
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

THIS IS FRANCE - FLOODS, VIOLENT STRIKES, MUSLIM TERROR, NO-GO ZONES, GARBAGE PILING UP ON THE STREETS - But the French government organized a conference to force ISRAEL to accept their terms for partition and the TWO STATES FINAL SOLUTION - During World War II the French government and citizens were even more enthusiastic than the Nazis in deporting Jews to the death camps

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  • THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT organizes conference to expedite the partition of Israel regardless of the strong possibility that a Palestinian state would fall into the hands of ISIS.
  • In the meantime, this is what France has had to deal with in the past week or so:  Floods, violent labor strikes, roads and highway blockades, garbage piling up on the streets, Muslim migrant camps in urban areas, and the ever present threat of Muslim terror.   
  • You would think they had their hands full - but the French always have enough time and resources when it comes to harassing Israel to gain points with French Muslims.
A French soldier patrols in front of the Eiffel Tower on January 7, 2015 in Paris as the capital was placed under the highest alert status after heavily armed gunmen shouting Islamist slogans stormed French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and shot dead at least 12 people in the deadliest attack in France in four decades. Police launched a massive manhunt for the masked attackers who reportedly hijacked a car and sped off, running over a pedestrian and shooting at officers. AFP PHOTO / JOEL SAGETJOEL SAGET/AFP/Getty ImagesFrance finds itself besieged on many fronts.  The meteorological one is the least to worry about.  Floods come and go from time to time.  People clean up, start over. 
Strikes, usually of the violent kind, are also part of the French social landscape.  Shortages of gasoline, delays at airports, road blockages, all that is part of the excitement of living in France.  The French are just as passionate about their labor strikes as about their love affairs. 
But there is a dark cloud that does not go away, and it's there to stay, to grow, and to eventually swallow up the whole country and the whole of Europe:  Islam.  It's too late to reverse this invasion.  It's too late to start over. 
French President Francois Hollande welcomes Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas at the Elysee Palace before attending a unity rally “Marche Republicaine” on January 11, 2015 in Paris in tribute to the 17 victims of a three-day killing spree by homegrown Islamists. (Photo credit: AFP/ DOMINIQUE FAGETIt's too late to remove the No-Go Zones - "ZUS" or Muslim enclaves ruled by sharia law - where France has only nominal sovereignty, and where French police hesitate to enter or enforce French law.  They only enter in cases of extreme urgency, such as one of the many Muslim terror crisis that besiege France all the time.
Politicians, who value their careers more than the fate of their country, are running around trying to find ways of pacifying their Muslims if only for one more week, one more day.  What to do?  Pounce on Israel, of course.
And so the government of President Hollande organized an international conference - without Israel's presence - in order to impose on Israel their demand for partition. 
In the photo above President Hollande warmly greets arch-terrorist Mahmoud Abbas, chief of the Palestinian Authority, and welcomes him to the anti-terror march in Paris in January 2015. 

Yes, Abbas was a guest of honor at that "Je Suis Charlie" march because France does not regard the murder of Jews as terror.  Hollande's government also asked the Israeli PM not to attend because he would make everybody uncomfortable. 
So in that spirit, and with its own Muslim problem at home, France feels entitled to tell Israel how to achieve "peace" with Islam.  But shouldn't the roles be reversed?  How about a two states solution for France?
Further on this page read article by David Ben-Meir on this bizarre and desperate attempt by the French to meddle with Israel while the rest of the Middle East is on fire.  He says:
Now the French are hosting a so-called international conference on peace in the Middle East. It won’t deal with Syria or Iraq, nor will it address the chaos in Libya. Instead, it will deal with the least destructive and harmful conflict in the Middle East: the Arab-Israeli conflict.

France is concerned about that tiny bit of red on this map:  Israel.  The countries in green are Arab countries - all of them in serious turmoil.  There are 22 Arab countries in the world, and there are 49 countries  with a Muslim majority - all of them undemocratic and inflicting profound abuses on human rights.  Europe and the White House want to use Israel's biblical Jewish heartland to create another Muslim country.  

