
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

$28 MILLION PALESTINIAN MUSEUM OPENS WITHOUT A SINGLE EXHIBIT - A fake museum for a fake people - Arabs living in Israel are NOT a distinct population different from other Arabs in the region. Unauthorized duplication of this blog's material is prohibited.   Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full credit and link is given to Otters and Science News Blogspot.  Link to this post: - Thank you for visiting my blog.
Your taxes for aid to Palestinian Muslims at work: 

A Fake Museum for a Fake Palestine
The Palestinian Museum is as empty as its soul.

20 years in the making, a new $28 million Palestinian museum of national heritage opened on ancient Jewish land now occupied by the Palestinian Authority – with no exhibits.
  • As history demonstrates, the people today known as “Palestinian” Arabs bear no distinction from the Arabs living in neighboring nations that only gained their current borders and distinct nationalities in the past century.
  • A large majority of them are descendants from Muslim conquerors who invaded in the 7th century
  • These descendants arrived in Israel looking for work early in the 20th century, as the Jews were draining the swamps and cultivating in what until then had been desert.
  • There is no distinct “Palestinian” history or culture.
  • And, so, it was absolutely fitting that The Palestinian Museum of Art, History and Culture opened its doors with NO EXHIBITS.
  • The 43,000 square foot building will employ 40 staff.
The empty walls of the Palestinian Museum (Photo: EPA)
Museum of Palestinian culture - Photo EPA
This is the essence of
Palestinian culture. If
there were no Jews, they
would turn on each other
- as Muslims  do all over
the Middle East
Salah Kuwar, 20, an electrician in charge of the sound and lighting for the inauguration, said the museum was “a lovely idea, but it’s strange that we have millions for a museum of the Palestinians, but little help for the Palestinians themselves, to give them institutions, or to help with finding them jobs. 
No, there’s no time for the past.  We are fed up, we need an intifada (uprising),” Kuwar said, adding that he didn’t get “the point” of any of it.
Exhibits were delayed partly because the museum’s director resigned last December over disputes with the museum’s management. He took with him the first exhibit, “Never Part,” which was to showcase personal items of Palestinian refugees.

A source close to the project told AFP that the museum’s inauguration without exhibits was a disappointment, as it will “not live up to its declared vision of telling the Palestinian people’s story to the world.”





By Daniel Greenfield
Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center,
author is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.

150 years ago, Mark Twain visited Muslim-occupied Israel and wrote of “unpeopled deserts” and “mounds of barrenness,” of “forlorn” and “untenanted” cities.
Palestine is “desolate,” he concluded. “One may ride ten miles hereabouts and not see ten human beings.”
The same is true of the Palestinian Museum which opened with much fanfare and one slight problem. While admission is free, there’s nothing inside for any of the visitors to see except the bare walls.

Or they could their new museum halls with
these artifacts of typical Palestinian culture 
The Palestinian Museum had been in the works since 1998, but has no exhibits. The museum cost $24 million. All it has to show for it are a few low sloping sandy buildings indistinguishable from the dirt and a “garden” of scraggly bushes and shrubs. The Palestinian Museum is open, but there’s nothing inside.
It’s hard to think of a better metaphor for Palestine than a bunch of empty buildings designed by Irish and Chinese architects whose non-existent exhibits were the brainchild of its former Armenian-American director. It’s as Palestinian as bagels and cream cheese. Or skiing, hot cocoa and fjords.
Over the Palestinian Museum flies the proud flag of Palestine, which was originally the flag of the Iraqi-Jordanian Federation before the PLO “borrowed” it, and visitors might be greeted by the Palestinian anthem composed by Greek Communist Mikis Theodorakis.
If it sounds anything like the soundtrack from Zorba the Greek, that’s because they both share the same composer.

All of Palestine is so authentically Palestinian that it might as well be made in China. At least that’s where the stained Keffiyahs worn by the stone throwers hurling rocks at passing Jewish families while posing heroically for Norwegian, Canadian and Chilean photojournalists are made.
Palestine is an empty building with nothing in it. It’s a political Potemkin village. There’s a flag, an anthem, a museum and all the trappings of a country. But if you look closer, there’s nothing inside.

Continue reading this and other related articles, and watch more videos

Palestinians have achieved top expertise
 at bombing buses and stabbing Jews

The Palestinian Museum’s chairman, Omar al-Qattan, who was born in Beirut and lives in the UK, said that the “Palestinians” needed positive energy so badly that opening an empty museum made sense.
Just think how much positive energy can come from realizing that you have no culture, heritage or history to put in your museum.

