
Sunday, May 17, 2015

SATIRE - VATICAN CAN'T BREAK WITH TRADITION OF HATING JEWS AND BEFRIENDING JEW-KILLERS - The Pope calls terrorist Mahmoud Abbas AN ANGEL OF PEACE and recognizes the Islamic State of Palestine - The Vatican loved German Nazis too and saved more than 1000 of them by providing them with false IDs so that they could escape justice

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 THEN AND NOW  -  German Nazis and Muslim Nazis
The Vatican cheerfully allies itself with the killers of Jews

ANGEL OF PEACE - During a meeting at the Vatican Francis praised Palestinian Authority Chief Mahmoud Abbas as an "angel of peace" “destroying the bad spirit of war.”

Fox News - "Moderate" Fatah  - Mahmoud Abbas' own political faction -  boasted on its official Facebook page of killing 17,000 of Jews. 

In their own words:  Fatah has killed 11,000 Israelis; Fatah has sacrificed 170,000 Martyrs (Shahids)...; Fatah was the first to carry out operations (i.e., terror attacks) during the first Intifada... 
Muslim Nazis - Palestinians actively collaborated with the Nazi regime.  Their leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem, was a Nazi war criminal, involved at the highest levels in Berlin in the design and implementation of the Final Solution.  The Nazi genocidal and racist ideology is pervasive among Palestinians and Arabs in general. (See more references and video further on this page.)
 SATIRE by Zbigniew Zwgstkstwig
It's getting hard to keep up with Pope Francis' daily reinterpretation of morality.  If it's sinful, we approve it, he seems to say.  If it kills Jews, we honor and celebrate it.  
This is becoming so disturbing that I felt compelled to discuss it with a top Vatican official the other day. 
'What's going on?'  I asked Father Sudicio, an advisor at the Vatican.  'Can you tell me why this pope is going out of his way to side with issues that most of us consider unsavory, immoral, corrupt, or plain criminal?'
'I understand your confusion,' said Father Sudicio.  'but we have a very long tradition of not only supporting immoral issues, but of being embroiled with them in a very enthusiastic manner.  Some of our popes were so corrupt that even by today's lax moral standards we would regard them as outright criminal and depraved.' 
'But they were still considered holy and infallible', I interjected.
'Exactly!  As far as the Church was concerned, none of that was put into doubt.  They still represented Jesus on Earth.'  

Then he continued:  'We have also been engaged in protracted persecutions of Jews, for example.  Centuries of it.  During the Inquisition we excelled in methods of torture and murder.  You are shocked by CIA waterboarding, but that's a mere tickle compared to the Church's old methods of forcing Jews to convert or die.'  
'Isn't there a smidgen of guilt for the Church's crimes and their incitement to murder Jews,' I asked.
'Well, officially yes.  But between you and me, Zbigniew, we lament we were so woefully ineffective.  Fortunately the Nazis organized a better system.  We could not come out and cheer them, but we were privately pleased.'  
'Once the Nazis lost the war, we did what we could to help them by providing many Nazi war criminals with false identity papers so that they could flee Europe and escape justice.  We take pride in having saved at least 1,000 of them.   We are a compassionate Church, Zbigniew.'
'Indeed,' I said, sarcastically, but my tone was lost on Father Sudicio who had a strange gleam in his eyes as he recalled his Church's many accomplishments.
The charismatic Pope Francis is proving popular, expressing a more progressive view on many Catholic beliefs that are seen as outdated and out of touch, such as those on contraception and abortion
'But it's not just regarding the Jews that the Church has sinned,' I argued.  'There has been a complete disregard for children.  The other day Pope Francis ordered priests to pardon all abortionists and all women who had had an abortion.' 
'And then there is this other issue of priests raping children for decades, while the Church hierarchy has covered up their crimes, and even on a few occasions even sanctioned their acts.   What justification can there be for such injustice?'
'Well, yes, but the fact is that there has been ambiguity in the Church on whether what the priests did was an actual crime or not,' argued Father Sudicio. 
'Back in 2010,' he continued,  'Pope Benedict said pedophilia was not an absolute evil.   He also claimed that child pornography was regarded as normal by society at large.'   
'Pope Benedict also said that even within the realm of Catholic theology there is no such thing as evil in itself or good in itself. There is only a better-than and a worse-than. Nothing is good or bad in itself.'  
'So, that explains the Church's own ambivalence, I thought.  But if the Church is not there to establish norms of morality and decent behavior, what is it there for,' I asked.
'The Catholic Church is a large institution.  We have a big tent.  There is room for the pious and for the sinner; for high moral standards, and for depravity.  Who are we to judge?  Anyway, sometimes we need to sacrifice our standards for the sake of the greater good.'
'But what other than having people live closer to Jesus' moral ideals  could be your goal?'  I asked.
'Sadly, we cannot win the real war without  some compromises, said Father Sudicio.  Right now we are at a crossroads.  If we take the high road, we lose.  If we take the other road, we live to fight another battle.' 
'Can you elaborate, Father?'
'Well, as you know there are thousands of Christians who are being persecuted and killed by Islam right now, as we speak.  We'd like to do more for them.  We'd like to at least make more forceful condemnations from the Vatican and the pulpits.  But we can't. '
'We can't afford to irritate Muslims with any criticism.  They are sensitive folks and they have issued warnings.   So we are forced to maintain an alliance with Islam that at times seems rather uncomfortable.'
'Just like the Nazis were our last hope to get rid of the Jews, Islam is our last hope in the 21st century to put an end to the Jewish claim to the Bible, and hopefully to the Jews themselves.' 
'That explains the Vatican's many years of condemnation and non-recognition of Israel,' I pointed out. 
'Exactly.  The truth is that we have easier access to the Holy Sites with the Israelis than with the Muslims, but we have to contend with the much larger issue concerning who is the true inheritor to the Bible.  This is what is really at stake.' 
'In other words, you  need to kill the parent in order to claim your inheritance,' I said. 
'You put it in rather crude terms, Zbigniew, but that is what it amounts to,' said Father Sudicio.  'As long as the Jews say that Israel is their land, and that they are the descendants of the ancient Hebrews and all that, we are left on the sidelines. 

