
Thursday, August 25, 2016

ANIMAL SURVIVORS FROM WORLD'S WORST ZOO IN GAZA ARE RESCUED by Four Paws UK animal charity - Almost a hundred animals were allowed to starve, their mummified carcases later put on display - Palestinian sadistic cruelty against animals documented

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  • Although demanding an Islamic state of their own, Palestinians haven't even cared for caged animals living in extremely abusive conditions at a zoo in Gaza.  Almost a hundred animals have already died from starvation and other mistreatments at just one particular zoo. 
  • Showing complete lack of empathy and brazen disregard for the welfare of animals, the zoo still sold tickets to the public to see the mummified remains of animals who had starved to death.
  • The Four Paws animal welfare organization engaged in protracted and difficult negotiations with Palestinians in order to save the survivors. 
  • This wasn't easy, since those remaining animals were still a source of profit.
  • Four Paws characterized the Palestinian zoo at  Khan Younis as the "WORST ZOO IN THE WORLD"
  • Khan Younis is not far from the border with Egypt. 
  • Contrary to propaganda, there is no blockade of ordinary products going into Gaza.  
  • Tiger LAZIZ rescued just in time
    Israel blocks the importation of weaponry and of material that could be used to manufacture weapons.  They don't blockade animal feed.  Hundreds of trucks make it across from Israel every day.
  • In addition, the Raffa crossing into Egypt is open.  Palestinians can freely travel to Egypt and shop. 
  • There are also multiple smuggling tunnels across the border with Egypt, which is how precious wildlife got into Gaza in the first place.  Two baby elephants died while being smuggled through a tunnel.
  • Mohammed Awada opened South Forest Park in 2007 but lost a number of animals during the Israeli attacks against Hamas which began a year later
    Gruesome:  Owner sold tickets for 
    display of mummified animals
    he had allowed to starve to death
    The zoo, which opened in 2007, had more than one hundred animals on display at some point.  Now there were only 15 survivors. 
  • The owner did not feed them due to shortage of funds, and animal welfare laws are non-existent in Gaza.
  • There is no much concern for animals in Palestinian culture, so nothing could be done privately to save them.  They just let them starve to death.
  • Muslim, and in particular Palestinian, cruelty and lack of empathy towards animals stem from two main sources:
  • Fun torturing and slaughtering
    cattle during Gaza Muslim EID Festival
    (1) The Koran itself, where animals are regarded with utter contempt.  Pigs are of course banned.  Animals such as dogs are regarded as impure, and often the subject of sadistic abuse.
  • (2) The systematic brutalization of children through indoctrination and also by desensitization to violence at all levels (especially within the family itself)  which is reaching truly pathological levels. 
  • Even little kids are indoctrinated to dehumanize their enemies, particularly the Jews. 
  • Arabs-waving-entrails-of-butchered-Israelis-in-Ramallah (1)
    Ritualistic eating of internal
    organs of two young Israelis
    they lynched in Ramallah
    in 2000.
    To Muslims Jews rank lower than animals, and whenever they have the chance to murder them, they engage in gruesome and sadistic acts that reveal a level of depravity that in other parts of the world fall into the category of psychopathy. 
  • These acts have included torture, dismemberment, and ritual cannibalism.  See related articles further on this page. 
  • We hear about ISIS gruesome punishments.  Similar acts perpetrated by "moderate" Arabs are covered up by the sympathetic media.
  • Palestinian abuse of animals is well documented.  
  • Children burn dogs alive for entertainment, they weaponize animals by using them as remotely-controlled bombers.
  • They puncture cattle's eyes prior to slaughter in order to subdue them, and they inflict unimaginable cruelty on food animals, particularly during the yearly EID celebration  when ordinary Palestinians butcher animals in sacrifice.  
  • Muslims are not the only perpetrators of animal cruelty on the world, but animal rights organizations make efforts to cover up their depredations.  You won't see Muslim -  in particular Palestinian -  animal cruelty exposed by major animal rights organization or the mainstream media.
  • Why aren't Palestinians boycotted, if only for their extreme abuse of wildlife and cattle?
VIDEO:  PALESTINIANS sadistically torture captured hyena  -  The injured animal was rescued by Israeli soldiers
They stone to death a defenseless animal
and proudly post the video online
Palestinian men succeed in cornering the hyena - possibly striking it with a car as well - at which point they mercilessly pelt the helpless animal with boulders, rocks and other projectiles.  After a long and agonizing ordeal, the animal finally lies dead or fatally injured on the ground.  Striped hyenas are an endangered species in Israel, and hunting them is illegal.
More videos by Wild Bill for America

