
Saturday, April 4, 2015

PALESTINIANS BEHEADED BY ISIS IN SYRIA - The UN and the world, through UNRWA, have kept Palestinian refugees in camps instead of relocating them - Palestinian refugees and their descendants have been told they must wait for the destruction of Israel - Used as tools by the anti-Semitic world, they have had to endure decades of discrimination by other Arab countries, misery, hunger, and now ISIS

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Key points
  • ISIS jihadis entered the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk through the nearby Hajar Aswad neighborhood
  • Al Qaeda-linked rebels reportedly opened a closed road for ISIS militants
  • Once inside extremists battled a Palestinian group who run the camp
  • ISIS now controls 90% of Yarmouk 
  • Jordan blocked the only Yarmouk exit, thereby leaving Palestinians to their fate 
  • There have been reports of beheadings of Palestinians by ISIS
  • ISIS are Sunni, Palestinians are split between Shia and Sunni. 
  • Shia Palestinians are considered infidels by ISIS, and subject to beheading.
  • The UNRWA-run refugee camp has been under Syrian government siege for nearly two years.
  • The siege led to widespread starvation. Many died of hunger.
  • The Yarmouk Camp is a 0.8sq.mi. district of Damascus populated by more than 112,000 Palestinian refugees, who have been cut off from any foreign help during the Syrian insurrection.
  • The UN runs Yarmouk and all other Palestinian refugee camps in the Middle East.
  • Decades ago the UN separated Palestinian refugees from all other world refugees and created UNRWA, an agency specifically tasked to keep several generations of Palestinians in camps INDEFINITELY.
  • The United Nations and the Arab world have been using Palestinian refugees and their descendants as tools against Israel, and forcing them to endure miserable lives and discrimination by their Arab host countries, with no hope of a new life elsewhere, until they destroy the state of Israel.
  • The Palestinian refugee problem originated with genocidal Arab wars that intended to massacre Israelis.
  • They told Arabs to flee so that the invading armies could more easily massacre Israelis.
  • Israeli PM Netanyahu has predicted that any Jewish territory ceded to Palestinians will fall into the hands of extremists, such as ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas or a myriad of other jihadist groups.  Gaza is already in the clutches of Hamas.  The new Palestinian state would self-destruct in bloody savagery.
  • If it were not for Israel's limited control of the area, the West Bank would have fallen into the hands of jihadists long ago.   There is already an ISIS presence in the West Bank and in Gaza.  GIVE THEM A STATE?
  • UPDATE April 5:  Some 400 families have been evacuated from ISIS-controlled Yarmouk.  (Read details further on this page.)
  • UPDATE April 6:  100 Palestinians have been killed or kidnapped by ISIS, while pro-Iran Hamas fighters swear revenge.  (See latest pictures of ISIS roaming through the Palestinian camp.)

    Jihadis: ISIS militants (pictured) entered the Yarmouk camp as Jordan closed its only functioning border crossing with the country following heavy clashes on the Syrian side between rebels and government forces
    ISIS enters Yarmouk 
    The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) watchdog group said the Islamist militants have taken over 90% of Yarmouk, on the southern edge of the Syrian capital.
     Cartoon -
    ISIS entered the Yarmouk camp as Jordan closed its only functioning border crossing with the country following heavy clashes on the Syrian side between rebels and government forces.
    Continue reading and see more images and links to background information and map of Syria showing Yarmouk.

    The militants, who already control large swaths of territory in northern Syria, reportedly entered the camp from the nearby Hajar Aswad neighborhood in southern Damascus in a coordinated attack with their rivals in the Al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front.
    The Financial Times cited activists who said that the jihadi group may succeed in cementing a foothold in the Syrian capital, thus increasing pressure on President Bashar al-Assad.

    Map  -  New York Times

    ISIS supporters have reportedly posted pictures of fighters beheaded by the jihadi group during the battle.

    “Reports of kidnappings, beheadings and mass killings are coming out from Al-Yarmouk,” said Saeb Erekat, an member of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation’s executive committee, Saturday evening. “The priority must be to save the Palestinian refugees in the camp by creating a safe passage for them out of the death trap that Al-Yarmouk has become.”

