
Saturday, April 11, 2015

FEAR OF EMP NUCLEAR ATTACK PROMPTS PENTAGON TO REOPEN CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN - An EMP event from a nuclear bomb or a major solar flare would fry the electrical grid and ALL ELECTRONICS indefinitely - Nuclear power plants would suffer full meltdown - There would be millions of victims of radiation, violence, and famine

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Key points: 
  • The White House would not even know Iran’s EMP attack had begun, before it was all over.
  • emp42
    An Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) event could be caused  deliberately by detonating a nuclear bomb in the atmosphere above the US or near its coast.
  • It could also be caused by a giant solar flare that would fry all electronics, indefinitely.  Giant solar flares happen frequently.  We've been lucky none has hit us since the computer age.
  • The EMP immediate consequences is the collapse of the electrical grid and all electronics.  No laptops, cell phones, transportation, no credit cards, no banks  -  nothing that depends on computers.
  • Food distribution would stop, leading to widespread famine.
  • Hospitals would be reduced to bare minimum care (19th century level).
  • The worst would be the meltdown of nuclear power plants, spreading lethal radiation all over the country.
  • Most articles on EMP fail to mention its CATASTROPHIC effect on nuclear power plants.
  • This threat has been criminally neglected by government, which has failed to prepare for at least the replacement of the electrical grid. 
  • There is no contingency plan if a major EMP event happens. 
  • The main threat to humankind is not climate change but radioactive poisoning from a nuclear power plant (NPP) accident, from an earthquake-triggered NPP meltdown, from a solar flare collapsing the grid, or from a deliberate EMP attack.
  • Iran - steeped deeply in religious dogma and an ideology of supremacy - has sanctioned the use of an EMP attack on the US. 
  • A “secret” Iranian military handbook confirms that Iran is including in its arsenal a plan to launch a nuclear electromagnetic pulse attack on the American national grid system.  
EMP as a weapon
This EMP Nuclear Weapon is detonated at a technically easily reachable high-altitude of about 50 kilometers above a given targeted battlefield area, doesn’t harm a fly, destroys all the electronics within about 750 kilometers of the blast radius, and leaves non-electronic World War II-vintage weapons like regular guns like Kalashnikovs and Katyushas totally unaffected.
The effects
Many of the essential systems needed to survive war would be knocked out, as computers are instantly rendered malfunctioning or unusable.
Military and communications systems such as radars, antennas, and missiles, government offices, would be put out of use, as would energy sources such as nuclear power stations and transport and communications systems including airports, airplanes, railways, cars and cell phones.
The US Defense Threat Reduction Agency and USSTRATCOM website has to say about this new type of nuclear weapon:
"One of the dangers of a nuclear weapon – even one too small or too far away to kill or harm anyone – is the electromagnetic pulse, or EMP. While a blast of radiation might not do anything to properly protected troops, it would “fry” anything electronic: laptops, sensors, our highly computerized planes, even a simple cell phone. A weapon that doesn’t kill a single person could still destroy our technology."
Pentagon reopens Cheyenne Mountain
Days after Iran deal, Pentagon acts fearing nuclear missile attack that would burn out America’s electronic-based defenses.

The Pentagon has decided to reopen the Cheyenne Mountain Air Defense facility, which housed the heart of America’s air and missile defense of North America. The facility had been mothballed in a “cost-saving” move in 2006.

World War 3 concerns kept the Cheyenne Mountain Complex filled with activity until a decade ago when federal officials declared that Russia was “no longer a threat.”

Last week, Admiral William Gortney, head of US NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) and US Northern Command, reversed that decision and announced the Pentagon was spending an opening ante of $700 million to oversee reactivation of the Cheyenne mountain-embedded facility.
The reason - the Pentagon's fears of a nuclear Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) attack by a missile that would burn out America’s overly-dependent defense, which is based on modern electronics.
world war 3

Continue reading

US NORAD and US Northern Command aren’t just acronyms. They represent the last-ditch American defense of the continental United States homeland. NORAD originally stood for North America Air Defense Command, but now stands for North American Aerospace Command.
US Northern Command is the area-specific designation of the US military command that is responsible for the continental United States homeland.
Given the current US military fear of an inter-continental ballistic (ICBM) missile attack with an EMP nuclear-device, Admiral Gortney explained that "because of the very nature of the way that Cheyenne Mountain's built, it's EMP-hardened. And so, there's a lot of movement [in the Pentagon] to put [military] capability into Cheyenne Mountain and to be able to communicate in there."
Admiral William Gortney
Admiral Gortney
In early 2013, this author warned against a similar Iranian “Fatwa-compliant” EMP attack against Saudi Arabia, and a North Korea EMP attack against South Korea.

In an even more startling admission, Admiral Gortney revealed that his “primary concern” was whether the Pentagon was “going to have the space inside the [Cheyenne] mountain for everybody who wants to move in there, and I'm not at liberty to discuss who's moving in there."