Many animals in a Gaza zoo have died from neglect and starvation since the start of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Mummified animals who were allowed to starve to death
- In display for profit at the Gaza Khan Yunis Zoo
"Khan Yunis Zoo has been known as the 'worst zoo in the world' since it became public last year that the zoo was crudely mummifying the animals that died in their care and displaying them," the UK charity Four Paws says on its website.

Continue reading and see images of the rescued animals, and those who were mummified and displayed by the Gaza Zoo, and other related articles

Looking out: Local entrepreneur Mohammed Awaida opened South Forest Park in 2007 and invested hundreds of thousands of pounds into it for monkeys like this one
It was described as
"more like a prison than a zoo"
For months vets from the animal welfare charity Four Paws had been visiting the zoo in southern Gaza to treat the animals and transfer them out.

In a complex operation, a group of animals was transferred on Wednesday morning from the Gaza Strip via Erez Crossing (into Israel), in order to receive better living conditions and improved care.
Special cages, veterinary equipment and medicines were brought into the Gaza Strip to facilitate optimal veterinary treatment of the animals before the actual transfer.
Laziz (Cutey in Arabic) the tiger and the 14 other remaining animals from the Khan Younis zoo were driven on a trailer in cages to the Erez (Israel) crossing before dawn, an AFP journalist said.
The animals crossed the border en route to sanctuaries and zoos in South Africa, Jordan and Israel "to provide them a better quality of life", the IDF said in a statement.

This beautiful tiger was one of many that dies from hunger or thirst after the zoo owner said Gaza region's conflict with Israel made it impossible for staff to reach it
Enslaved, starved, and deprived of even the dignity of a tomb in the ground.
A beautiful creature who only knew suffering and neglect in its short life.

Gaza Zoo owner Ziad Aweda said he was very sad to see the zoo permanently close its doors.  Even animals who starved and were later mummified for display were a source of revenue. 
He blamed the Israelis for the animals death, although he himself appears well fed, and there is no Israeli blockade of animal feed, only of armaments. 
Actually it was the blaming of Israel that caught the attention of the media and Four Paws charity.  Otherwise no one outside of Gaza would have ever cared how the Palestinians treat their zoo animals.
It is alleged that a few animals died during a brief conflict with Israel in 2014 (the owner said he was afraid to get out of his house to go and care for the animals), but most of the creatures have been left to starve as the owner became short of funds.
All that will remain of the zoo are the stuffed carcasses of some the animals that died of starvation.
Mr Awaida began using his rudimentary taxidermy skills on deceased animals at the zoo after the Gaza war began
The animals homed in the Gaza zoo include the last Bengal tiger on Palestinian land and a pelican who has shared his enclosure for a year with the bleached bones and rotting flesh of fellow creatures who didn't make it.
One of the saddest creatures in the collection is a deer called Bambi.   Her only fawn died 24 hours before the rescue mission began, suffering terrible wounds after it tried to writhe under the fencing of its enclosure in a bid for freedom.  Her mother, herself lame, padded around the sandy, desolate place she had called home for the past three years, searching for her in vain.

As the situation deteriorated over the last two years the mummified corpses of the dead animals were left on display in enclosures with the still living residents.
Under the merciless sun these preserved animals became as dry as tinder and collapsed in on themselves, the bones and dried flesh being dumped in once corner of the pelican's sandy habitat.
Gaza's zoos are used to resorting to odd ways of attracting visitors. In 2009, a zoo in Gaza City exhibited white donkeys painted with black stripes to look like zebras because it was too expensive to replace two zebras who had died.