    He called on the UN, the International Committee for the Red Crescent (ICRC) and the Syrian government to help evacuate civilians.
    The main group fighting ISIS inside the camp is Aknaf Beit al-Makdis, an offshoot of Hamas. Two opposition sources told the Financial Times the Syrian army had allowed a Palestinian militia allied to Assad's forces to send weapons to the Hamas offshoot fighting in Yarmouk.
    The UN says around 18,000 civilians, including a large number of children, are trapped in Yarmouk. 
    The camp has been under government siege for nearly two years, leading to starvation and illnesses caused by lack of medical aid. 
    The camp has also witnessed several rounds of ferocious and deadly fighting between government forces and militants.
    Most of the camp's estimated 160,000 inhabitants fled in late 2012 as clashes erupted between pro- and anti-Assad Palestinian gunmen.
    The majority of those who left fled to overcrowded and destitute Palestinian refugee camps in neighboring Lebanon. Only the poorest remained behind.
    Lebanon's state-run National News Agency said six Lebanese truck drivers who were held by militants after they captured the Nasib border crossing point with Jordan have returned safely to Lebanon.
    The agency reported on Friday that 10 drivers were held by militants. The fate of the four others remains unknown. 
    Residents of the Palestinian-run Yarmouk camp are seen queuing to receive food supplies last year
    Palestinians waiting to receive food supplies last year, as the Syrian civil war worsened and Assad blockaded Yarmouk, resulting in famine.
    “It’s an extremely rare thing for the government to do anything even remotely co-operating with the opposition,” said one activist. “That shows you how desperate the regime is to stop ISIS from having gateway right to heart of the capital for car bombs or whatever other atrocities.”
     Killers: Islamic State militants are seen storming the Yarmouk camp in Damascus last week
    ISIS fighters during their takeover of Yarmouk last week.
    Roaming the streets: ISIS stormed the camp last Wednesday, marking the terrorist's deepest foray yet into Damascus - the Syrian capital and base of President Assad's government
    ISIS fighters roaming the streets of Yarmouk
    Savages: ISIS militants (pictured) stormed the Yarmouk camp in south Damascus last Wednesday. 100 civilians were either killed or kidnapped by the jihadis in the subsequent days
    Victorious ISIS fighters now control almost all of Yarmouk.
    If ISIS manage to gain full control of Yarmouk, the jihadis can potentially use the camp as a base from which to threaten the heart of the capital as possibly challenge Assad himself.

    International Business Times explained that Yarmouk has been the scene of a fierce three-way fight since ISIS entered it last week

    Saviours: Staff from the UN agency for Palestinian refugees UNRWA has resumed distribution of desperately needed food and medicine
    UNRWA runs Palestinian refugee camps, feeds them, indoctrinates them,
    and keeps them stuck in camps and in a state of dependency, with no hope for relocation and a new life elsewhere, like other refugees handled by UNHCR.
    The Sunni ISIS group struck an alliance with rival jihadi group Jabhat al-Nusra, to wrest control Yarmouk from the rebels loyal to Hamas, which had been fighting against regime troops.
    U.N relief workers with blue helmets and vests stand next of residents of the Yarmouk camp one year ago
    UN workers in blue helmets a year ago.  The UN created UNRWA specifically to deal with Palestinian refugees.  It is a deeply corrupt organization staffed by militants of Hamas, that has indoctrinated generations of Palestinians to hate Israel and the Jews, and to prepare to destroy the State of Israel - all funded by US and EU taxpayers.
    Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS “were able to take control on 90% of the Yarmouk camp after violent clashes against Aktaf Bait al-Maqdis and Islamic battalions," SOHR reported, adding that two men from the latter group were beheaded by ISIS.

    "Five soldiers in regime forces were killed after clashes against Islamic battalions in the camp," SOHR added, reporting also bombardments by regime forces in the area.

