
Sunday, July 31, 2016

POPE IN AUSCHWITZ ASKS GOD TO FORGIVE NAZIS - Vatican supported Nazis and helped them escape justice after the war - Now Pope Francis demands that Europe bring more Muslims into Europe, while Islam persecutes both Jews and Christians - The Christian wicked alliance with Islam and Palestinian terrorists, and ongoing diplomatic war against Israel

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  • Forgive the Nazis:  "Lord, have mercy on your people. Lord, forgive so much cruelty," the pope wrote in a memorial book.
  • Pope Francis walks through the gate of the former Nazi German death camp of Auschwitz in Oswiecim, Poland, Friday, July 29, 2016. Pope Francis paid a somber ...And in a further attempt at diminishing the horrors perpetrated by the Nazis, the pope said that the same things are happening today.  
  • But how does the sheer magnitude of six million Jews persecuted, rounded up, enslaved, tortured, and murdered in only 12 years of Nazi rule compares with anything happening today?
  • "Cruelty did not end in Auschwitz and Birkenau", he said in an address to pilgrims in Krakow later Friday.  "How is it possible that we men, created in God's image, are able to do such things?"
  • He said at the camp he saw "the cruelty of 70 years ago, how people were shot, beaten to death or gassed".  But "today, in many parts of the world... the same things happen," he said.
  • What the pope does not dare to mention the church was in cahoots with the Nazis, fully aware of the Holocaust, and DID NOTHING while continuing to maintain relations with the Nazi regime.
  • When the Nazis were defeated, the Vatican issued false IDs to thousands of Nazi criminals so that they could escape Europe and justice.
  • And in the following decades the Vatican engaged in an active diplomatic war against the State of Israel, while giving open support to Muslims killing Jews.
  • Historically speaking Muslims too were allied with Hitler during World War II. 
  • The Palestinian leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem, worked closely with Nazi government leaders  in Berlin, including Hitler himself, to expedite the genocide of Jews in Europe and in the Middle East.
  • The Palestinian Mufti created a Muslim Bosnian division in the Nazi SS as part of Hitler's army that was guilty of horrendous crimes in Eastern Europe.
  • A wicked alliance.  The Vatican's alliance with Islam is based on the hope that Muslims will one day destroy Israel.
  • There is a strong and influential ideological line at the top of Christianity that claims that Christians have now replaced Jews as God's chosen people. 
  • This Christian philosophy is called Supersession or Replacement Theology.   It requires Jews out of the land of Israel to take full effect.  In this Christians share a common goal with Muslims.  
  • As long as there is hope that Muslims will take over Israel - at the cost of another Holocaust if necessary - the Catholic Church and other denominations will refrain from condemning Islam.
  • This entails sacrificing the lives of thousands of Christians in Muslim lands at the hands of Islam, without speaking out in outrage.
  • This explains in part how Christian churches are enthusiastic participants in the conspiracy of deception that claims that Islam is a religion of peace. 
  • Since its inception in the 7th century Islam has murdered 270 MILLION non-Muslims in a campaign of conquest, slavery, oppression, and forced conversions all over the Middle East, Africa, India. 
  • Islam's conquests even reached the European continent.  Some countries in the Balkans are to this day Muslim, such as Albania and Kosovo. 
  • Today Muslim conquest is by demographic growth through mass migration, and polygamous large families.
  • As the pope was speaking, Muslims were persecuting and murdering Christians in Muslim-dominated countries, such as Egypt, Pakistan, and many others.
  • Muslims continue to harass and murder Jews in Europe.  European Jews are fleeing in fear for their lives, and starting anew in Israel and in other western countries.
  • And as proof of Christian churches' wicked alliance with Islam, Pope Francis called for more Muslim migration into Europe - never mind that Muslims continue to butcher European Christians and Jews.
  • Pope Francis walks through the gate of the former Nazi German death camp of Auschwitz in Oswiecim, Poland, Friday, July 29, 2016.  Pope Francis paid a somber...And yet another Papal hypocrisy:  While the pope continues to preach against  sinful Western lifestyle, he has DONE NOTHING to stop priests from raping children, or to punish the perverts.  
  • On the contrary.  The Vatican is COMPLICIT WITH THIS CRIME, as it routinely protects the rapists, while betraying the victimized children.  
  • December 2010 - Belfast Telegraph - Pope Benedict claimed that paedophilia wasn’t considered an “absolute evil” as recently as the 1970s.  The pope also claimed that child pornography was increasingly considered “normal” by society. “It was maintained — even within the realm of Catholic theology — that there is no such thing as evil in itself or good in itself. There is only a ‘better than’ and a ‘worse than’. Nothing is good or bad in itself” said Pope Benedict  
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Excerpts of book review of
Giulio Meotti's book The Vatican Against Israel
When Adolph Hitler came to power in Germany, the Vatican was the first state to formally recognize the legitimacy of the Third Reich and it maintained diplomatic relations with the Nazi government through the very end of the war.

