
Wednesday, August 31, 2016


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Frantic Daniela Tursini told fire crews: 'I beg you, find my cat, she's all I have left'
 In the video the two uniformed men gently tip a plastic water bottle into the weak and dehydrated kitten's mouth as it eagerly laps up the liquid

Continue reading, see more images of Joy,
and watch VIDEOS of her rescue by firefighters

Firefighters find pet kitten 'Joy' alive in rubble SIX DAYS after distraught owner who lost everything in Italian earthquake begged them to find her
  • Weak and dehydrated pet was found by bulldozers clearing rubble 
  • Heartwarming footage shows firefighters tenderly giving her water
  • Her distressed owner had been holding a vigil in her house for the cat 

In the video the two uniformed men gently tip a plastic water bottle into the weak and dehydrated kitten's mouth as it eagerly laps up the liquid
Cats do seem to have NINE LIVES

A cat has proved its nine lives after it survived the tragic earthquake that struck central Italy last week.
Heartwarming footage shows a kitten being fed water by firemen after they found it amongst rubble in Amatrice on Monday where it had been buried for six days following the deadly 6.2 magnitude earthquake last week.
 The animal - named Gioa (Joy in English) was later taken to a vet before happily being reunited with its distressed owner who had been keeping a vigil in her house
Frantic Daniela Tursini had told fire crews: 'I beg you, find my cat, she's all I have left'.  They have now reunited.

In the video the two uniformed men gently tip a plastic water bottle into the weak and dehydrated kitten's mouth as it eagerly laps up the liquid.

The grey and white moggy had been found while rescue teams were clearing rubble with a bulldozer.

Firefighter Andrea, who found Gioia, said: 'I know what it's like to be hit by a quake and what it feels like when you lose everything.' 

The grey and white moggy had been found while rescue teams were clearing rubble with a bulldozer before letter being given medical attention
Gioia, or Joy, was immediately given medical attention

(It's rather short, I watched it several times.)


ADDITIONAL VIDEO in Italian shows Gioia's owner thanking firefighters:

231 of the estimated 292 victims of Wednesday's quake came from Amatrice, where dozens of state funerals were held yesterday amidst the ruins of the town worst hit in the disaster.

231 of the estimated 292 victims of Wednesday's quake came from Amatrice, where dozens of state funerals were held yesterday amidst the ruins of the town worst hit in the disaster

As many as 2,500 people have lost their homes to the disaster and 400 have been left injured. 

As many as 2,500 people have lost their homes to the disaster and 400 have been left injured
A number of foreigners were among the dead, including 11 Romanians and three Britons.   

Over 1,800 aftershocks have been felt across the region since the initial quake on Wednesday. 


La gattina salvata ad Amatrice in una foto Enpa

I liked this comment by reader "Marielle" on the Daily Mail:

When you lost everything, only your cat
 will give your the strength to carry on...



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