
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

BRITAIN ALLOWED 8,000 NAZIS OF A WAFFEN SS DIVISION ACCUSED OF GRUESOME WAR CRIMES to settle in Britain - Some are still drawing pensions - Britain did this after having denied entry to desperate Jews who ended up dying in concentration camps or at the hands of the same genocidal Waffen SS Division that was welcomed into Britain after the war

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The Galizien division, pictured here swearing an oath to Adolf Hitler, was accused of war crimes during the war but nothing was ever proven
Recruits of the Waffen SS Galizien Division swear oath to Adolf Hitler - After the war, at the Nuremberg trials, this Division was accused of gruesome war crimes.  In spite of that Britain welcomed 8000 of them.
  • The British people were never too uncomfortable with Hitler's ideology.  It was the inspiring Winston Churchill's leadership that mobilized them to resist and fight back. 
  •  Read More
    Britons who lived under Nazi occupation in the Channel Islands happily collaborated, or at least tolerated, their Nazi lords. 
  • The British were indirect collaborators with the Holocaust by denying entry to Jews being persecuted and killed by the Nazi regime.
  • Britain admitted a number of Jewish children refugees because they thought they could be de-Judeized and Christianized.
  • At the end of World War I the British government had been entrusted with administering the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine.
  • The British proceeded to violate the Mandate by stealing half of the land that was to be returned to the Jews, and giving it to the Arabs instead, creating the brand-new country of Jordan, which had never existed in history before. 
  • During and after World War II British attitude towards European Jews was utterly disgraceful, as they denied them entry not only to Britain, but to their own Jewish ancestral land of Israel.
  • After World War II the British kept Jewish survivors of the Holocaust in dismal concentration camps behind barbed wire, to prevent them from returning to Israel.   Photo on the right shows one of those camps in Cyprus.
  • Creating Jordan was the first partition of Jewish land.  The British are still agitating for another partition of what's left, so as to create the terror state of Islamic Palestine.
  • Coincidentally, Palestinian Arabs too were involved in the Holocaust.  Their leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem, lived in Berlin and collaborated with Hitler and other top Nazis in expediting the Final Solution.
  • The Mufti created his own Nazi Waffen SS Division of Muslim Bosnians, which was also guilty of massive war crimes. 
  • Ostap Kykawec, 92 was a lieutenant in the Galizien division of the Waffen SS
    Ostap Kykawec, 92
    Waffen SS Lieutenant
    Still living in Britain
    After the war he was allowed to escape justice, and dedicated the rest of his life to train Arab Nazis, such as Yassir Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, for the murder of Jews and the destruction of Israel. 
  • Muslim Nazi Mahmoud Abbas is the current Palestinian leader, and a favorite among European leaders and the Vatican. 
  • Hitler and Nazism are greatly admired among Palestinian Arabs.  Occasionally they even display home-made Nazi flags, and the Palestinian militia routinely makes the Nazi salute.
  • It's not surprising that the British, who have never felt any sympathy for Jewish victims of Nazism, were not troubled at all about welcoming Nazi war criminals into Britain with full rights and benefits.
  • The British were not alone in this.  Germany also allowed thousands of well-known Nazi war criminals to return to normal life, providing them with jobs, benefits and pensions. 
  • And the British and the Americans actually hired German war criminals for intelligence work after the war.  Many ended up working for the State Department.  This scandal has been well documented by historians.   See references further on this page.
  • Around 25 officers in Hitler's Waffen SS regiment drawing pensions in UK
  • Some were members of the Galizien division accused of war crimes

  • Surviving soldiers naturally deny any involvement in illegal activity 
  • The Waffen SS was branded 'criminal' for carrying out public massacres 
  •  It is believed the UK allowed around 8,000 members of the Galizien to re-settle here after they surrendered, with around 25 still living today. 

  • Officers in Adolf Hitler's notorious Waffen SS are living in the UK and drawing government pensions, it has been revealed.   Two Ukrainian members of the Galizien division, which has long been suspected of war crimes, have admitted their commissions in the unit but denied any illegal activity during the Second World War. 