Mr. Meotti reports that during the Holocaust, the British envoy to the Holy See provided daily briefings on the Nazi atrocities.

Meotti reveals that Pope Pius XII chose to remain silent and resisted many calls for help from the Jewish people.

While Jews were being gassed throughout Europe, most Christian churches failed to respond. Some even collaborated with the Nazis. 
Astonishingly, in 1943 at the height of the Jewish genocide, Pius XII reaffirmed in his encyclical, Mystici Corporis Christi, the supersession of Christianity over Judaism and the replacement of the Jewish Bible, which had been abolished, with the Christian Bible.
At the end of World War II, in the vilest disregard for the memory of millions who perished during the Nazi genocide, the Vatican sheltered from prosecution a number of Nazis, in effect, granting tacit approval for the actions of these Nazi butchers.

War criminals, including Adolph Eichmann, Dr. Joseph Mengele, Klaus Barbie, Franz Stangl, and others fled through Italy with assistance from the Catholic network.
Author Giulio Meotti
Mr. Meotti reports that Vatican support and admiration for the Nazis didn't end there.

In 1994, Pope John Paul II conferred papal knighthood on documented Nazi war criminal Kurt Waldheim, who had gone on after World War II to become Secretary-General of the United Nations.

The papal honor, given despite a well-known 1985 controversy over Waldheim’s Nazi past, was in effect spitting on the memory of Holocaust victims, survivors, and their descendants.
To further confer disgrace on its actions, the Vatican recognized Waldheim's “efforts for peace,” demonizing Israel for defending itself against Arab-Palestinian terrorism which had occurred during Waldheim’s tenure as Secretary-General.
By welcoming Waldheim to the Vatican as an honored visitor, the Vatican was symbolically cleansing him of the stain of his Holocaust crimes and glorifying his work on behalf of the U.N. to destroy the Jewish State.
In "The Vatican Against Israel", the author reveals how the Church initially fought against the British Mandate for Palestine that established Israel and, after its founding, demonized and delegitimized Israel’s existence.
Even as Jews were being gassed during the Holocaust, the Church was consumed with stopping the creation of Israel and the return of Jews to their ancestral land, because this ran counter to Church theology that Jews were condemned to eternal homelessness for their crime of deicide almost 2,000 years earlier.
It was not until 1965, 1,700 years after the Church had condemned Jews for all eternity, that the Vatican issued Nostra Aetate, releasing the Jews of today from responsibility for the death of Christ. However, the document failed to apologize for past Christian anti-Semitism and did not validate Judaism or recognize the Jewish State, which by then had existed for 17 years. 

Pope John Paul II granted several audiences (twelve) to Yasser Arafat, the father of modern terrorism and the head of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), who had ordered and carried out attacks against Jewish civilians and was seeking publicity and legitimacy on the world stage.

While openly proclaiming hatred of the Jews and plans to annihilate Israel, Arafat and his henchman were granted respectability by the Catholic Church.
In 1974, the Vatican formally recognized the Palestinian Liberation Organization. It wasn't until 1993, almost 20 years later, that the Church recognized the State of Israel.  When PLO Chairman Arafat died in 2004, the Pope eulogized the terrorist as a great leader in this “hour of sadness” and spoke fondly of his closeness to the Arafat family.




Pope in Poland:  criticizes Western lifestyles while Muslims engage in carnage everywhere.

The Holocaust, a brief summary


Pope Francis - Those who insult the faith of others can expect a punch, the Pope said 
 - The Vatican rushes to clarify statement
 - The Vatican has consistently supported Palestinian terrorists who murder Jews.

Corrupt at the core
Consider that most cases of sexual abuse by priests go unreported, and if when priests are denounced, their victims seldom get any compensation at all. The Church modus operandi is to simply transfer pedophile priests from one church to another, once their crimes become known to the congregation.

- And Pope Benedict said in 2010 that priests' sexual abuse of children was NOT an absolute evil

Same genocidal ideology,
same symbols, same goals
'Moderate' Fatah Palestinian militia
routinely makes the Nazi salute.
Palestinians idolize Hitler.



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