Let's remember that two big slices have been carved out of the territories liberated by Israel in 1967: Gaza and the Sinai peninsula.  Both places are now cauldrons of terror. 
The Sinai, which was handed over to Egypt, is a large area now beyond the control of the Egyptian army  ISIS and other extremist groups rule there, and threaten both Israel and Egypt.  The Sinai was surrendered for "peace". 
Gaza, instead of building a model country with all the generous aid from the West and the Arabs that keeps pouring in,  is a corrupt tyranny that enriches the Hamas elite and builds tunnels in the hope of infiltrating Israel and massacring Jews.  Israel also vacated Gaza for peace.
The day Israel surrenders its heartland - Judea and Samaria (West Bank) - the area will be first ignited by Arab factional civil war, and then will fall into the hands of ISIS.  France knows that.  But to President Hollande and his cohorts, gaining one more day of peace with his Muslims is worth the effort. 

The following is a series of photos that illustrate the state of labor instability, violence, social tension, and the Muslim migrant crisis affecting beautiful France these days. 

Paris strike action causes chaos in French capital days before Euro 2016 starts
Strike - they're not picking up the garbage anymore

Riot police officers clash with protesters during a demonstration held yesterday in Paris as part of nationwide labour actions
Meeting violence with violence

Days of torrential rain have only added to the gloomy atmosphere in France, also facing a third full day of train strikes after months of protests and political turmoil
Historical floods in Paris and in much of the rest of France

See more images about all the violent conflicts and disasters besieging France, and read column about France's past betrayals and its current "peace" conference

A man holds a bouquet of flowers and a torch as he faces riot police during a demonstration in the city of Lyon
A good photo op  -  Protests were infiltrated by anarchists and professional protestors who made violence even worse.

Rescue workers from the French "Securite Civile" on small boats attend an evacuation operation for residents of the edge of the Seine river in Juvisy-sur-Orge, near Paris yesterday
Homes have been ruined by the massive flood and contaminated waters

A French labour union employee on strike stands near a burning barricade during a police operation to free up a fuel depot
Barricades on fire - this protestor came prepared for mayhem.

The tents and rubbish are left strewn across the pavement after the migrants were ordered to leave the camp in Paris this morning 
"Open Air Toilet" Muslim migrant camp in the streets of Paris
This particular one was later cleared, only to sprout elsewhere again.

One migrant is woken up and peaks out of his tent just before police move in to break up the camp in Paris 

Smoke rises from the huts and tents set on fire during clashes between migrants at the makeshift camp
Muslim migrants set their own camp on fire at Calais

Workers on strike are evacuated by riot police today as they block access to an oil depot near the Total refinery of Donges, western France. Up to half of the country's 12,000-odd petrol stations are now empty refineries.
Many roads were impassable due to protestors barricades -  Gas stations ran dry for lack of supplies.



Marseille, used to be a nice place for whites to visit  - today it is a major Muslim enclave and a crime center.  Although police regard it as a No-Go Zone, the government refuses to officially designate it as such.

Muslims praying in Paris streets and obstructing traffic  - their way of asserting their presence, testing social boundaries, and pressuring authorities to build more mosques for them

Burning hundreds of cars every time they feel angry - Muslims' cultural contribution to France.
VIDEO  With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations - Extended Cinematic 1080p
YouTube is trying to remove this video from the web.