Arabs commemorate the day when the combined armies from many Arab countries failed to massacre the Jews and destroy Israel - that, to them, is Nakba - a Catastrophe

But actually the Palestinian Museum had to open in time for the Nakba. The Nakba is the annual commemoration of the failed invasion of Israel by foreign Muslim armies. The invasion by Egyptian, Iraqi, Syrian and Jordanian forces began on May 15. Egypt’s General Muhammad Haidar declared that the invading Muslim forces would be occupying Tel Aviv in two weeks.
Egyptian forces hit the village of Kfar Darom which had a few hundred residents and a few dozen militia members. They hit it with tanks, armored vehicles, infantry battalions, artillery and bombers.
The invading colonial Muslim forces lost two soldiers for every single Jewish militia defender. Instead of taking Tel Aviv in two weeks, they were stuck laying siege to a tiny village for two months.
That’s the Nakba. And you can see why the Muslim settlers in Israel have an annual day of mourning over the miserable defeat of their invading armies at the hands of the indigenous Jewish population.

VIDEO Palestinian leader acknowledges that Palestinians are not ethnically different from Saudis, Egyptians, Syrians, Iraqis
Like its museum, all of Palestine is one long endless fraud. The opening of the Palestinian Museum will be attended by President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority. Abbas was elected to a four-year term in 2005. It’s been a while since his term expired.
The Palestinian Authority is just the PLO in drag. It claims authority over some territories that it doesn’t administer and has no control over.
HAMAS Junior terrorists-in-training

  Educating their young to hate and kill.

But the empty Palestinian Museum isn’t about to let setbacks like a complete lack of things to put inside its bare walls get it down. Instead it’s doing what the PLO has always done in troubled times.
It’s invading Beirut.  Even though the Palestinian Museum has nothing to display, it’s opening a satellite museum in Beirut. If this “Palestinian” invasion goes anything like the last one, the satellite Palestinian Museum will be murdering Christians inside of a week.
Beyond Beirut, the Palestinian Museum plans satellite museums in San Diego, London, Dubai and Gaza. In the Islamic fashion, the lack of an inner soul is compensated for with external expansionism.
Meanwhile the empty Palestinian Museum had found a prestigious new director, Mahmoud Hawari, a scholar whom it described as “the lead curator at the British Museum”. Hawari though isn’t a curator of anything. He’s a visiting academic.
The foundation behind the Palestinian Museum blamed its new director for misleading them with a bad curriculum vitae. But it has yet to change its website.
But Palestine has always been based on lies. Why should the Palestinian Museum break that tradition?
Hawari will have to decide what, if anything, to put in the Palestinian Museum. The chairman however thinks that it should celebrate Islamic terrorism and discuss who was living in Israel first. These two topics are the beginning and end of any Palestinian identity. And both of them involve hating Jews.
Eliminate Jews, as the Muslim and non-Muslim champions of the Palestinian hoax have attempted to do, and there is no Palestine left. Palestine is a parasitic political entity that derives its wealth, its water and its electricity from Israel. It also gets its history, its culture and its entire reason for existing from Israel.
The Muslim settlers claim that King David was a Muslim, that Jesus was a Palestinian and that the Star of David, which long predated Islam, is an Islamic symbol. The only Palestinian culture is appropriation.
Palestine can no more exist without Israel than a Plasmodium malariae or an HIV virus can exist outside a warm body. Despite all the whining about an independent state, the only purpose for a Palestinian state that the PLO, Hamas or anyone else has been able to conceive of is attacking Israel.
Palestinian identity has no meaning or context without hating Jews.


The Palestinian Museum is as empty as the souls of a populace that has wholly given itself over to a cult of death. Nothing can be put in there except hatred of Jews.
The echoing emptiness of the Palestinian Museum has been blamed, with utter predictability, on the Jews. The Palestinian Museum had not wanted to taint its walls with the works of the filthy Jews. And so its overseers had to import from outside Israel since the only thing “Palestine” manufactures is death.
The Jews had made it difficult to bring in authentically Palestinian, German lighting fixtures and Australian fire exit signs. But when the lighting fixtures and fire exit signs were finally put up, there was still nothing to put in the museum. And that too was the fault of the Jews.
Omar Al Qattan complains that Israel makes it difficult to import exhibition objects. But you would think that a museum a few miles outside the capital of the Palestinian Authority could find something “Palestinian” to exhibit in what it claims is its historic land. And yet the bare walls testify that it couldn’t.
There is no Palestinian culture. There is no Palestinian history. Instead there’s an empty museum built by an Irish architecture firm. Even the “Palestinian” garden is the work of a Jordanian landscaper.
Palestine is a Potemkin village. It has plenty of Muslim settlers squatting on the sites of historical Jewish towns and villages, but it is as desolate as it was when Mark Twain visited it. Its culture is an empty building. There are plenty of bodies, but there is no soul. Palestine has no past and no future.

