
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

ALLOWING MEN INTO GIRLS BATHROOMS - Another betrayal of women and children by feminists and the left - The leftist White House says that opposing it is equivalent to RACISM

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The left and feminism have conspired to cause irreparable harm to men, women, children, and society as a whole.  Here are some examples:
  • They have legitimized the murder of children in the womb - at any stage of development.  Even Hillary Clinton supports abortion up to the day of the baby's natural birth.
  • They have systematically demeaned and destroyed the traditional family unit. 
  • They have psychologically and legally demonized and weakened men.
  • While disempowering men, they have empowered the State.   
  • They are in a non-ending quest to legalize as normal all psychological aberrations regarding self-identity - even to the point of absurdity.  If you are a white woman and see yourself as black African (the real case of white Rachel Dolezal, ex NAACP leader who fooled everyone), the left demands that your self-identity should prevail over science and common sense. 
  • If you are biologically a man and ALLEGE that you see yourself as a girl, the government allows you to use the girls' bathroom to protect your feelings - all this in full disregard of women and children's safety.
  • In the USA 55,000 school children will lose their privacy in bathrooms and locker rooms because of a tiny minority of children who suffer from sexual identity issues.
  • In Europe women victims of rape by Muslims are accused of racism by the left if they denounce the perpetrator or Muslim rape culture in general.
  • Third world women suffering from indescribably cruelty by men have been abandoned by the western left and feminists - because cultural traditions such as honor killings, sexual mutilation, acid burnings, and outright murder should not be criticized out of respect for those countries' values. 

Obama Forces All Schools To Create Transgender-Ready Mixed-Sex Bathrooms, Locker Rooms

President Barack Obama decrees that schools must welcome a tiny number of apparently transgender children by taking single-sex bathrooms, single-sex locker rooms and sexual privacy away from almost 55 million American kids in 100,000 K-12 public schools.

 Obama will use the administration’s power over funding and advocacy lawsuits to enforce his demand, which will establish the far-left theory of “gender identity” as government orthodoxy in the nation’s school system.
There’s little that House Speaker Paul Ryan’s GOP caucus in Congress can do to stop this power-grab, because they’ve already approved federal funding until October.
The denial of sexual privacy to almost 55 million kids is being justified as a way to prevent “discrimination” against a tiny number of children who say they feel they are members of the opposite sex. Among actual adults, various estimates say that only 1 in 330 or as few as 1 in 2,400 adults are transgender.

Read more:
Obama’s Attorney General: ‘Gender Identity’ More Important Than Sexual Privacy,
 Opponents Are Like Racists
Attorney General Loretta Lynch argued May 9 that any one person’s desire to choose a male or female “gender identity” is more important than Americans’ right to sexual privacy in shared public facilities, such as bathrooms and school locker rooms. 
“This action is about a great deal more than just bathrooms,” Lynch declared, as she announced a lawsuit against a compromise sexual privacy bill in North Carolina that sets a clear rule for when people can use bathrooms reserved for the other sex.
Lynch did not offer any alternative rule in her speech, but instead made an open-ended claim that a person’s choice of “gender identity” overrules communities’ sexual privacy rules.
This is about the dignity and respect we accord our fellow citizens and the laws that we, as a people and as a country, have enacted to protect them – indeed, to protect all of us. And it’s about the founding ideals that have led this country – haltingly but inexorably – in the direction of fairness, inclusion and equality for all Americans.
This unprecedented federal power-grab over the nation’s civic culture — and of the nation’s toilets and bathrooms, K-12 locker rooms and showers, and of retail stores’ changing rooms — is likely intended to boost progressive anger and political action before November 2016.
That’s partly because some progressives view the issues of “transgender rights” — more accurately, the right to choose a “gender identity” — as a matter of fundamental fairness to a tiny minority.
As few as 1 in every 2,400 Americans want to live and dress like members of the opposite sex, according to a study of the 2010 census. 

But Lynch is also risking a huge rebuke from the public, which is increasingly opposed to the forced removal of single-sex bathrooms and K-12 facilities and retail changing rooms.


Read more


BREITBART's news archive on the issue of transgender bathrooms





 - He also admits the US media acts as an "echo chamber" for the White House narrative



What “we,” the American public now “get” is that, yes, we’ve had a coup d’état designed first to convert our country into the kind of communist/socialist paradise that Barack Obama and his pie-in-the-sky acolytes actually believed would bring about “change you can believe in,” and second to usher in a de facto caliphate in which the dictates of Islam prevail. Here is a sample of a piece entitled

All of a Sudden:
  • All of a sudden, Islam is taught in schools; Christianity and the Bible are banned.
  • …we must stop serving pork in prisons.
  • …Muslims are refusing to do their jobs if it conflicts with Sharia Law.
  • …Muslim training compounds are popping up throughout the USA.
  • …the Attorney General of the United States vows to prosecute anyone who engages in “anti-Muslim speech”.
  • …our troops are withdrawn from Iraq and the Middle East, giving rise to ISIS.
  • …a deal with Iran is made at any cost, with a pathway to nuclear weapons and hundreds of billions of dollars handed over to fund their nefarious goals
  • …the American Navy is diminished to 1917 pre-World War I levels of only 300 ships, the Army is at pre-1940 levels…
  • …Obama won’t even say the words “Islamic Terrorism.”
Is it any wonder that sane and normal people have turned to Donald Trump, a wildly successful business mogul with a five-decade track record of getting things done? Such a no-brainer!
ObamaAlinskyWhat we also “get” is the contrived reasons being perpetrated by Mr. Trump’s critics, who, in all of their self-righteous umbrage, try to fool the public by citing—inaccurately—the presumptive nominee’s lack of conservatism, as if the so-called authentic conservatives in Congress can point to one single accomplishment in the last almost-eight years.
Writer Dwight Kehoe explains what they’re really afraid of. “From the lowest echelons to the highest positions of power in this bloated government, there exists the infestation of corruption, mismanagement, tax evasion, double dipping, regulatory extortion, payoffs, shakedowns, thievery and treachery.
Donald Trump has promised that he will do everything in his extensive ability and tireless energy to clean out every fibrous tentacle, no matter how deeply they have spawned.  That is what they fear.”

Read the entire column here:

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