
Saturday, April 9, 2016

VIDEO - IS MERKEL BEING BLACKMAILED? - The EU social welfare system is an unsustainable Ponzi Scheme - And what drives EU governments to surrender their countries to cultural and demographic annihilation?

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  • Since the large majority of migrants still coming into Europe are NOT refugees in the legal sense of the world, but men of military age who deserted their countries and left their wives and mothers behind to fend for themselves, Europe's Open Borders policy is NOT driven by humanitarianism. 
  • Importing millions of Muslims is not for the economic benefit of Europe either, because over 60% of them are ILLITERATE in their own language, let alone any of the European languages.  Their wives, if they bring them in, will be unable to join the work force.
  • What are European leaders' ulterior motives?  They are hidden from the public. 
  • Is Angela Merkel being blackmailed?  Only a year or so ago she admitted that multiculturalism had utterly failed.  And then, suddenly, she invites an unlimited number of unassimilable Muslim migrants into Europe.
  • Merkel with her mysterious past as a member of the Communist Party in East Germany could perhaps be subject to blackmail. 
  • But what about the thousands of government officials across Europe who are part of this plan for the destruction of Europe?  Something else is at work here. 
  • This video gives logical suggestions on how to fight back.

BREAK EUROPE - Merkel and her Migrants
The Facts Now - And what Comes Next
By Black Pigeon

Black Pigeon SpeaksWatch more challenging and controversial videos by Black Pigeon on his YouTube channel

Do not miss Black Pigeon's previous video on the demographics of this migration, and how German promoters of Muslim migration are lying about it when they compare a few million Muslims with the larger German population of 80 million or so.  But most Germans are old.  When you compare Muslim migrants with their age group among Germans, the results are alarming. 
According to demographic projections, by the year 2020 Germany will have a majority of Muslim men in the 20 to 35 age bracket - their top reproductive years.  European men have one or two children, while Muslims have eight or ten.  It's simple math, really. 

Watch Black Pigeon's video on demographic facts, and other related ones here:


The destruction of the European civilization is an inside job, and it's being done quite DELIBERATELY
In case you missed this very brief video, Stefanie Von Berg, a member of the German Green Party, stands in parliament to affirm that the disappearance of the German nation through Muslim migration is a very good thing.   It's in German with English translation. 


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