
Saturday, May 14, 2016

MOTHER GOOSE INSISTENTLY PLEADS POLICE OFFICER FOR HELP - She kept pecking and pecking the officer. When he followed her, he found a baby goose tangled up in a balloon string. The officer freed the little gosling, who walked happily away with his mom

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When you’re in trouble, call the police. It’s something we’re all taught since childhood, but it seems even animals know to seek out the boys in blue when danger approaches.

Officer James Givens was on patrol in a parking lot when a distressed goose approached him and wouldn’t leave him alone.
“This goose came up and started pecking on the side of the car,” Givens told The Dodo.
“I threw some food out for her, but she didn’t take it. She just kept pecking and quacking.” The goose kept looking at Givens so he decided to follow her.
“She led me about 100 yards away to this grassy area near a creek. That’s when I saw one of her babies all tangled up in some string from a balloon. His little feet were kicking,” said Givens. “She led me straight to him.”
Givens’s colleague officer Cecilia Charron, from the Cincinnati Police Department, volunteered to help with the trapped gosling and untangled the baby.
“The mother goose just watched, like she knew,” said Givens. Once free, the gosling was reunited with his mother.
The string was tied to a Mother’s Day balloon among some of the litter near Mill Creek.

Givens shot video on his cellphone. He and Specialist Cecilia Charron called the SPCA, but no one was immediately available to come out. So Charron took matters into her own hands.

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“Well she has a couple of kids of her own and I guess that motherly instinct must’ve kicked in because it was like they communicated. The mother goose didn’t bother her,” Given said. “So Specialist Charron came and untangled it. It took her awhile because it was all wrapped up.”

“I always thought that they were afraid of people and people say they will attack you if you get close to their young’uns and I was just surprised.” It certainly isn’t the toughest part of the job, but these officers couldn’t turn their backs on a mother and child reunion.

 “I hope it might inspire more compassion in other people,” Givens added.

VIA Bare Naked Islam

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