Desperate: Laziz (pictured) is the last Bengal tiger to be held on Palestinian land, and was among the 13 animals rescued from the Gaza Zoo
Desperate: Laziz (pictured) is the last Bengal tiger to be held on Palestinian land, and was among the 13 animals rescued from the Gaza Zoo
Salvation: Operation Noah's Ark saved the long-suffering residents of the worst zoo in the world, including Laziz (pictured)

Freedom: The rescue of the animals like this Bengal tiger in the forgotten hellhole that was their home is the end result of a delicate operation
Freed from imprisonment in this small enclosure. 
Tiger at Khan Younis zoo, Gaza

Spectacle: Dr Amir Khalil, director of Four Paws animal welfare charity, with the pelican that was among the saved animals
Spectacle: Dr Amir Khalil, director of Four Paws animal welfare charity, with the pelican that was among the saved animals.  He said this was more a prison than a zoo.

Looking out: Local entrepreneur Mohammed Awaida opened South Forest Park in 2007 and invested hundreds of thousands of pounds into it for monkeys like this one
Looking out: Local entrepreneur Mohammed Awaida opened South Forest Park in 2007 and invested hundreds of thousands of pounds into it for monkeys like this one

Locked in: The animals were smuggled into the territory through tunnels dug by Hamas fighters used to bring in weapons, food, fuel and medicines
Locked in: The animals were smuggled into Gaza through tunnels dug by Hamas terrorists, used to bring in weapons and luxury items

Tranquilized before the long journey.
Tragic: One of the saddest creatures in the collection is a deer called Bambi. Her only fawn died 24 hours before the rescue mission began, suffering terrible wounds after it tried to writhe under the fencing of its enclosure in a bid for freedom
Tragic: One of the saddest creatures in the collection is a deer called Bambi. Her only fawn died 24 hours before the rescue mission began, suffering terrible wounds after it tried to writhe under the fencing of its enclosure in a bid for freedom
Rescue: Members of the international animal welfare charity "Four Paws" check a sedated deer at a zoo in Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip, prior to evacuating all the animals at the zoo out of the Palestinian enclave
Rescue: Members of the international animal welfare charity 'Four Paws' check a sedated deer at a zoo in Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip, prior to evacuating all the animals at the zoo out of the Palestinian enclave

Pictured, the rescuers from Four Paws animal charity

Home: As the situation in the zoo deteriorated, the mummified corpses of  dead animals were left on display in enclosures with the still living residents
Home: As the situation in the zoo deteriorated, the mummified corpses of dead animals were left on display in enclosures with the still living residents

Vulnerable: Under the merciless sun the animals suffered and many died, after being given very little water and food

Suffering: Only local boys paid a few pence a day to water and feed the survivors wandered through sand-strewn compounds where ostriches, lions and other exotic animals once lived
Suffering: Only local boys paid a few pence a day to water and feed the survivors wandered through sand-strewn compounds where ostriches, lions and other exotic animals once lived

 Last chance: Dr Khalil revealed how the owner asked them to take the animals in the end, 'but talks were seldom easy'. He added: 'We were in talks right up until we arrived in Gaza'
Last chance: Dr Khalil revealed how the owner agreed to let them take the animals in the end, 'but talks were seldom easy'. He added: 'We were in talks right up until we arrived in Gaza'. (He probably kept demanding more money).

Future: Dr Khalil said it 'was not a zoo but a prison. I am thankful that it is over now. I hear the owner is going to concentrate his resources now on the children's playground opposite'
Future: Dr Khalil said it 'was not a zoo but a prison. I am thankful that it is over now. I hear the owner is going to concentrate his resources now on the children's playground opposite'

Abandoned: Locals said there was little noise to be heard from the zoo at night because there were so few animal residents left to make a noise. Now this Bengal tiger will be taken to a park in South Africa

Abandoned: Locals said there was little noise to be heard from the zoo at night because there were so few animal residents left to make a noise. Now this Bengal tiger will be taken to a park in South Africa

Pitiful: Lorries are transporting the animals  to Jordan where the majority of them will be rehoused in an animal park
Pitiful: Lorries are transporting the animals to Jordan where the majority of them will be rehoused in an animal park

Grateful: Despite the desperate conditions in the zoo, the animals that have survived are hoped to make a full recovery
Grateful: Despite the desperate conditions in the zoo, the animals that have survived are hoped to make a full recovery 

These are the horrifying pictures of mummified corpses of dozens of animals whose owner allowed them to starved to death in the world's worst zoo.


