
Monday, April 13, 2015

BOOK BITS - "ASSAULT IN NORWAY" - Sabotaging the Nazi nuclear program - Lessons for today when the White House goes all out to facilitate Iran's development of nuclear weapons

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Assault in Norway,
by Thomas Gallagher

When Hitler's henchmen were developing the preliminary steps to a nuclear bomb high in the mountains of Norway, teams of Norwegian patriots, with the help of Britain, sabotaged his dreams in several adventurous and highly risky operations.
Assault in Norway,: Thomas Gallagher,Had a world leader with the ideology and character of president Obama been in charge during World War II - instead of Churchill and Roosevelt - he would have pushed for a policy of engagement with Hitler, a call for sympathy with German grievances, and an all out attempt to appease the German tyrant in the name of peace.
Nazism would have had an aura of legitimacy and victimhood -  not unlike that of many Muslim terrorist groups today, such as Hamas and the PLO - or the oppressive Islamic Republic of Iran itself. 

Maybe disparaging remarks against Nazism would have been characterized as "racist," and Nazi ideology would have been taught in the classrooms in the name of "understanding," - the way Islam is being pushed into the US curriculum by leftist educators.
Vemork Hydroelectric Plant 1935.jpg
The Vemork Hydroelectric Plant in 1935.
The heavy water (deuterium oxide) was produced
in a nearby building
Just like Iran today, Hitler was well on his way to develop a nuclear bomb when Churchill - in alliance with Roosevelt and Norwegian exiles -  decided to stop Hitler's nuclear dreams, or at least delay them until the Americans could catch up.
In more recent decades Israel repeatedly volunteered for the destruction of the Iranian nuclear facilities, but it was sternly warned not to dare to do so by the White House.
In 1981 Israel managed to destroyed the Iraqi nuclear reactor of Osirak in 1981 - to the horror and outrage of the White House.  This decisive operation prevented a much more lethal situation when the US had to confront Iraq in later years. 
There is no way to fully stop deranged dictators and oppressive regimes from acquiring nuclear weapons, but the timely destruction of their facilities seems to be the best option to this day.
The book Assault in Norway reads like a thriller, and narrates the actual plans and secret operations that destroyed the facilities where Hitler was developing "heavy water" or deuterium oxide, essential for the production of a nuclear bomb. 

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The Vemork Hydroelectric plant
in 2008. It was demolished in 1977.
The photo above illustrates the almost impossible to access to the Nazi facilities.  They were at the bottom of a gorge in the middle of Norway's mountain wilderness, and the only reasonable ways of access - such as a bridge and a cable car - were heavily guarded. 

And still, a group of Norwegian operatives managed to climb down, blow up the heavy water, escape, and climb up again.  All this in the middle of winter with heavy winds and blizzard conditions, and Nazi search parties looking for them all over the area.

Great care was taken to avoid anything that could lead to Nazi retaliation against civilians, and that worked very well during their second and most important sabotage operation done with operatives on the ground. 

The first attempt ended in failure.  Planes missed the perfect opportunity to strike the plant because of bad timing:  civilians were still at work at the plant.  The operation was delayed for an hour or so, and by the time the planes returned to complete their assignment, they were met by German bombers.

The third, done by air bombardment, took several innocent lives. 
The fourth and final operation sank a ferry carrying "heavy water" to Germany, drowning many civilians in the process. 
The fact is that it is impossible to fight a war and spare all innocent lives at the same time. 
These days the world has unrealistic standards that are applied to Israel only, where the IDF is expected not to hurt anyone except terrorists - who routinely use women and children as shields - or as warriors themselves.
Saudi Arabia is carrying on a bombing campaign in Yemen where dozens of civilians, including children, have been killed.  The world yawns. 

You can read more about the heavy water sabotage in Norway on Wikipedia

Or read this exciting book: 
Assault in Norway by Thomas Gallagher

More World War II articles on this blog

Other Book Bits on this blog


Israel's destruction of the Iraqi nuclear reactor of Osirak in 1981 
American and coalition forces may have faced a nuclear-armed Iraq during the Persian Gulf War in 1991, and again during the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, had Israel not destroyed Iraq’s nuclear reactor in 1981.   Israel received no thanks.
Sounds familiar?  The US nuclear deal with North Korea in 1994 - 
A complete failure of the Clinton administration


March 30, 2015:
DOES IRAN NOW CONTROL WASHINGTON DC AS WELL? - Iranians brag that they control FOUR Arab capitals - The White House doing Iran's bidding at Geneva meeting to make Iran's nuclear dreams come true - White House threatening and BULLYING US ALLIES to make them submit to the deal without criticism
Read more

March 11, 2015
Read more

More articles on Iran and the White House effort to facilitate their development of nuclear weapons



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