'However, we contend that modern Jews do not have any claim to the ancient ancestry line, and that we - the Church - are the true link to the Old Testament, the real Chosen People.  The sooner the Jews are gone from the Middle East and from the rest of the world, the better.'
'But the Israeli Jews will be replaced by who knows who, I argued.  Maybe ISIS will overrun the Holy Land and raze every single Biblical site there. '
Pope John Paul met TWELVE times
 with terrorist ARAFAT
'Well, we have to take our chances in life, don't we?' Said Father Sudicio.   'In fact, we'd rather have such a catastrophe fall upon the holy sites than continue to see the State of Israel in the area. '
'Isn't the Church a bit like a suicide bomber, willing to self-destruct for the sake of making a point?' 
'Now, you're being too harsh and melodramatic, dear Zbigniew.  Our church won't be destroyed, no matter what happens to Israel.'
'But your moral relativism is making you irrelevant to those who hunger for true moral values', I said.  'That's why your followers are thinning out.  So maybe the Vatican and the Church won't disappear in an explosion, but will just dwindle into a wealthy but tiny cult by the middle of the century, with nothing left from its ancient Biblical values to speak of.'
'Well, sometimes you have to pay a price for what you want.  And what we want is nothing less than the undisputed claim to being the true chosen people, the true Israelis.'
Copyright Zbigniew Zwgstkstwig
The "Then and Now" pictures at the top - Hat Tip to commentator Yamit at Israpundit

Dry Bones, Kirschen,appeasement,Jewish State, Jews, Israel, Middle East, Christians, Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Kenya, North Africa,Africa, antisemitism,
See more cartoons and satire on this blog
And how the Palestinians collaborated with Hitler and the Final Solution
Continue reading and see references

Same genocidal ideology, same symbols, same goals
 - Although Christians are being slaughtered by Muslims in the thousands, the Pope recognizes the Islamic State of Palestine, where Christians are being harassed and persecuted
 - The Christian Church's wicked alliance with Islam as long as Muslims keep killing Jews and threatening to destroy Israel
Book Rewiew:  The Vatican's War Against the Jews - By Giulio Meotti
Meotti explores the theological foundation for 1,700 years of Catholic enmity toward Jews that led to manifold persecutory actions and atrocities through the centuries and how it continues to play out in Church policy toward the Jewish State today.
Mr. Meotti explains how the Catholic Church has continued to undermine Jews through its politics, statements, and contemptuous relationship with the state of Israel. Since Israel’s founding in 1948, the Vatican has consistently worked against the best interests of the Jewish state and aided and abetted its enemies.
This extensive, historical Church enmity toward the Jews and the attendant atrocities have led to today’s shocking alliance with Islam and, even more surprisingly, has prevented the Church from aiding persecuted Christians throughout the Muslim world. By disavowing Jewish roots and forging a strategic Muslim-Christian alliance, the Church has embarked on a precarious path for the future of Christendom.
Furthermore, the Church’s adoption of the Muslim narrative on Palestine precludes the recognition of a very real problem jeopardizing the lives of thousands of Christians in majority Islamic nations.
Read more

