
Monday, June 22, 2015

PUPPY IN CHINA LOVINGLY PLEADS FOR ATTENTION MINUTES BEFORE BEING SKINNED ALIVE AND COOKED - Many are also cooked alive because of S.E. Asian tradition that says that the hormones released by tortured animals are good for those who eat them, and also make the meat taste better

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A puppy at China's Yulin festival unaware it is about to be skinned alive and cooked
Heartbreaking image from China's annual dog meat festival where
tens of thousands of animals are killed 
  • Thousands of dogs and cats butchered as Yulin festival gets underway
  • Slaughterers hit them over the head, cut their throats open then boil them 
  • As many as 10 million dogs are killed for food annually in China according to the Humane Society.
  • Up to 10,000 are killed for the Yulin festival alone.
  • The festival itself has no cultural significance, it was invented by dog meat traders in 2010 as a way to boost their flagging business. 
  • Opened mid fierce international criticism and clashes with protesters  
  • Many of them are stolen pets
  • Those raised for food spend their short lives inside cages, suffering from thirst, and never experiencing a kind human gesture.
  • Many of the animals die on the long truck journeys from across China with no food or water.
  • Others suffer from such horrendous injuries that they cannot stand in the filthy pens they are transferred to.
  • It is legal to eat dogs in China and the country has no law protecting the welfare of pets or the way in which they are slaughtered. 
  • Rescuing dogs does not help, as dog farms will simply raise more for sale.  There needs to be a coordinated international effort to stop the consumption of dogs and cats in China and in other SE Asian countries.

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Playfully pawing at a man's leg, a puppy begs for attention as most young pets would do.  At first glance, this could be any cherished canine simply craving more love from a distracted owner.
    But this is far from a walk round the park – this poor puppy is about to die a barbaric death at a vile dog meat festival that has sparked outrage around the world.
    He is one of thousands of canines that will be skinned alive, butchered and eaten as the market in China got underway amid clashes with protesters.
    As many as 10,000 dogs, many of them stolen pets, are slaughtered for the market held deep in the largely rural and poor Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to mark the summer solstice. 
    Continue reading.  Caution:  disturbing images ahead. 
    You will be warned before seeing photos of Asians cooking dogs alive, with a long blank space on the page beforehand.

    Trussed up ready for slaughter: As many as 10,000 dogs, many of them stolen pets, are butchered for the market held deep in the largely rural and poor Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
    Trussing dog up for slaughter. 
    Notice how one of the men smiles in amusement.
    and a child learns by observing.
    Atrocious: Traders pin a dog to the floor and truss it up  to prepare it for slaughter at the Yulin meat festival as onlookers gawp and take pictures
    Holding dog down to skin it alive
    Activists including celebrities such as British comedian Ricky Gervais and Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen have called for an end to the festival, saying it has no cultural value and was invented simply to drum up trade. 
    For the past few weeks, international social media has also seen an unprecedented movement against the industry.
    However that in turn has sparked a backlash from Chinese supporters, it was reported by

    Inhumane: A dog vendor carries pets in a cage on his bicycle in Dashichang on the opening day of the dog meat festival in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, where thousands of animals are slaughtered for food
    These dogs have been raised in cages,
    having never known freedom, kindness, or love.

    One social media user said: 'Eating dog is a tradition for some people. Like some who don’t eat pork or mutton, they won’t object to us eating pork or lamb.
    'We should have mutual respect for others. If you don’t like to eat something then don’t eat it.'
    Another said: 'Let’s all get together and condemn the practise of eating turkeys at Christmas!' 

    Campaigners were forcibly dispersed by unidentified men Monday as they attempted to rally outside a government office.  
    About 10 animal rights activists unfurled banners outside the Yulin government headquarters, before a group of 20 men came and chased them off. 
    The campaigners held signs reading 'Crack Down on Illegal Dog Meat Trade' and 'Punish Illegal Dog Transport', but the banners were quickly torn out of their hands by the unidentified men. 

