated the animals and she and Bandida were the only ones hurt.  The Thompsons, who paid the vet bill, admit Baby’s protective but say in 16 years there have only been one or two incidents.  “I have seen her just nip a little bit at a dog’s rear foot,” Betty Jean says. “But nothing ever like this.” 
They say Baby sleeps most of the time, and that’s all she did when our cameras were there to see her.  “Like most cats she doesn’t do a lot exciting, really.”  Except for this strange story, which will have pit bulls staying away from her kitty corner.  Baby is 16 years old and has trouble walking due to arthritis.
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Call for a Dangerous Cat Bylaw

A pitbull owner is calling for a change to animal bylaws in Saanich, British Columbia, Canada, after her dog was viciously attacked by a cat.
Javiera Rodriguez told CBC News a house cat attacked her pitbull while they were out for a walk with a group of six other pit bulls and their owners on Monday evening.
"The cat actually ran towards the dogs and started swiping at [my] dog's face," Rodriguez said.
Her three-year-old dog, Bandida, suffered scratches on the face, ears and chin. Rodriguez was also scratched in the attack. She described the cat as being average in size with fluffy fur.
Kyla Grover, the owner of two of the other dogs on the walk, said she couldn't believe what she saw.
Pit bull attacked
"At first I was just shocked that this cat would go after seven dogs," she said. "I thought it would get scared and run away but it never did." 
She said she stepped in to help halt the attack.  "Bandida being a pit bull, I knew if something were to happen she would get blamed and I couldn't have that happen, so I just needed to get them apart," she said.

Grover also received puncture wounds and scratches that had to be treated in an emergency room, which took  five hours she said.
When Rodriguez reported the attack to the municipality, she found out Saanich only has bylaws on dangerous dogs.   "Regardless of what kind of pet you have, owners should be held responsible," she said.
Within the larger government district that encompasses Saanich, the Capital Regional District, there is a bylaw that prevents animals from being uncontrolled anywhere other than on its owner or caretaker's property.
One of the owners of the cat, Del Thompson, has apologized and has paid for Rodriguez's veterinary bills.
He said "it could've been a lot worse" and said the cat has attacked other dogs before.
"She sleeps most of the time so she doesn't have any reaction to anything really, except when dogs come by my wife — then she acts like a guard dog," he said.
Seeing as pit bulls are continuously viewed as one of the most dangerous types of dogs (and are giving us many reasons to believe so) this cute vicious cat proves to us that the animal double standard is alive and, well, looks can be deceiving.

You can watch TV interview with Baby's parents here

From now on let's look at cats with due respect.

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