
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

RACISM AND HATE IN OBAMA'S ORWELLIAN AMERICA - BLACK LIVES MATTER SEGREGATES WHITES TO THE BACK OF THE MARCH - And Hillary says she deserves the presidency because of her gender - THE DARK SIDE OF DIVERSITY - And the ABSURD Muslim-Black Lives Matter alliance - Islam sanctions slavery and Muslims still own African slaves

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We had hoped that after so many decades of struggling for equality of opportunity - that is, not to be judged by gender or skin color - America would be now firmly on the way to treating people mainly based on personal merit.  But no. 
The USA has become hatefully and violently racist - only that the perpetrators of such racism are non-whites, sometimes supported by guilt-ridden white authorities.
Women and non-whites are now accepted to university, or hired for a job, NOT because of their personal merits and qualifications alone, but based on so-called "affirmative action," and the need for "diversity".
The need for diversity is used as a subterfuge to deny an education or a job to rightfully qualified applicants, if they happen to be white.  In other words:  reverse discrimination.  If you can't make it on your own, eliminate the competition.
America has not made social progress.  In an Orwellian way reminiscent of "Animal Farm," it has turned society upside down. 
Now minorities are doing the discrimination with the help of the self-hating and America-hating white liberal class.  The ideal of equal opportunity has morphed into entitlement, or non-white privilege.  And racist language and racist actions have become socially acceptable, as long as the ones engaging in it are non-whites. 
The irony is that as non-whites devalue white middle class culture, they ignore the fact that just about everything that makes their lives worthwhile - from modern plumbing to I-phones to life-saving medical advances, has been developed by the same white culture they hate and want to destroy. 
Take white intellect and white work ethic out of the equation and America would resemble the free-for-all carnage going on in Syria, the violence of drug-gang culture and political corruption in Mexico, or the squalid conditions in many African towns beset by extreme violence, corruption, tribalism, backwardness, and poverty. 
By the way, your blogger is an olive skin female, and easily regarded as a "minority".   You don't need to be an ardent white supremacist to recognize how much European civilization has contributed to the betterment of mankind. 
That the European race has sometimes been extremely brutal - take the Holocaust for example - reflects human nature.  Humans are in essence a mix of good and bad, and we must always be watchful to make sure that evil does not overcome the better part of us, particularly when it is disguised as a movement for 'justice'.   
 Black Lives Matters: 
You white media, to the back of the march!
Heat Street reports:  On Tuesday afternoon, organizers of the Black Lives Matter march screamed at white reporters to adhere to a scheme of racial segregation.
“White media get to the back! Black media come to the front!” shouted an organizer with a bullhorn.  The organizer, annoyed that people weren’t immediately adhering to her instructions, began hectoring white journalists who hadn’t complied.
“Excuse me, sir!” she yelled. “Somebody needs to tell this person to get to the back…. Somebody needs to tell these folks to get to the back!”“We are not afraid to put people out!” the organizer yelled. “White people to the back! Black people to the front!”
One woman, wearing a bandana across her face, held a sign declaring, “Blue Lives AIN’T REAL.” Another demonstrator carried a poster that read, “A violent system will meet a violent demise.”
Continue reading, watch VIDEO with white people being told to go to the back, see pictures of the rally, as well as other references

DNC Protest 01
“This is an anti-police rally,” one local Black Lives Matter activist told a crowd, speaking from a microphone in the back of the pickup truck. At the march, which was called “Black DNC Resistance March Against Police Terrorism & State Repression” and began near Temple University, protestors chanted: “No Justice, No Peace, Take it to the Streets and Fuck the Police.”

"Black media to the front of the march"

Meanwhile, cops in the city are on edge. Tonight, the DNC has given a prime slot to Black Lives Matter, featuring the families of seven men slain by police, including the mothers of Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown.
Notably absent are the families of murdered cops. That imbalance has irked local law enforcement. In a news release last week, the local police union slammed Hillary Clinton for “pander[ing] to the interests of people who do not know all the facts, while the men and women they seek to destroy are out protecting the political institutions of this country.”

DNC Protest 03

Though no officers approached by Heat Street were willing to go on the record, the general sentiment is that the DNC’s embrace of Black Lives Matter has made it tougher for them to do their jobs this week.
The anger among demonstrators Tuesday wasn’t limited to the police. At the very front of the march, right beside a Black Lives Matter banner, protestors held a sign that said, “Hillary has Blood on Her Hands” and another that said, “Hillary, Delete Yourself.”
One of the march’s organizers told the crowd, “We are here on the eve of the election for two parties who have not stopped police from killing us. … This so-called democracy is nothing but hypocrisy.” Another speaker claimed Democrats had “pimped our vote, pimped our movement.”
Despite demonstrators’ scorching frustration, as of Monday police said they had not arrested anyone, though they issued 55 citations. Most of those went to Bernie Sanders supporters who jumped fences to try to break into the convention center’s secure perimeter.

THE ONGOING MUSLIM ARAB AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE and the ABSURD alliance of Afro-Americans with Muslims
- ISLAM sanctions slavery
- Muslims, particularly ARABS, still own African slaves
- Also: WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT "BLACK LIVES MATTER" now allied with MUSLIM organization CAIR
- A co-founder of BLM is a black Muslim woman who publicly expresses her desire to kill whites
 Black Americans seem woefully unaware that their Muslim allies' religion condones slavery, and that Muslim Arabs are responsible for the death of 120 million Africans during the height of the slave trade.  To this day Muslim Arabs continue to buy and own black African slaves, and raise slave children like cattle - for more slavery.
  • c171b27aa2b6486b7ff6c5db4cb8b0f3
    The Black Lives Matter organization is now officially allied with CAIR, the Council of American-Islamic Relations.  No wonder.  One of BLM founders is a Muslim woman. 
  • You may have heard of CAIR before as the Muslim organization that looks for every opportunity to sue private individuals, businesses, and institutions for failing to accommodate Muslim religious and traditional needs in America. 
  • CAIR has a rather close relationship and influence with the Obama administration and US government agencies.  It often manages to shape government regulations and methods to fight terror, so as to minimize or eliminate any mention of Islam, and to soften security measures that inconvenience Muslims.  See more further down this page.
  • MUSLIMS still buy
    and sell African slaves
    and raise
    children for slavery
    One of the many differences between Muslim migration from all other groups that have migrated into America is Muslims' relentless effort to transform the society that has welcome them to make it reflect the interests, traditions, and values of Muslim societies.  They don't want to become Americans.  They want America to become Muslim.
  • Muslim Arabs have been, and continue to be, the greatest slave traders in the world.
  • People of African descent should examine closely their history before lending support to Muslim causes, or accepting Muslim meddling into their own organizations.  
  • While Afro-Americans still condemn American past of slavery, it does not occur to them to also denounce Islam and the Arabs in particular.
  • While the US was the first country to outlaw slavery, Muslims still continue to engage in this horrendous practice.
  •  Muslim Arabs are responsible for the murder of at least 120 million Africans during the height of the slave trade. 
  • Thousands more Africans are still suffering due to the ongoing Muslim tradition of slavery - condoned by the Koran.    
  • There are 30 MILLION slaves in the world today, most of them owned by Muslims.
READ MORE and watch videos of Muslims still owning slaves today - The Koran sanctions it.

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