    Fate hanging in the balance: A dog vendor pulls a leash on a dog for sale in Dashichang dog market, where some dogs are sold as pets, while others are sold for dog meat

    The slogans are an attempt to appeal to local government officials to enforce existing laws on health and administrative grounds, as there are no rules banning the consumption of dog meat.
    'Many of these animals are stolen pets, and most of the dog meat trucks coming in are in total breach of China's very clear laws on animals for human consumption,' Adam Parascandola, director of animal cruelty issues at the Washington DC-based Humane Society, said in a statement.
    'How much longer can China simply allow the Yulin authorities to flout the law like this?'   
    As many as 10 million dogs are killed for food annually in China, with up to 10,000 killed for the Yulin festival, according to the Humane Society. 

    Sickening: Most dogs are stuffed inside cramped metal cages as they are lined up to be sold at the carnival

    The majority of 'meat dogs' in the country are stolen pets and strays, according to an investigation published this month by Hong Kong-based charity Animals Asia, though eating dog is unusual in most parts of China.
    Shortly after the protest in another part of Yulin, traders openly sold dogs off the back of scooters as hundreds gathered at a market. Many dogs were kept in tightly packed cages.
    Yesterday, undercover footage of the notorious Yulin meat festival, where butchered dog meat is eaten and washed down with lycee wine.
    Harrowing pictures have emerged of the stolen family pets and other waifs and strays, stuffed inside cramped metal cages as they are lined up to be sold at the cruel carnival. 
    Dogs are squeezed into a cage for the Dashichang dog market before being skinned alive and eaten

    Dogs can be heard yelping as animal rights' campaigners surreptitiously film the dog markets, keeping the camera hidden from view for fear of angering locals.
    And photographs, taken by members of Humane Society International (HSI) capturing brutal slaughterhouse scenes in the city, clearly show the trade in dog meat is already well underway.

    Distraught campaigners and outraged locals have been going there to buy pups and save them from certain death.
    Hundreds of animals have been rescued and purchased from dog meat traders, but thousands are expected to be killed and their meat consumed for the festival, which authorities have tried to deny is still happening, charities say.
    'We've seen all manner of dog breeds coming in to the rescue shelters, some of them obviously someone's pet because they still have their collars on with their names,' said Adam Parascandola, from the HSI. 
    Controversial: A cook roasts crispy-skin dogs in a restaurant as some 10,000 dogs are expected to be killed
    This image reflect the horrible torture these animals suffered as they died.
    'There are also a lot of cats and tiny kittens rescued. It's nauseating to think that these poor guys were next to be beaten to death and eaten. 
    'We know that these are only a small number compared to the thousands who have already suffered and died, but every life saved is precious.'
    Inhumane: The cats whose meat will eventually be sold for around £2 per half a kilogram - are crammed so tightly into cages they can barely move
    Cats crammed into tiny cages - also to be skinned alive, killed, and eaten.
    He said there was a 'real divide' in Yulin between the older generation dog meat traders and the younger generation Chinese animal traders who want it to stop. 
    He said: 'We've also seen just ordinary Chinese citizens who have no connection at all to animal rights but have seen the news and felt compelled to come down and help these animals. 
    'It's inspiring actually, and a real sign of hope for a future China without this horrific dog and cat meat trade.
    Many of the animals die on the long truck journeys from across China with others suffering such horrendous injuries that they cannot stand in the filthy pens they are transferred to.
    BOoming trade: Vendors wait for customers as dogs are kept in a cage at Dashichang dog market ahead of a local dog meat festival in Yulin
    BOoming trade: Vendors wait for customers as dogs are kept in a cage at Dashichang dog market ahead of a local dog meat festival in Yulin
    Poor conditions: A dog with a weeping eye lies at the Dashichang dog market before Yulin's meat festival
    Very sick and suffering animal at the Dashichang market
    Those who do survive are clubbed over the head and have their throats cut open before they are thrown into boiling water. The butcher then plucks all the hair, removes all the organs and puts the dog on the grill.
    Up to 10 million dogs are believed to be killed for their meat in China every year, with as many as 10,000 killed for the Yulin festival alone. 
    The festival itself has no cultural significance, it was invented by dog meat traders in 2010 as a way to boost their flagging business. 
    Although dog meat can be found in China today, it is not widely eaten by the average Chinese person and is not part of mainstream culinary practice. 
    For sale: Caged dogs wait to be sold in a market on Sunday before the official start of the festival
    Notice one of the dogs seems to be a stolen pet with a collar still on.
    Xing Hai, a Chinese activist working with HSI, said: 'I'm ashamed that around the world China has become famous for its animal cruelty, and Yulin in particular, and I want people to know that there are thousands of us here in China who are sickened by this cruelty too. 
    Off to market: A man loaded butchered dogs drives past a pet dog at a dog meat market ahead of a local dog meat festival in Yulin
    'This is not the China that we want, the old ways of treating animals have to end, Yulin is just the start.' 
    The organisation claims the local government could be violating China's national policy by allowing the cruel festival to continue.
    Cooked: A butcher grills a butchered dog at a slaughter house at a dog meat market in Yulin
    Grilling a dog
    It is legal to eat dogs in China and the country has no law protecting the welfare of pets but its Ministry of Agriculture has strict rules which require every cat and dog to have an 'inspection certificates' before they are transported.
    Because most of these animals are stolen pets or strays grabbed off the street, dog meat traders do not have the right paperwork or produce 'fraudulent documents' instead, HSI claims.
    Some slaughterhouse owners admitted they did not have 'quarantine certificates' and local health inspectors never visit to check out the animals - many of whom look visibly sick.
    Cruel: Dogs are kept in a cage at Dashichang dog market ahead of a local dog meat festival in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region
    Most likely stolen pets.