Daniel GreenfieldAbout Daniel Greenfield
You can read more by Daniel Greenfield on his personal blog:
Sources for this blog's article:

On Palestinian Media Watch



Mark Twain's Lessons for the Ages 

By Dr. Joseph Frager
If we are true to history, it is clear that only one people has a genuine claim to the land of Israel.
When Mark Twain visited Israel after the Civil War in 1867 he was witness to a very different country that now exists.  (It was then under the occupation of the Muslim Ottoman empire.) 
It is a credit to the Jewish People that the rebirth of the State of Israel 66 years ago came to fruition.  
Mark Twain had a great deal of respect for the Jewish People writing in his own unique style in Harper's Magazine regarding "the Jew" stating:
"He has made a marvelous fight in this world, in all the ages, and had done it with his hands tied behind him. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass but he remains".
This is one of the many lessons Mark Twain has taught us.
Mark Twain was the author of famous novels such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.  He also worked as a journalist. (What he said ...)
In his writings about his travels throughout Israel entitled, "Innocents abroad" - published in 1869 - he described the desolation of the Holy Land as follows:
"No landscape exists that is more tiresome to the eye than that which bounds the approaches to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is mournful, dreary, and lifeless. Palestine sits in sackloth and ashes".
In Twain's own inimical words about the Arabs in Israel he describes:
 "its minuscule Arab presence, making use of virtually none of the available land for the people's own meager needs, could hardly be considered a serious counter to the claim of millions of Jews the world over to a State of their own."
Any claim by the Arabs that they were living throughout the land of Israel for any length of time before the Jews came back is totally and unequivocally debunked by Mark Twain's writings. In 1867 there were only a handful of Arabs in the Land of Israel. That is the sum total of it. 
All of the Arab claims that they were descendants of Arabs living in Israel is just not true.
Yasir Arafat's family came from Egypt, not the Land of Israel. The Arabs only moved in after the Jews had already settled many areas of  Israel in the 1800's. Mark Twain's 150th Anniversary of his visit to Israel is soon approaching. We should do everything in our power to honor this great man who set the record straight for the Ages.
Link to this article
Picture of Mark Twain - Wikipedia

More on Mark Twain here:
Pictures of old Jerusalem, when Mark Twain visited, and a few years afterwards -
Excellent website Israel Daily Picture.
Israel Daily Picture archive of Jerusalem

It's all in history books everywhere
The anti-Semitic world, motivated by hate and the need for Arab oil, want to rewrite history by creating a mythical Palestinian claim to Jewish land

The Myth of the Stolen Arab Land
While the Arab-Israeli conflict today is a diplomatic and military one, it is also composed of a third element — the media. Not being confined, the media debate has spread throughout the internet, online newspapers, online journals and of course, blogs.  

Although contributors to online blogs and threads often offer nothing more than rubbish and repartee, there exists a lively and healthy debate on the Arab-Israeli conflict.
One of the main points of contention on most blogs and discussions I have seen center around one issue. Pro-Palestinian writers claim that in 1948, Israel appropriated Palestinian lands and villages to create their own cities and agricultural communities. Pro-Israel writers offer good counterpoints but these are often insufficient to properly negate the argument and win the debate.  
Debaters from both sides of the argument often use sources gleaned from political, left or right-wing sources and this damages the quality of the argument since the proofs brought are often nothing more than the biased views of extreme groups. When making an argument, it is important to find credible information from sources that cannot be attributed to a specific political slant. 
The first part of the argument that Zionists stole Palestinian land can refer to the British Mandate period before the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. Arab absentee landowners owned most of the land eventually used by the UN to create the State of Israel and their willingness to sell the land to Jews demonstrates evident disinterest in maintaining ownership over it. 
Furthermore, Arab governments displaced their own populations in far greater numbers than the Jews displaced Palestinian Arabs up until the 1930's. Jews were careful not to buy land in areas that would cause Arab displacement and instead bought uncultivated land in remote areas. Israeli leaders at the time discouraged Jews from displacing Arabs and placed heavy importance on a continued Arab presence in the land. 
In January of 1937, Ben Gurion testified before the Palestine Royal Commission in which he said, "We will work it out together, and we will see to it that not a single Arab cultivator is displaced, but he should not only remain, but his conditions should be improved, and, by intensification, new room should be created for new Jewish settlers." 
However, even with this proposed cooperation, Arabs often sold their land to Jews when they decided to move elsewhere or when they needed the money to invest in promising Jewish-owned business projects.
THE PEEL COMMISSION OF 1937 FOUND ARAB CLAIMS THAT JEWS STOLE THEIR LAND AS BASELESS. Land shortages were due more in part to massive Arab immigration to Palestine from other Arab countries than to Jewish land purchases. Chapter IX of the Peel Commission states,
"The shortage of land is due less to purchase by Jews than to the increase in the Arab population. The Arab claims that the Jews have obtained too large a proportion of good land cannot be maintained. Much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamps and uncultivated when it was bought."

