
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

MAN OFFERS HIS "PUREBRED" GIRLFRIEND ONLINE TO A GOOD HOME complaining she stays up all night yapping and is not totally trained - Forced to choose between his dog and his mean girlfriend, he chooses his dog

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'Purebred, stays up all night yapping, not totally trained': Dog owner's online bid to re-home his GIRLFRIEND after she tells him to choose between his pet and her.
  • The advert is entitled 'Free to a good home' and has a picture of the dog
  • The beagle's owner, from Roanoke, Virginia, describes her as a 'purebred' 
  • 'Only eats the best, most expensive food.
  • Will NEVER greet you at the door after a long day or give you unconditional love when you're down.
  • Does not bite but she can be mean as hell!'
  • He ends with: 'Come and get her! Me and my dog want her re-homed ASAP!!'
  • But readers thinking the ad is about the pet discover it refers to the woman.
  • Do you know the couple in the ad? Email

  • Forced to choose between his pet dog and his girlfriend, one man decided the best way to find his friend a new home was to post an advert online.
    The man is more fond of his beagle, similar to the one pictured here, than he is of his human partner 
    The man prefers the company
    of his beagle, like the one illustrated here
     Entitled 'Free to a good home', the Craigslist ad describes the best and worse traits of his companion in a bid to best match her with a new owner.
    Following his lengthy farewell, the advert's real message is revealed at the end.
    Not mincing his words, the man denounces his partner - describing her as a 'selfish, wicked, gold-digging girlfriend' and asks for her to be quickly re-homed.
    Continue reading and see original advertisement

    In the opening line of the message, the man, who lives in the city of Roanoke, Virginia, outlines how his girlfriend does not like his pet dog Molly, before explaining a bit about her. 
    The advertisement goes through all her attributes in a frank manner.
    'She is a purebred from a wealthy area and I have had her 4 years,' it states. 'She likes to play games. Not totally trained.'
    'Has long hair so she's a little high maintenance, especially the nails, but she loves having them done.' 
    The advert even describes how she 'stays up all night yapping but sleeps while I work'.
    The writer goes on to highlight more of her positive characteristics as well as the potential problems she might bring to her new owners.
    'Only eats the best, most expensive food. Will NEVER greet you at the door after a long day or give you unconditional love when you're down. Does not bite but she can be mean as hell!'
    After all the description, the man's real message comes to fruition in the final sentence - revealing his decision to say goodbye to his girlfriend rather than his faithful hound. 
    He describes his woman as being 'selfish' and 'wicked' and a 'gold digger'.
    He ends with: 'Come and get her! Me and my dog want her re-homed ASAP!!'
    It remains to be seen how the girlfriend reacted to the news but at least Molly will be relieved to hear that she remains the man's best friend.

    Hilarious: The advert on Craigslist that begins 'Free to any willing home' and features a photo of Molly 


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