
Thursday, June 23, 2016

YES, IT'S INDEPENDENCE DAY FOR BRITAIN - Watch video of how the EU was designed by former Nazis - Shocking - Must watch

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Brexit door opens with EU referendum set to deliver a Leave vote
The atmosphere at the Leave.EU campaign party in London is jubilant as voters in the early stages give them a larger lead than expected and they win key battlegrounds
Continue reading and ATCH FASCINATING VIDEO on how 'former' Nazis and fascists founded the European Union, and their influence today

VIDEO by author and economist Rodney Atkinson: 
Hat tip to commentator YAMIT82 at Israpundit

READ MORE about the author of that video, Rodney Atkinson here: 

News source for BREXIT's surprising successful results:

David Cameron will shortly appear outside Downing Street to concede defeat
What happens next?  The Daily Mail guide to an independent Britain
  • David Cameron (pictured on the right)  likely to announce his resignation as Prime Minister today

  • He'll have to outline Government's battle plan for untangling itself from EU 
  • Triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty is the only formal way out
  • That will set two-year period for negotiating new trade arrangements
  • Some Leave supporters say we could try other routes to a deal
  • Cameron unlikely to stay as PM for more than a few months after losing 
  • Pro-EU MPs could try to block us leaving single market despite Brexit vote
  • Boris Johnson could be installed as Prime Minister in coming weeks 
  • See more of the latest EU referendum news at 

    Read more

    EU referendum result European Union Leave Remain In Out

    David Cameron QUITS in the wake of the historic Brexit vote in EU referendum

    WHO'S  NEXT?

    The Swexits, Czexits and Frexits that could follow Britain out of the EU

    READ MORE about these polls

    Please keep in mind that BREXIT polls greatly underestimated animosity against the EU.  So these numbers of support for OUT could be actually much larger.  Polls cannot only be honestly wrong, but they are often manipulated to suit a predefined result - in this case to minimize the OUT sentiment.



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