
Thursday, May 26, 2016

AIR TRAVELLERS FORGET WHY THEY SUFFER DEGRADING TREATEMENT AND ENDLESS TSA LINES AT AIRPORTS - MUSLIM TERROR - But the Obama administration is using taxpayers money to bring in a record number of Muslim migrants

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The White House keeps importing thousands of Muslim migrants.  So the government spends your tax money to bring them in, and then spends even more when they turn to terror and crime.  Wouldn't it make more sense to spend those billions of dollars  helping the American homeless, instead, and war veterans, children, seniors, and so many other worthy Americans in need?
The Chicago Department of Aviation sent out a message on Tuesday, asking passengers flying out of city airports to show up three hours before their flights. Above, the security lines  at O'Hare on Monday  
While some people are quick to condemn Israel for having checkpoints in areas with high incidence of Muslim terror, they forget to connect Muslim terror in America with extreme delays and degrading body searches the innocent public has to suffer at airport security.  They choose to blame TSA mismanagement instead.

Let's not forget that it was Palestinian terrorists who initiated terror against airlines several decades ago, with hijackings and killings in the name of their political cause. 
Their tactics have been copied and refined by Muslims everywhere, not just because of their hate against Israel, but their hate against the West in general.

 Palestinian failed suicide bomber

The risk associated with bringing in tens of thousands of Muslims - whose ideology celebrates and encourages martyrdom -  to add to the already existing Muslim population in America, does not make any sense from the security point of view. 

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The Washington Times - The State Department admitted 80 Syrian refugees on Tuesday and 225 on Monday, setting a new single-day record as President Obama surges to try to meet his target of 10,000 approvals this year — sparking renewed fears among security experts who say corners are being cut to meet a political goal. 

“The Obama administration on full throttle to admit as many people as possible before the time clock runs out on them,” said Jessica Vaughan, policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies. “This is the classic scenario when political expediency trumps prudence, and someone slips through who shouldn’t have, and tragedy ensues.”
Palestinians train their children to hate,
to kill, and to die

Powerless to stop the civil war in Syria, Mr. Obama has instead offered the U.S. as a safe haven for those fleeing the conflict, promising to accept 10,000 refugees between Oct. 1 and Sept. 30.

As of Tuesday evening, he’d approved 2,540 — an average of about 10 applications a day.

To meet the 10,000 goal, that pace will have to spike to nearly 60 approvals a day.
But pressure to speed up the process is growing. Last week Senate Democrats, led by Sen. Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, fired off a letter saying other countries are approving refugees at a quicker pace, and demanding the administration catch up.

Importing terrorists

“Refugees are victims, not perpetrators, of terrorism,” the Democrats wrote in their letter.  That’s not always the case, however, as two men who arrived as part of the refugee program were charged with terrorism-related offenses in January.

One of those, Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab, an Iraqi-born man, was living in Syria when he was admitted as a refugee in 2012. The State Department counts him against its Iraqi refugee program, not against the Syrian refugee program.

Poster:  Bare Naked Islam 

29 Somali Muslim sex traffickers and pimps arrested in the Minneapolis area
29 Somali Muslim sex traffickers and pimps arrested in the Minneapolis area
Poster:  Bare Naked Islam 


No Christian refugees wanted

Critics say the Obama administration has been too heavily focused on Muslim refugees, while hundreds of thousands of Christians are left behind. The latest statistics show only a dozen Christian refugees from Syria have been accepted so far — a rate of less than half of one percent.

The overwhelming majority — more than 97 percent — are Suni Muslims.

Congressional Republicans have called for a slower approach to admitting refugees, but have been powerless to stop Mr. Obama. Democrats filibustered a proposal to require the chiefs of Homeland Security, intelligence and the FBI to sign off on every refugee’s application.

The House will take another step Wednesday, as the Judiciary Committee votes on legislation requiring USCIS to check the social media profiles of all applicants seeking visas from suspect countries.

States have also tried to block Mr. Obama, renouncing agreements to work with the administration to resettle refugees within their borders. Texas even sued to try to bar resettlement, but a federal court rejected the lawsuit, saying the state didn’t have standing.

While Americans suffer at airports, they pay to bring the enemy to their home states.

American Airlines reports that 4,000 passengers have missed flights at O'Hare since February Whether passengers are flying to Timbuktu or Detroit - they're being asked to show up at least three hours before their flight at Chicago's O'Hare airport.  

Security lines at the nation's third-busiest airport have been spiraling out of control due to an understaffed Transportation Security Administration and record flight sales. 

The problem is especially bad in the American Airlines terminal at O'Hare, where more than 100 passengers were forced to sleep on cots after missing their flights in the extremely long security lines. 

And that's just a fraction of the 400 passengers that missed their flights that day.
 Photo right:  Thousands of passengers have missed their flights due to TSA security checks delays.  Here they are sleeping on cots at the airport.


Somalis in America



 TEN THINGS AMERICANS NEED TO KNOW about what the White House calls immigrant "seedlings"

Read more

READ MORE about refugee resettlement in America

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