    The UN expressed concern about the situation in the refugee camp which was once home to between 100,000 and 150,000 Palestinians and Syrians, and now holds only about 18,000.
    Helping hands: Sick and starving Palestinian residents hope to get a spot on ambulances provided by UNRWA
    Several generations of Palestinian refugees and their descendants in Yarmouk, Syria.  Starving and suffering as involuntary UN tools for the destruction of Israel.  Photo from before the ISIS invasion.
    "The situation in Yarmouk is an affront to the humanity of all of us, a source of universal shame," UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) spokesman Chris Gunness told Reuters.

    "Yarmouk is a test, a challenge for the international community. We must not fail. The credibility of the international system itself is at stake".
    No aid: Following months of starvation and battle, Palestinian residents wait for a United Nations aid ambulance in Yarmouk, Damascus
    Photo taken during the starvation period under Assad.  Now ISIS has arrived. 

    With reports from:


    UPDATE  Some Palestinians evacuated from Yarmouk
    April 5, 2015 - Around 2,000 people have been evacuated from the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus after the Islamic State (aka ISIS) group seized large parts of it, a Palestinian official told AFP Sunday.  “Around 400 families, approximately 2,000 people, were able to leave the camp on Friday and Saturday via two secure roads to the Zahira district, which is under army control," said Anwar Abdul Hadi, a PLO official.  Among the deaths in the fighting were at least two Palestinian fighters reportedly beheaded by ISIS, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and jihadist social media accounts.

    UPDATE  ISIS now controls 90% of the camp
    April 6, 2015 - 100 Palestinians have been either killed or kidnapped by ISIS. 
    Two Hamas fighters were beheaded.  Hamas has sworn revenge.

    For up-to-date news on the Palestinians,
    read Khaled Abu Toameh's Tweets. 
    He is an award-winning Israeli-Arab journalist.

    Or read his columns on the Gatestone Institute website

    Abbas Paving the Way to Turn West Bank into an Islamist State -
    By Khaled Abu Toameh
    Abbas has chosen to align himself with Hamas and Islamic Jihad, thus facilitating these two organizations' dreams of taking over the West Bank. These two radical groups seek to destroy Israel and are opposed to any peace process in the Middle East.  These threats are primarily aimed at getting the international community into providing the Palestinian Authority with more financial and political support.
    Abbas's rapprochement with Hamas and Islamic Jihad will only confirm the fears of many Israelis that the West Bank will fall onto the hands of Islamists once Israel withdraws from that area.  The two-state solution started the day Hamas kicked Abbas out of the Gaza Strip and turned it into an Islamist emirate. In the end, the Palestinians got two states that are even at war with each other.

    March 9, 2015:  Israeli PM Netanyahu says ISIS would devour the new Palestinian state.  Israel cannot help create that.   The Two State "Solution" would not only end Israel it would mean the enslavement of the Palestinian Arabs themselves.
    Read more


    The insanity of creating a Muslim terror state in ancient Jewish land that would destabilize and bring mayhem to the whole region

    Photo:  ISIS flags in the West Bank

    Read more

    February 2014 - Reports of mass starvation at Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk

    UNRWA - The Palestinians' worst enemy
    UNRWA is not there to settle the refugees, it is there not to settle the refugees. The UN now counts as "refugees" entire generations, furious that their ancestors started a war that they then lost, and are now asking to be rewarded diplomatically with what they were unable to seize militarily.

    Since its establishment, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency [UNRWA] has received billions in international aid, including more than $4 billion dollars of US taxpayers' money. While UNRWA's mission is to "relieve" and "support" the Palestinians, it has been doing exactly the opposite.
    It has been keeping Palestinians in pens as refugees and obstructing them from integrating and from normalizing their lives, all while UNRWA seems to be funnelling international aid money to whitewashing the terrorist organization Hamas.
    Read more

    The anti-semitism underlying UNRWA-USA fundraising
    February 9, 2015 - Most fundraising concentrates on the lower populations inside Israel and in Gaza.  If you look at the American Friends of UNRWA fundraising site, however, you find that there is a hugely disproportionate effort meant to appeal to help less than half the people in the chart.
    UNRWA-USA does not have any specific appeals for Lebanese UNRWA aid recipients, even though the situation in Lebanese camps is far, far worse than they are on the West Bank. UNRWA-USA does not appeal for any funds for the 2.1 million Jordanians receiving aid, including those who are not Jordanian citizens who are even further discriminated against by Jordan.