jewish pioneers
Whereas the British resigned much of Palestine to be "uninhabitable," the Jews took this "barren wasteland," drained the swamps and "made the desert bloom." Many of the Jewish-owned citrus groves at the time were situated on sand dunes viewed by the British as "uncultivable." 
It is without doubt that the Jews, in their quest to purchase and acquire more land, did not take any land from Arabs unlawfully. Furthermore, Arab absentee landlords living elsewhere and real estate brokers sold their land to Jews at an inflated cost. 
As of today, not a single person representing the pro-Palestinian view has been able to contradict this reality using any official documentation, land data or historical records. 
Furthermore, the Peel Commission admitted that Arabs on the whole, benefited from a growing Jewish presence in the land as they brought economic prosperity and stability to Palestine and its inhabitants.
"The Arab population shows a remarkable increase since 1920, and it has had some share in the increased prosperity of Palestine. Many Arab landowners have benefited from the sale of land and the profitable investment of the purchase money. The fellaheen are better off on the whole than they were in 1920. This Arab progress has been partly due to the import of Jewish capital into Palestine and other factors associated with the growth of the National Home. In particular, the Arabs have benefited from social services which could not have been provided on the existing scale without the revenue obtained from the Jews."

This population growth occurred in tandem with Palestinian Jewish population growth and for reasons often overlooked. Jewish immigration and subsequent economic growth in Palestine led to increased Arab immigration from other countries by those seeking economic opportunity. Many Arabs at the time wandered around the Middle East seeking sustenance and a means to support their families.
Arab claims that they were displaced from their homes after living there generation after generation for thousands of years were baseless and fabricated. Most Arabs living in Palestine prior to 1948 had come from Arab lands in search of subsistence and had not been in Palestine for more than a few years.  
In addition, the Jews cleared unused land, drained swamps in the Jezreel Valley and surrounding areas and in doing so, helped rid the country of its widespread malaria problem.
They established medical clinics, improved water supplies and developed better solutions to deal with sanitation. All this, directly led to better health, higher standard of living, longer life expectancy and a lower infant mortality rate.
It is clear that Arab complaints against Jews were, for the most part, politically motivated, and did not reflect the reality in Palestine at the time. In comparison to their lives in Arab countries or the situation in Palestine before massive Jewish immigration, Arabs saw a consistently increased improvement in their standard of living, overall health and improved economic stability — all while cultivating their own land.
 AUTHOR Israel Kasnett lives in Israel and is a pro-Israel advocate and political strategist. This article was published July 20, 2008 in Neo Constant
Link to the entire Mark Twain article above
 VIDEO - The Nazis and the Palestinian Movement  -  The Palestinian active role in the Holocaust.


Mizrahi Nation
Jews who fled persecution in Arab countries and emigrated to Israel.  About half of the Israeli population descends from these Middle Eastern Jews. 
Read more

Gazan terrorists deliberately use schools and hospitals to launch rockets against Israel. This has been confirmed by international media and by Hamas leadership itself.   READ MORE


IF ARABS WANT PEACE ... why is it that they can't live in peace ANYWHERE?
Wherever Muslims live they engage in violence and terror. 
The most violent and oppressive places in the world right now are MUSLIM-RULED STATES.
So why would ANOTHER Muslim state bring peace to Palestinians, to Jews, or to the Middle East?
And with all this endemic culture of Muslim violence, why does the world blame the Jews for the lack of peace in Israel? 
Palestinians have repeatedly refused generous territorial offers because they want all of Israel.
Also, can anyone explain the notion that the Muslim conqueror can claim a right to Jewish land, while the indigenous Jews are called "occupiers"? 


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