    Shocking: A butcher holds a butchered dog at a slaughter house in a dog meat market with dozens of dead cats laid next to him


     Preparations: Cooks cut dog meat at a dog meat restaurant ahead of local dog meat festival in Yulin
    Dinner: A boy looks at a bowl of dog meat carried by a waiter at a dog meat restaurant as his family has a gathering to eat dog meat and lychees
    This is what is left of the lives of dogs and cats who are 
    so intensely loyal and loving. 



    DOG SAVED FROM BEING KILLED FOR FOOD BY VIETNAMESE, WINS CRUFTS AWARD for transforming the life of the autistic son of the woman who saved him - The story of a dog named "Miracle" -  The Before and After photos.

    Amanda adopted Miracle after seeing his photograph on a Soi Dog Facebook post - he has now made a full recovery

    Crossbreed Miracle was destined for dog meat restaurants of Hanoi in Vietnam

    Read more -

    Caged: This raccoon dog is one of hundreds held at a Chinese fur farm, where they live just a few monthsINSIDE CHINESE FUR FARMS WHERE THEY SKIN DOGS ALIVE to make coats to be sold in the West - VIDEO
    Read more  

    China - Dogs' skin taken while animal is still alive - it's used to make Ugg boots

    DOGS IN VIETNAM: FORCED FED, TORTURED, BEATEN TO DEATH, COOKED, AND EATEN - In South East Asia they boil cats and dogs alive - They believe the more an animal suffers, the better it tastes due to stress hormones - Some dogs are cooked alive.
    Read more

     Animals are often cooked alive because of the belief that stress hormones from the tortured animals make the meat taste better

    China - At least ten tigers slaughtered (some by electrocution)
    and butchered as entertainment for wealthy businessmen and other officials.




    Cruel: Mercifully the clip ends before we see the eventual fate of the dog although it hardly takes many guesses to imagine


    Read more





    Burned alive.


    More articles on this blog on cruelty against animals


    1. Someone should apply a blow torch to that guy's genitals. Chinese culture anyone? God help us. These people are without souls.

      1. Gwaga Lopez: As you posted that comment, I was working on another report of torture of dogs and cats at a meat market in Indonesia.
        They skin and blowtorch those innocent animals alive - in public. Customers don't seem to mind.

        You can see it here, or go to today's home page.


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