Wikipedia:  Supersessionism, also called replacement theology or fulfillment theology, is a Christian theological view on the current status of the church in relation to the Jewish people and Judaism.[1] Supersessionism is the belief that the Christian Church has replaced the Israelites as God's[2] chosen people[1][3] and that the Mosaic covenant has been replaced or superseded by the New Covenant.[4] From a supersessionist's "point of view, just by continuing to exist, the Jews dissent."[5] This view directly contrasts with dual-covenant theology which holds the Mosaic Covenant as still valid for Jews. While supersessionism was a core tenet of the Church for the majority of its existence, and remains a common assumption among Christians, since the Holocaust it has been rejected by some mainstream Christian theologians and denominations.[6]:1–5
Rewriting history and reinterpreting the Bible to discard the Jews
In 1988 the Anglican synod of New Zealand removed the words “Zion” and “Israel” from the Psalter. In a 2013 report titled “The Inheritance of Abraham? The Promised Land,” the Church of Scotland said Israel does not belong to the Jewish people.
“Promises about the land of Israel were never intended to be taken literally, or as applying to a defined geographical territory,” it said. “The ‘Promised Land’ in the Bible is not a place, so much as a metaphor of how things ought to be among the people of God. This ‘Promised Land’ can be found, or built, anywhere.” The New Testament, the report states, contains a “radical re-interpretation” of the concepts of “Israel,” “temple,” “Jerusalem,” and “land.” 

Taken to its logical end, this Christian ideology suggests that there is only one price the Jews can pay for being accepted by the world: Israel’s elimination. 

It is an anti-Semitic policy enabled by different Christian denominations, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox as well. 

"Modern-day Jews are not God’s chosen people,” the head of Egypt’s Coptic Orthodox Church, Pope Shenouda III, declared recently.  For Abbé Moubarac, one of the most important representatives of the Eastern Catholicism, Israel’s liberation of Jerusalem in 1967 was a “rape” and a “ritual crime.” 

L’Osservatore Romano, the official Vatican daily, “welcomed” the proclamation of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948 with these words: “Modern Israel is not the true heir of Biblical Israel". The same was proclaimed during the Vatican's synod in 2010, when some bishops called to abolish the concept of "Promised Land" and "Chosen People".


Replacement Theology - the belief that the Christian Church replaced Israel in God's plan -  How it has been adopted by Christian Palestinians



Pope Benedict said paedophilia

is not an absolute evil

December 2010 - Victims of clerical abuse reacted furiously to Pope Benedict’s claim that paedophilia wasn’t considered an “absolute evil” as recently as the 1970s … (he) also claimed that child pornography was increasingly considered “normal” by society. “It was maintained — even within the realm of Catholic theology — that there is no such thing as evil in itself or good in itself. There is only a ‘better than’ and a ‘worse than’. Nothing is good or bad in itself.” –


Read more -
Pope Francis orders pardon for all abortionists and mothers who had abortions


Head of Vatican bank resigns amid corruption scandal
The Vatican - Islam wicked alliance


 When Pope Benedict XVI spoke out in January 2011 against the jihad bombing of the Coptic cathedral in Alexandria, Egypt, Al-Azhar University in Cairo, the world’s most prestigious Sunni Muslim institution, reacted angrily, breaking off dialogue with the Vatican and accusing the Pope of interference in internal Egyptian affairs. 

In a statement, Al-Azhar denounced the pontiff’s “repeated negative references to Islam and his claims that Muslims persecute those living among them in the Middle East.” When Pope Francis succeeded Benedict, Al-Azhar and other Muslim authorities expressed hopes that he would repair relations between Muslims and Christians by not repeating the mistakes of his predecessor — including speaking out about the Muslim persecution of Christians.

Francis complied, affirming his “respect” for Islam and apparently accepting al-Azhar’s stipulation that “casting Islam in a negative light is ‘a red line’ that must not be crossed.” He has not, in any case, crossed it, even to decry the actions of Muslims to harass, victimize and persecute Christians because of Qur’anic declarations that they are accursed of Allah for saying Jesus is the Son of God (9:30); are unbelievers for affirming the divinity of Christ (5:17; 5:72); and must be warred against and subjugated (9:29). 

John Loftus

The Vatican was also allied with the Nazis.  It ignored the genocide against Jews, and when the war was over, it helped thousands of Nazi criminals escape justice by giving them false identities and a way out of Europe through the RATLINES.



Excellent video on the Vatican and the Nazis - Interview with researcher John Loftus 

Historical corruption and wickedness in the Vatican
The ten most wicked popes
Also here:
The Bad Popes is a 1969 book by E. R. Chamberlin documenting the lives of eight of the most controversial popes (papal years in parentheses):
The first official act of the Inquisition seems to have taken place on February 6, 1481, when six conversos were burned alive in public. Their public conflagration was accompanied by a full sermon given by a Catholic priest. This public mass murder, however, was just the beginning.
The rack
The Judas Chair
Read more and see more Catholic instruments of torture

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