Europe, Israel, peace, talks, negotiations,
David Ben Meir on the French Conference to Partition Israel

Now the French are hosting a so-called international conference on peace in the Middle East. It won’t deal with Syria or Iraq, nor will it address the chaos in Libya.
Instead, it will deal with the least destructive and harmful conflict in the Middle East: the Arab-Israeli conflict.
And the icing to that cake is that the sides aren’t invited, and that reminds me of some black holes in the history of France and the Jewish nation.
Of course I’m not referring to the three expulsions of the Jews from France, nor to the Dreyfus Affair that revealed a deep anti-Semitic streak in modern France, nor the 26% of French Jews killed during the Holocaust with French collusion.
I’m not referring to the lesson taught to Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion by French president Charles de Gaulle that there are no friends in international relations, only interests, a lesson de Gaulle practiced on Israel when he imposed an arms embargo on the area that affected mostly Israel, including not supplying arms that Israel had already paid for.
All that may be in the background – but this proposed international conference reminds me by association of another peace conference the French attended: the Munich Conference of 1938.
In that conference France and Great Britain, in a selfish and less then intelligent attempt to appease Hitler, forced Czechoslovakia to surrender the mountainous area of Czechoslovakia that bordered Germany.
Many ethnic Germans lived in that area, and for the conference a new territorial designation “Sudetenland” was invented, as if it were a distinct separate German area that had mistakenly been attached to Czechoslovakia. Once that area was stripped from Czechoslovakia, the country was left defenseless. All this – despite signed defense pacts that Czechoslovakia had with France and Britain.
Once the Czechs were pushed back from their fortified defensible borders – Germany overran the rump Czech state within a matter of months, without French or British intervention, emphasizing that they had sold the Czechs for their own selfish purpose, a purpose not gained at all.
When the German army later invaded France about 25% of all the weapons Germany had in its army came from former Czechoslovakia. The Czechs referred to this Munich betrayal as “About us, without us!”
So now the French government is possibly taking another turn at conference playing, about Israel without Israel. They also use an invented term – the Palestinian people – possibly in order to justify tearing part of the Jewish homeland from the Jewish nation.
What can possibly motivate France?
Is it deeply-rooted anti-Semitism in French culture?
Is it to appease the Muslim world, so that perhaps France will cease to be a target for Islamic terrorism?
Is it to appease the Muslims who live in France? Is it part of a secret agreement with Iran: we the Iranians will do business with you, but only if you weaken Israel?
Is it at the secret calling of some other country or countries who are hostile to Israel?
Is it all of the above?
It’s hard to know. But one thing isn’t hard to know: any such conference will not bring the end of the Arab-Israeli conflict any closer.
Israel has already done more than enough for the cause of peace: a temporary freeze of building Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria (a.k.a. “settlement freeze”), has given the Arabs in the Land of Israel a measure of self-government that they never ever had and never even received from the Arab states, and Israel uprooted over 8,000 Jews from their homes in the Katif area (homes that were built were beforehand there was wasteland and sand) near Gaza, so that not one Israeli civilian or Israeli soldier is in the Gaza Strip anymore.
In spite of all this the Arabs haven’t moved closer to peace: they haven’t turned all their resources to bettering the lives of their people, they haven’t resettled people stuck in refugee camps and they haven’t recognized the Jewish national right to self-determination nor educated their youth to live in peace with the Jewish state of Israel.
So what can the French conference achieve, besides adding on the participants all those calories of French toast and French fries?


UK COLONEL RICHARD KEMP: PALESTINIANS WANT THE DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL, NOT A STATE OF THEIR OWN - Chief Mahmoud Abbas admits he rejected a very generous offer of 99% of what he wanted for an independent state - Palestinian government official says they will succeed in destroying Israel because Arabs love death more than life, and won't settle for just a state

Abbas admits: 'I rejected Israeli offer of PA state'
This was an extremely generous offer that included almost all of Judea and Samaria (West Bank), and Biblical Jerusalem as its capital, as well as a connection to Gaza.  REJECTED.
Abbas tells Israel TV that he turned down flat an offer by PM Olmert for a state on the equivalent of 99.5% of Judea and Samaria.
Continue reading and watch more videos

President Hollande phones PM Netanyahu.  Bloodbath in Tel Aviv on June 8.  Four Jews murdered by Arab terrorists.  Give them a state.









France, plagued by terror, looks to solve Israel's problems



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