
Saturday, May 21, 2016

WHITE HOUSE SURROGATE AGENCY PAID MORE THAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS TO J-STREET (a leftist Jewish organization) to promote the FRAUDULENT DEAL WITH IRAN - J-STREET is generally regarded as pro-Arab and anti-Israel. It receives significant funding from Muslim sources and George Soros, and routinely supports anti-Israel policies and activists

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 “I think J Street has been the most damaging organization in American history against Israel. J Street has done more to turn young people against Israel (and ) will go down in history as one of the most virulent, anti-Israel organizations ... It has given cover to anti-Israel attitudes on campus and particularly its approach to Israel’s self defense” Tablet Magazine, August 2015


  • Shameless US government manipulation of the public to sell them policies that are detrimental to America
  • The leftist Jewish group J-Street bills itself as "pro-Israel and pro-peace" but promotes an agenda that favors enemies of Israel such as Iran and the Arabs.  Iranian leaders keep repeating that they intend to destroy Israel.
  • J-Street was paid over half a million dollars to promote a fraudulent deal that empowers Iran, and enables it to become a state armed with nuclear weapons
  • The Iran Deal is the cherry on the cake of Obama's disastrous Middle East policies that have unleashed factional violence, caused countless deaths and injuries, and displaced millions of refugees.
  • This deal with Iran will unleash a nuclear arms race in the most volatile region of the world.
  • Obama's key advisor Ben Rhodes recently revealed that the US administration had colluded to sell this deal under a variety of false assertions.  They lied.
  • The White House also financed a propaganda campaign using mainstream media and liberal organizations to promote the deal with Iran.
  • J-Street was one of the organizations paid to lie to the American people.
  • J-Street was created during the Obama administration under the guise of being a "Jewish" organization, and to counteract the pro-Israel AIPAC.
  • J-Street is notorious for endorsing pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel policies, and for featuring activists who are inimical to the existence of the state of Israel.
  • For example, J-Street speaker Marcia Freedman called for the destruction of Israel, and the demotion of Israeli Jews to the status of a "protected minority" within a Muslim state - to enthusiastic applause. 
  •  Nobody dared to mention centuries of abuse, humiliation and massacres suffered by Jews under "protected" status of "dhimitude" (subservience) when living in Muslim countries.
  • Among donors to J-Street are Muslims, pro-Muslim activists, the notorious billionaire George Soros (who has been funding an assortment of anti-western activism), agents for the Iranian government, and anyone with an interest in damaging Israel - behind the mask of a so-called 'Jewish' organization.
  • That Jews lend themselves to be used by Israel's enemies has been sometimes characterized as akin to treason.
VIDEO - Alan Dershowits exposes
the J-Street Deception

 EXPOSING J-STREET and debunking the many myths
being promoted by anti-Israel propaganda
The J-Street Challenge

Israel National News - J-Street received more than half a million dollars to advocate for the Obama administration's controversial nuclear deal with Iran, it has been revealed.
The leftist Jewish group, which bills itself as "pro-Israel and pro-peace" but which critics say takes solely anti-Israel stances, was paid the money by the White House's main surrogate organization for selling the deal.
The Ploughshares Fund was named in an explosive New York Times profile of Obama aid Ben Rhodes, in which the President's chief spin doctor listed the central groups responsible for creating an "echo chamber" in order to promote the deal, even when the White House's official line didn't jibe with the facts.
According to Associated Press, the group's 2015 annual report details several organizations which received substantial funds to peddle the official White House line on the nuclear deal.
Among them was National Public Radio (NPR), which received a $100,000 grant to promote "national security reporting that emphasizes the themes of U.S. nuclear weapons policy and budgets, Iran's nuclear program, international nuclear security topics and U.S. policy toward nuclear security."
Other grantees included: The Arms Control Association ($282,500); the Brookings Institution ($225,000); and the Atlantic Council ($182,500), who "received money for Iran-related analysis, briefings and media outreach, and non-Iran nuclear work," according to AP.
Continue reading this and other related articles

The National Iranian American Council received more than $281,000, while Princeton University received a $70,000 grant to support former Iranian ambassador and nuclear spokesman Seyed Hossein Mousavian's "analysis, publications and policymaker engagement on the range of elements involved with the negotiated settlement of Iran's nuclear program."
But the largest recipient of Obama administration funding was J-Street, a group which has been closely cultivated by the current White House and is viewed by many as its mouthpiece in the American Jewish community.
According to The Ploughshares Fund's annual report, J-Street was paid $576,500 to advocate for the deal - something it did ferociously, in spite of the opposition from the majority of the pro-Israel community in the US.
J-Street's dogged support for the Iran deal came despite the fact that the vast majority of Israelis, including those on the left with whom J-Street claims to align, were strongly opposed - a fact seized upon by the group's critics as proof it consistently acts against the State of Israel's interests.


This is the partitioned Israel that J-Street and their friends at the White House have been promoting.  - Arabs who support it, do it, in their own words, as a first phase leading to the complete destruction of Israel
What is more striking is that the part of Israel that would be surrendered to Muslim Arabs is the Jewish heartland, the Biblical land that historically, legally, and culturally belongs to the Jews.

J-Street, paid by Iran, opposes sanctions against Iran

J-Street, an enemy of Israel
One method J Street employs to worm its way into mainstream public opinion is to hold small talks in synagogues and community centers in which it misrepresents its agenda, goals and methods.  By falsely posing as a pro-Israel organization, J Street is infiltrating our Jewish institutions, especially synagogues and day schools, who are responsible for educating youth...