    Here is a chart of the keyword tags in UNRWA-USA articles that are region-specific:
    Demolition Watch (WB)8
    Settler Violence (WB)10
    Gaza Solidarity 5K11
    West Bank17

    In other words, UNRWA-USA spends at least 83% of its fundraising effort in region-specific appeals to areas whose problems can be blamed on Israel and on Jews,  even though only 40% of UNRWA aid recipients actually live in those areas.

    No more than  0.2% of all Palestinian "refugees" receiving UNRWA aid live in Area C of the West Bank, where those evil "settlers" live, yet UNRWA-USA expends more effort appealing for funds to help the tiny number allegedly affected by "settler violence" than for the millions of aid recipients in Jordan and Lebanon combined.
    This means that whether they mean to or not, UNRWA-USA is using latent antisemitism as a fundraising gimmick - and also fueling that same antisemitism by implying that Palestinians who can blame their plight on Jews are somehow more worthy of aid than those whose lives are made hell by their fellow Arabs.

    Which further means that UNRWA-USA cares more about demonizing Jews and Israelis than about objectively helping the people who need the most help.
    Read article in full

    UNRWA textbooks explosively anti-Semitic, anti-American, anti-Israel
    The textbooks used to educate Palestinian children who live in refugee camps came under fire at a briefing on Wednesday on Capitol Hill where experts said lessons of intolerance and hatred toward Jews and Israel fill the books’ pages.

    Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), chairman of the House subcommittee on Human Rights and co-chairman of the Bi-Partisan Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism, told that U.S. donations to the United Nations Refugee and Works Agency (UNRWA) make the federal government accountable for what is in the books.
    Read more

    Investigative journalist David Bedein has done extensive research on UNRWA

    He has exposed the anti-Semitic nature of UNRWA textbooks, UNRWA jihad camps for children, and that organization's deep corruption - all funded by the USA
    Here is his archive

    Documentary:  Children's army of Hamas
    A new 11-minute documentary depicting senior Hamas figures brazenly discussing the training of child soldiers and exalting suicide bombers at military-style youth camps was presented as evidence at a United Nations Forum held in Geneva.

    UNITED NATIONS THE LEADING PURVEYOR OF ANTI-SEMITISM IN THE WORLD - Scholar and human rights advocate Anne Bayefsky accuses UN of inciting hatred against Jews with its unremitting campaign against Israel - LINK TO VIDEO
    Read more

    Palestinian refugees - History and overview

    Palestinian nationalism is steeped in Nazi ideology
    Their participation in the Holocaust and the coverup
    Their current genocidal ideology, sustained by ongoing racist indoctrination by UNRWA schools and Palestinian media.


    By Francisco Gil White -
    Read more about ignored or covered up issues in the the Muslim-Jewish conflict

    Mizrahi Nation
    The forgotten refugees - A million Jews forced to leave Arab lands to save their lives

    More than half of Israeli Jews have deep roots in the Middle East and a million of them arrived as refugees from persecution and violence in Arab countries

    The Myth of the Palestinian People

    Many of the so-called Palestinians are descendants of Muslim invaders.  Many others are descendants of Arabs who came to the land of Israel during the Mandate looking for jobs when Jewish pioneers started draining the swamps, and making the desert bloom.  Those living in the Palestinian Authority used to have Jordanian nationality.  Those in Gaza were Egyptians.

    VIDEO - Inventing the Palestinian People

    The Palestinian false claim to Jewish land has been bolstered by the United Nations, which created a brand new definition of refugee just for the Palestinians:  one who had lived in the land of Israel for TWO years.  In any other country they would constitute ordinary migrants. 

    Discrimination and abuse against Palestinians - by Arab countries
    Specific discriminatory rules, by country.

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