
Friday, April 15, 2016

WHAT ANGRY WHITE MALES REALLY THINK ABOUT WOMEN - Watch controversial video by Black Pigeon Speaks on the DISASTROUS CONSEQUENCES OF WOMEN EMPOWERMENT, and video by Stefan Molyneux with facts demolishing the notion of MALE PRIVILEGE. - And, what if women ruled the world?

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I happened to watch the following video the other day and was struck by the resentment expressed about the way the feminist culture destroys society and civilization. 
This is not hyperbole.  Angela Merkel's Open Borders policy has already ruined Europe, and although the process has slowed down a bit, it is only a pause.  It won't stop until European civilization is completely dismantled. 
A woman, Merkel, did that in her own feminine way, with no need for armies or weapons.  Sweetly, she did it, by inviting millions of migrants from violent, terrorist, backward, and intolerant cultures to settle in Europe, at taxpayers' expense.   
Black Pigeon Speaks So a man who uses the pseudonym "Black Pigeon Speaks" discusses how women empowerment has ruined our civilization.  He is controversial and politically incorrect throughout, but it tells things men think about women that they usually keep to themselves. 
I'm a female, although not a feminist.  I agree sometimes with what he says, but I cringe at several of his assertions, so I'm NOT endorsing his views.  Having been raised in an age of gender equality, I would not want to go back to 19th century social structures. 
So whether you agree with him or not, it is interesting to listen to Black Pigeon Speaks, if only to get into those recondite areas of the male psyche that are usually out of bounds for women.
Continue reading and watch VIDEO

VIDEO - Why Women destroy Nations, Civilizations, and other Uncomfortable Truths 
Black Pigeon Speaks
More videos by Black Pigeon
Here is a video by  Stefan Molyneux about statistics.  Are males privileged in comparison to women?    Look at the data.  It starts rather slow, but the facts are incontrovertible.  Be prepared to have a change of mind.
This blogger too, incidentally, has a very dark view of the consequences of women empowerment.  Watch his other videos.
More by Stefan Molyneux
Regarding that question of what would happen if women ruled the world, just look at the evidence:
Angela Merkel, possibly the most powerful woman in the world, managed to start the process of destroying Europe - something that neither the Barbarian invasions, nor an assortment of wars through the centuries, nor Adolf Hitler himself got to achieve.  And she did it all in the name of western feminine notions of compassion, inclusion, and cultural relativism (meaning she despises her own culture).
More examples: 
Hillary Clinton has a chilling track record going back several decades, and was probably the worst US Secretary of State in modern times.  Her personal closet if full of skeletons that the sympathetic media does not want to look into. 
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner - Argentina's former president, had an administration plagued by corruption, and she is currently being investigated.
The list is much longer.  And those names only represent political power.  Women in business can be just as ruthless as men.   And there is no day when we don't read about some shocking violent act perpetrated by women against their own children.  So much for women being non-violent.
August 22, 2015
Rubbishing the male of the species and everything he stands for is a disturbing  21st century phenomenon - FIGHTING WILDFIRES OR PREVENTING A FRENCH TRAIN MASSACRE BY A MUSLIM TERRORIST
 - It is men who usually do heroic acts, ready to give up their lives to save others

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