 Many animals in a Gaza zoo have died from neglect and starvation since the start of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Mohammed Awada opened South Forest Park in 2007 but lost a number of animals during the Israeli attacks against Hamas which began a year later
A dead tiger, monkey, lioness and other skeletons of animals can be seen at the world's worst zoo in the Gaza Strip
Khan Younis is one of five zoos in the Gaza Strip, a densely populated coastal enclave of 1.7million people ruled by Islamic Hamas militants
During the three-week offensive, launched in response to rocket attacks on Israel, Awada said he could not reach the zoo, and many animals died of neglect and starvation
Many animals in a Gaza zoo have died from neglect and starvation since the start of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the 2014 war
A Palestinian worker is seen inspecting the body of a dead Mummified animals at the zoo in Khan Younis, in the Gaze strip
 This beautiful tiger was one of many that dies from hunger or thirst after the zoo owner said Gaza region's conflict with Israel made it impossible for staff to reach it
 Mr Awaida began using his rudimentary taxidermy skills on deceased animals at the zoo after the Gaza war began
 The mummified corpse of this baboon, pictured in its enclosure next to the bodies of several other monkeys, died at Khan Younis zoo
 Formaldehyde and sawdust provided the basic tools, though Awaida acknowledged he was no expert
 Many of the zoo's animals, including this small monkey, died during the Israeli Palestinian conflict in Gaza
 This is how Palestinians treat
 their Palestinian enemies


Cannibalism as a war ritual
Arabs-waving-entrails-of-butchered-Israelis-in-Ramallah (1)
Two young Israeli men were captured by a Palestinian mob in 2000 and held in the Ramallah police headquarters.  They were tortured, lynched, and then the crowd ate their internal organs.   It was an orgy of torture and cannibalism. 
Read more with detailed references 

Ritual cannibalism in Syria
- a common occurrence 

In May 2013, the world witnessed something horrifying: Abu Sakkar, the leader of “Al-Farooq” group (now a part of “Jabhat al-Nusra”), carved the heart of Assad’s dead soldier out and ate the human flesh.

Comrades supported him yelling “Allah Akbar”. It was not a single incident.

In November 2013, Theodore Shoebat wrote, quoting Arabian news source Zaman al-Wasal and Orient News Television, that Kuru disease caused by cannibalism only had been spreading in Syria.
According to Michigan State University, in 2014 only there were about 8 to 10 cases of Kuru registered in Syria. It was written, “Kuru re-emerged in the Muslim community recently among Syrian rebels, who reportedly used to eat hearts of victims. Two of these rebels were then hospitalized and transferred to Germany to be treated for the disease, which signified the emergence of the disease in Syria”.
It’s a ritual cannibalism, a terrible relic of the primeval world. Oh, what a lovely cultural diversity!
The involution of Islam is just one side of the coin. The other one, which is not less horrifying, is the spiritual degradation of the West that welcomes the primordial predatory world with cute teddy bears, songs about the peace and flowers. Anti-Utopia has come true.


More columns by this writer

How Palestinians treat donkeys

In 2000, the Englishwoman Lucy Fensom set up Safe Haven for Donkeys in the Holy Land to help old and sick donkeys that were abandoned by Arabs as useless. 
Donkeys are subject to regular abuse by Palestinian teenagers; “fighters against occupants” use them as “shahids” tying explosives to them and sending them to Israelis.  

There is another kind of entertainment: they paint a donkey in the colors of the Israeli flag, torture it, burn out the Star of David on it, pour over gasoline and set it on fire.

Hyena (illustrative)
Endangered Israeli stripped hyena - a common target of cruelty by Palestinians
One just like this one was chased, cornered, and stoned to death by Palestinians, for fun.
 This is how Palestinians treat cattle
 during the Muslim EID Festival


There are no Jews left in Gaza.  It is a self-governing territory ruled by Islamist Hamas. 
There is no true blockade, except that Israel does not allow the importation of weapons.  All other products can enter Gaza. 
Furthermore, Gaza is not a prison.  Palestinians can use the crossing into Egypt for travel, shopping, etc.


Yes, there are social inequalities, but they are due mostly to corruption by the ruling Islamic Hamas elite.  Israel can't be blamed for it.

Olympic size swimming pool for Gazans
All paid with foreign aid


Blue Beach Resort in Concentration Camp Gaza



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