
Friday, May 20, 2016

ONLY 2% OF YOUNG BRITISH MALES DESCRIBE THEMSELVES AS "COMPLETELY MASCULINE" according to latest poll - Feminists and leftists have given the world MASCULINE such negative connotations that men are afraid to identify or act as such

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Men who vote for the political right are more likely to have a positive opinion of masculinity, compared to those in the center and the left.
As Muslim migrants have swept all over Western Europe molesting and even raping women and children, European men were nowhere to be seen.   They failed to protect their wives and daughters from being raped, and after the fact they have remained quiet, afraid to show courage and outrage, and to demand a crackdown on lawlessness and a stop to Muslim migration. 
© Ruptly
In a pathetic and profoundly disturbing show of solidarity with women raped by Muslim migrants, these men in the Netherlands chose to wear skirts.  
by Virginia Hale for Breitbart

TOP:  Sensitive male icon
Hugh Grant
BELOW:  Sean Connery
as James Bond
Young men in Britain are reluctant to identify as “masculine” and think the term has “negative connotations”, a YouGov poll has revealed.
According to the survey, only two per cent of male respondents aged between 18 to 24 described themselves as “completely masculine”, compared to 56 per cent of over 65s.
The results come at a time when, despite the fact women vastly outnumber men at universities, feminists are demanding male students sign pledges to tackle “laddish” behaviour. at universities, feminists are demanding male students sign pledges to tackle “laddish” behaviour.
Wales Online last year reported on a campaign by police, councils and universities to “crack down” on behaviour deemed “laddish.”  Feminist Vicky Chandler called for “lad culture” to be tackled in children as young as those in primary school.
Describing the results as following a “generational decline,” YouGov found that younger respondents are increasingly reluctant to identify themselves as masculine.

Continue reading and see charts

Hugh Grant, tousled hair and a sweet disposition
The feminized British male.

On the following chart notice how young British women feel less feminine than older generations did:
Most shocking was the drastic generation gap in how the concept of masculinity is perceived.

Both men and women over 25 have a positive impression of masculinity, with very few people expressing negative views.
Among 18 to 25 year olds, however, the percentage of women with unfavourable impressions of the concept of masculinity jumps from 15 per cent to 27 per cent. Strikingly, more men in this age range felt the word had bad connotations (42 per cent) rather than good (39 per cent).

We don't see actors with his talent, dignity, and masculinity anymore

VH Masculinity 2
Responses also varied by political party.  Out of those who voted in the 2015 UK General Election, 72 per cent of respondents who voted Conservative expressed a positive opinion of masculinity, compared to 60 per cent of United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) voters, and only 53 per cent of Labour voters.
Surprisingly, 65 per cent of people who voted for the Liberal Democrats said they felt positively about masculinity.
Unlike with masculinity, there has not been a concerted campaign over the years to stigmatise femininity; it is unsurprising that responses to the concept were more positive.

Seventy-four per cent of Conservative voters said they felt positively about the concept of femininity compared to 76 per cent of Liberal Democrat voters, 64 per cent of Labour voters and 68 per cent of UKIP voters.
Overall, respondents had a net positive opinion of +56 for femininity compared to +44 for masculinity.
There was a notable gap between the proportion of men in the UK and the United States who describe themselves as masculine, with 42 per cent of American men identifying with the term compared with just 28 per cent of British men.
Finally, the polling organisation’s survey asked people about their lifestyles.  
They were questioned on a number of issues relating to their masculinity including: whether they have been in a physical fight; how easy they say it is for them to discuss personal problems with friends; and whether or not they have worn clothes intended for the opposite sex.
Men find it OK to get facials too.
Reporting on perceptions of the meaning of the word, YouGov reports that, “contrary to expectations,” their research found little correlation between identifying as more masculine and finding it harder to talk to friends or family about personal problems.

YouGov said that men (at 44 per cent), particularly young men (36 per cent), are less likely to say they find it easy to talk to friends about issues than women are (53 per cent).
At the top two levels of masculinity, meanwhile, they concluded men are more likely (at 64 per cent) to have had a physical fight than men who rated themselves less masculine. 


Feminists have turned western males into wusses who can't protect their women and children
And in the name of tolerance they have imported migrant intolerance, barbarity, violence, and evil that are dismantling European culture 

Sweden's education minister Gustav Fridolin making a cute little heart with his fingers, while Muslims continue to rape and murder Swedish women
with Stefan Molyneux on how feminism destroyed Europe
Stefan Molyneux discusses Europe, Muslims, the welfare state, and women who destroy men and society
Whether you agree with him or not, Watch Stefan Molyneux discuss:
-  how Swedish men have been basically broken by the feminist culture.  
-  how it was the women's vote that gave rise to the welfare state.
-  how the welfare state is essentially a Ponzi Scheme;
- how feminine ideas of multiculturalism are now destroying western culture;
-  how western feminism actually amounts to a shakedown for more power and money from the system, instead of helping women who are truly oppressed in other cultures;
-  how women can destroy a man's life with false accusations of rape, or drive a man into bankruptcy with excessive demands of alimony and child support payments.
Read more and watch video

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