From the Jerusalem Post:

“The J Street political action committee has received tens of thousands of dollars in donations from dozens of Arab and Muslim Americans, as well as from several individuals connected to organizations doing Palestinian and Iranian issues advocacy, according to Federal Election Commission filings. ….Arab and Muslim donors are extremely rare for other organizations that describe themselves as supporters of Israel as J Street does, Jewish leaders at organizations across the political spectrum told the Jerusalem Post.”

Read more

J-Street audience applauds Jewish activist who calls for the destruction of Israel


Muslim and pro-Muslim donors to J-Street

Read more on The American Thinker



Ploughshares, funded by George Soros, behind propaganda campaign to persuade the American public that the deal with Iran was a good deal
Breitbart - A group that advocates a nuclear-free world and that was identified earlier this month by the White House as central in helping to market the Iran nuclear deal to the news media has funded National Public Radio since 2005, an Associated Press investigation has revealed.
Think tanks funded by the Ploughshares Fund include the Arms Control Association, Brookings Institution, and the Atlantic Council, the AP reported.
Unmentioned by the AP is that the Ploughshares Fund is financed by billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Institute.
The involvement of Ploughshares in selling the Iran agreement to the public was revealed in an extensive New York Times Magazine profile of Obama’s deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes.
Robert Malley, senior director at the National Security Council, explained the genesis and execution of the marketing plan to sell the Iran deal.

Malley explained “experts” were utilized to create an “echo chamber” that disseminated administration claims about Iran to “hundreds of often-clueless reporters” in the news media.
In the spring of last year, legions of arms-control experts began popping up at think tanks and on social media, and then became key sources for hundreds of often-clueless reporters. “We created an echo chamber,” he admitted, when I asked him to explain the onslaught of freshly minted experts cheerleading for the deal. “They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say.”
Rhodes told Times reporter David Samuels that the marketing strategy took advantage of the “absence of rational discourse” and utilized outside groups, including Ploughshares



How the US government funds Muslim hate, incitement and terror in Israel
News Archive by Palestinian Media Watch




How Europe funds Muslim hate, incitement and terror in Israel


Daily Mail expose'
- The machete attack against Kay Wilson and Kristine Luken. 
 - The murderers and all other terrorists receive salaries paid for by British, European, and US taxpayers through generous funding of the Palestinian Authority

Listen to Kay Wilson's short testimony at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on the following VIDEO: 



 - He also admits the US media acts as an "echo chamber" for the White House narrative

  • Ben Rhodes
    Ben Rhodes
    Ben Rhodes, one of President Barack Obama's top advisers, has admitted that the administration lied about the dealings behind the nuclear agreement struck between Iran and world powers last summer.
  • Regarding the media's support for the deal, Rhodes admitted in the interview that “We created an echo chamber.”
  • Former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said he believed at the time that Obama would not allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons.  Asked whether he would make that assessment now, Panetta answered, “Probably not.”
  • Rhodes dismisses all White House officials prior to Obama as "the Blob" - a bunch of unqualified and uneducated individuals who damaged the United States.  But then came Obama, the hero, to save the country.
  • Rhodes admits that while the American public was led to believe that negotiations between the West and the Islamic Republic took off after the election of President Hassan Rouhani, misrepresented as a “moderate,” in reality negotiations with hard-liners began much earlier.
  • He admits there is nothing moderate about Rouhani.
  • Shortly after Rouhani was elected in 2013, he and Obama exchanged letters, and Obama later publicly reached out to Iran in a speech to the UN General Assembly.
  • In November of that year, it was revealed that a preliminary deal between Iran and the West was made possible due to secret talks that the United States and Iran held for more than half a year and were authorized by Obama himself.
  • Those discussions were kept hidden even from America's closest friends, including its five negotiating partners and from Israel.
  •  The reason for the skewed presentation of the talks' timeline, said Rhodes on Sunday, was to enable the administration to sell the deal to a wider audience.  
  • But he couldn't.  The fact is that 840 U.S. rabbis, over 200 U.S. generals and admirals, and 56 leading US nuclear weapons, arms control and intelligence experts signed other letters opposing the Iran nuclear agreement. 
  • Barack Obama works on a speech with Ben Rhodes, Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications.
    Rhodes and Obama
    create a narrative
    A majority of Congress voted against the Iran deal and when Congress voted on it last September, the American people opposed the agreement by a 2-1 margin and 64% believed President Obama and Secretary Kerry had misled the public about the deal.
  • In eight months, Ben Rhodes can get back to his former life — as he puts it, “drinking and smoking pot and hanging out in Central Park.” And presumably writing more fiction — this time perhaps the honest kind that does not pretend to be non-fiction. The entire world, except perhaps the world of fiction, will be better for it.

Read the full article



VIDEO THE ETERNAL JEW  How Jewish traitors on the pay of European and American donors betray Israel and work for the Muslim takeover of Jewish land

A scene from "The Eternal Jew" video produced by the Samaria Settlers' Committee. (YouTube screenshot)
Video screenshot
The grassroots Samaria Regional Council (West Bank) has produced a highly controversial animated video  that shows leftist groups that “tattle” on Israel and the IDF in a way similar to how Nazis depicted Jews in their anti-Semitic propaganda.
The video's message is that while leftists may think that Europe has changed since the Holocaust, the Europeans see them in the same way that they saw Jews in those dark days – as they pay them money to betray their countrymen.
It is called “The Eternal Jew?” – just like the title of the infamous 1940 Nazi propaganda film, but with a question mark at the end.
The video shows a hook-nosed figure accepting repeated payments of euros from a German-accented master for carrying out various provocations that are used in leftist-controlled media to portray Israel in a bad light: from sawing down trees in order to blame “the settlers,” to manufacturing faux news reports about supposed IDF cruelty and abuse of Arab human rights.
The video ends with the German master suggesting that the Jew “take care” of himself – and the Jew ending his own life.
Read more and watch video here:

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