The Cheyenne mountain bunker
It is a half-acre cavern that was carved into a mountain in the 1960s that was originally designed to withstand a Soviet nuclear attack. During the Cold War, the United States feared a Soviet nuclear attack scenario that would feature an opening Soviet “EMP decapitation” nuclear attack.
In the movies
The Cheyenne Mountain Complex became a big of a Hollywood icon as well. In 1983, the facility was featured in the hit movie, War Games. In 1994, the film, Stargate, also referenced the Rocky Mountains facility and imagined it would be a “clandestine home” for intergalactic travelers.

What would an EMP attack do?

Such a nuclear attack was not the launch of a massive Soviet nuclear first-strike against American cities, but instead, a first-strike Soviet “EMP decapitation” attack that would explode a nuclear device high-above the United States, burning out all of America’s command and control communication systems, and thus severing America’s President from being able to order the US military to retaliate.
By first electronically destroying America’s communications systems, the Soviets would thus have “decapitated” the US’s ability to respond to a secondary more massive follow-on Soviet nuclear attack on American cities.

Thus, a successful Soviet nuclear EMP attack on the US would have "trumped" the concept of MAD, or Mutually Assured Destruction, because America would have been unable to retaliate and destroy the Soviet Union in response to a Soviet nuclear attack.
After the Cold War, new threats
During the Cold War, airmen stationed inside the massive complex were poised to send warnings and firing codes that could trigger the launch of America’s vast web of nuclear missiles.
Now, in light of the latest nuclear EMP dangers hanging over the United States, the US military, and the United States of America- itself, once again hopes to be protected by the mountains of Colorado.
There is speculation that the renewed fears of an EMP nuclear attack are not unrelated to Iran's nuclear program.
At the start of the month a framework deal was signed allowing the Islamic regime to keep its nuclear facilities and continue enriching uranium at limited levels, although Iran has said it will used advanced centrifuges after a deal is signed meaning it would be poised to rapidly achieve a nuclear arsenal.
The nuclear framework agreement with Iran ignores their ICBMs
It has been noted that the deal does not at all address Iran's intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program, which as noted is necessary in conducting an EMP attack. 


Columns by Mark Langfan

Article on Inquisitr (with videos)


Iran's plan for an EMP attack on America

WASHINGTON – A “secret” Iranian military handbook, American officials say, confirms that the Islamic Republic of Iran is including in its arsenal a plan to launch a nuclear electromagnetic pulse attack on the American national grid system.
To carry out such an attack, from a high-altitude nuclear blast, would require Iran to have not only the missiles to launch such a device but also the technology to produce a nuclear explosion.
Read more


2013 Op-Ed: The 100% Fatwa-Compliant Iranian EMP Nuclear Weapon
By Mark Langfan
When Iran says "Nuclear weapons are a grave sin” it sounds almost as good to pundits as “Peace in our time” sounded to the useless idiot pundits in 1938 - but this article shows how Iran can keep its word and destroy the West. Read carefully.
Back in 2006, Mullah Mohsen Gharavian, a disciple of the ultra-conservative Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah-Yazdi, widely regarded as the cleric closest to Iran's new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, issued an actual religious fatwa that it is "only natural" to have nuclear bombs as a "countermeasure" against other nuclear powers. (2/16/06 The Telegraph, Iranian fatwa approves use of nuclear weapons”
Read more of the above Mark Langfan's article on the Iranian EMP bomb
Author Mark Langfan's website:
Mark Langfan's articles on Israel National  News
A giant solar flare could also fry the grid and turn America back to the Stone Age
US Congress warned that MILLIONS of Americans could die from EMP collapse of the electrical grid and subsequent nuclear power plant meltdowns
Giant solar flares happen all the time.  The day one of them hits North America directly, it's all over. 
The hearing, “Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP): Threat to Critical Infrastructure,” before the House Homeland Security Committee’s Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies explored the effects an EMP would have.
“Some would say it’s low probability, but the damage that could be caused in the event of an EMP attack, both by the sun, a solar event, or a man-made attack, would be catastrophic,” said Rep. Michael McCaul (R., Texas). “We talk a lot about a nuclear bomb in Manhattan, and cybersecurity threat to the power grid in the Northeast, and all of these things would actually probably pale in comparison to the devastation that an EMP attack could perpetrate on Americans.”
Read more
Recommended reading:   
Matthew Stein's When Technology Fails
There are nearly 450 nuclear reactors in the world, with hundreds more either under construction or in the planning stages.
There are 104 of these reactors in the USA and 195 in Europe. Imagine what havoc it would wreak on our civilization and the planet’s ecosystems if we were to suddenly witness not just one or two nuclear melt-downs but 400 or more!
How likely is it that our world might experience an event that could ultimately cause hundreds of reactors to fail and melt down at approximately the same time? 
I venture to say that, unless we take significant protective measures, this apocalyptic scenario is not only possible but probable.
Read his advice for preparedness
William R. Forstchen, author of "One Second After", writes about what to do in case of an EMP catastrophe
His book is an excellent fictional account of how a small college town manages to survive the savagery that ensues after an EMP event.
For now, read his articles on preparedness:
This blog's file on EMPs

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