    The Waffen SS was formed in 1933 as a militant organisation that was initially only open to people of 'Aryan' ancestry until 1940 when the rules were relaxed during the war and people of other ethnicities were allowed to join or were conscripted.  It was condemned as 'criminal' in the post-war Nuremberg Trials due to a number of wide-scale civilian and prisoner massacres committed in France, Italy, Belgium and Russia between 1940 and 1944.

    Heinrich Himler, pictured inspecting Galizien troops, oversaw the Waffen SS for Hitler
    Heinrich Himmler inspects the Galizien Division of the Waffen SS.  He was in charge of overseeing this Division.  Himmler was the architect of the Holocaust and members of that Division actively participated in the genocide of Jews.

    Continue reading and see references and videos

    The Galizien was condemned as 'criminal' in the post-war Nuremberg Trials due to a number of wide-scale civilian and prisoner massacres committed in France, Italy, Belgium and Russia between 1940 and 1944

    According to The Sun, Myron Tabora, 90, of Lichfield, Staffordshire, and Ostap Kykawec, 92, of Keighley, West Yorkshire, were both lieutenants in the Galizien.
    Retired engineer Mr Tabora told the paper: 'I never fired a rifle. I went to the Austrian front but I didn't know of any men committing crimes.'  Mr Kykawec added: 'I never fought the British and Americans. I fought the Russians. We didn't take part in any crimes.' 
    Jaroslaw Wenger, 93, pictured, admitted 'rounding up partisans' for the German army police but said he didn't know what happened to them afterwards
    Jaroslaw Wenger
    But Jaroslaw Wenger, 93, of Ashton-under-Lyne, Greater Manchester, admitted he 'rounded up' partisans and 'took them to the German army police', but claimed he did not know what subsequently happened to them.

    The Galizien division was formed in 1943 and was initially made up of Ukrainian volunteers but later expanded to include Czechoslovakian and Dutch recruits. It also included former concentration camp guards.  It was never found guilty of war crimes by any court or tribunal but was accused of slaughtering civilians in Polish villages. 

    Holocaust researcher Dr Stephen Anker has criticized British involvement in a war crime inquiry into the Galizien following the war.

    He said:  'According to war crime inquiry studies British screening during 1947 of the Waffen-SS and Galizien Division held in Rimini was woefully inadequate.  'Although the Galizien has never been found guilty of war crimes, accusations have persisted for years that they were responsible for atrocities against civilians in Huta Pieniacka and in Nizna Boca.

    'For these Ukrainians, fighting for Nazi Germany rather than Sovie Bolshevik Russia, was the lesser of two evils.  Their hope seems to have been to finish on the winning side and then to gain an independent Ukraine.  But being a fragile old man must never be a reason to gift an amnesty to a murder.'

    Scotland Yard reopened an investigation into the Division in 2006, but it is understood to have since been closed.

    It is believed the UK allowed around 8,000 members of the Galizien to resettle here after they surrendered, with around 25 still living today.


    Pictures show Nazi-occupied Jersey with shop signs in GERMAN and Swastikas on the windows
      - PHOTOS of Jersey Island under Nazi rule
     - When the Nazis occupied the Channel Islands some British residents fully collaborated with the Nazis
    READ MORE and see additional photos
    The League of Nations Mandate for Palestine - The Facts
    Before the British ILLEGAL PARTITION of the land
    After partition.  The new Arab country was first named Trans-Jordan, today Jordan.  Jordan's majority is Palestinian.  This is Palestine.  But Arabs want the Jews out of the Middle East, so they claim yet their right to ANOTHER country.
    READ MORE about the Mandate for Palestine

    PALESTINIANS -  Nazis then, Nazis now



    Author and researcher John Loftus, an insider in the US government, on how Nazi criminals were hired after World War II.

    John Loftus (author)


    - Vatican supported the Nazis and helped them escape justice after the war
    - Now Pope Francis demands that Europe bring more Muslims into Europe, while Islam persecutes both Jews and Christians
    - The Christian wicked alliance with Islam and Palestinian terrorists, and ongoing diplomatic war against Israel


    - And to this day it continues to support those same aims under the guise of "land for peace"
    Photo: Jewish men defending Israel from onslaught by the armies of several Arab nations in 1948.
     Read More


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