
Friday, March 27, 2015

WHAT INSPIRED CO-PILOT ANDREAS LUBITZ'S SCHEME FOR MASS MURDER? - Some German media initially attributed his act to a Muslim connection - Authorities blame his act on mental illness. The Germanwings pilot crashed plane into the Alps killing 149 people.

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On this page: 
  • Commentary
  • March 27 update by the UK Telegraph
  • Photo of Germanwings "Get Ready to be Surprised" poster now removed from the London Tube.
  • March 26 reports on German media alleging he was a Muslim
  • March 26 Daily Mail news report on the events
  • Daily Mail illustration of what happened on the plane

UPDATE #2  -  March 28, 2015

Andreas Lubitz, the co-pilot of the doomed Germanwings airliner, competing in a Lufthansa marathon in 2013
Andreas Lubitz - Photo: Wolfgang Nass/BILD
German police went through Andreas' personal belongings and stated that his actions were caused by mental illness.  

According to news reports, Andreas had told a friend he wanted to send a message to the world, and to do it spectacularly.
The few details known at this point reveal a man who was angry at the system and wanted to send a message. 
But it was more than the system he wanted to hurt.  He murdered 149 innocent people - mostly Europeans - among them babies and teenagers.

It is this indiscriminate targeting of so many civilians that made the media initially suspect there was a Muslim connection.   Andreas' Facebook page was immediately taken down, so people were left to speculate.
Continue reading


UPDATE #1  -  March 27, 2015 

Germanwings Co-Pilot Andreas Lubitz
 Was Planning “Spectacular Gesture”

He said he was going do something "that would change the system"
 and "make everyone remember" him. 


Airbus crash pilot Andreas Lubitz had been planning a spectacular gesture to make everyone "remember" who he was, it was claimed on Friday night.
andreas lubitz 2
Andreas Lubitz - Photo: Wolfgang Nass/BILD

 An ex-girlfriend of the Germanwings pilot who crashed his plane in the French Alps, killing all 149 others on board, described him as "tormented" and able to hide secrets.

Maria, 26 (not her real name), told Bild newspaper that when she heard about the crash she remembered that he had said he was going do something "that would change the system" and "make everyone remember" him. She added: "It didn't make sense at the time but now it all does." Maria, who is thought to have met Lubitz at work, said he would wake up at night screaming in terror: "We're going down."

Her claim follows revelations by the Dusseldorf prosecutor that Lubitz had been declared unfit, or unwell, in the days leading up to his last fatal flight on Tuesday, but that he had hidden this from his employer.

It emerged that Lubitz tore up a sick note signing him off work on the day of the crash, and kept it a secret from the airline. He had been undergoing treatment at a hospital in Dusseldorf as recently as March 10, just two weeks before the tragedy, but had also concealed this from his employers.  

Maria added: "He knew how to hide what was really going on and how hide it from other people." She added: "When I heard about the crash, there was just a tape playing in my head of what he said: 'One day I will do something that will change the system and everyone will then know my name and remember me.'   "I did not know what he meant by that at the time, but now it's clear."
German investigators refused to confirm whether the sick note, or the hospital treatment, related to depression, though Lubitz is reported to have taken time out from his pilot training after suffering mental illness before he finally qualified.
As the hunt continued for a motive for Lubitz’s mass murder, it also emerged that he had recently split from his girlfriend, and appeared to have made a desperate last attempt to win her back by buying her a brand new Audi car only weeks ago. She appeared to have said no, as the car was never delivered.
Following Thursday’s disclosures about Lubitz locking the captain out of the cockpit and putting flight 9525 into a terminal dive, a picture has emerged of Lubitz as a highly secretive man tormented by mental and possibly physical illness, as well as his failed relationship.
A spokesman for the prosecutors’ office in Dusseldorf, which carried out searches of Lubitz’s apartment in the city and his parents’ home in the nearby town of Montabaur, where he spent much of his time, said: “Documents with medical contents were confiscated that point towards an existing illness and corresponding treatment by doctors.
“The fact there are sick notes saying he was unable to work, among other things, that were found torn up, which were recent and even from the day of the crime, support the assumption based on the preliminary examination that the deceased hid his illness from his employer and his professional colleagues.”
They refused to disclose the nature of Lubitz’s recent illness, but he is known to have taken a break from flight training in 2009 after he was diagnosed with a “major depressive episode” and anxiety attacks and listed “unable to fly”.




The poster that had to be removed:

 Bild auf Twitter anzeigen
The airline has pulled this advertisement from the London Tube -
Photo via Twitter on Bild Magazine
MARCH 26, 2015 REPORT:

Germanwings pilot Andreas Lubitz -
Murdered 149 passengers of the plane he piloted
The following reports have been gathered by the Gateway Pundit's sleuthing work on the web.  They need to be officially confirmed by police investigators before we can ascertain that the pilot was indeed inspired by his Muslim faith. 

A German news website claims
Andreas Lubitz was a Muslim convert
By Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit reported:
According to Michael Mannheimer, a writer for German PI-News, Germany now has its own 9/11, thanks to the convert to Islam, Andreas Lubitz. 
Translation from German: 
All evidence indicates that the copilot of Airbus machine in his six-months break during his training as a pilot in Germanwings, converted to Islam and subsequently either by the order of “radical”, ie. devout Muslims , or received the order from the book of terror, the Quran, on his own accord decided to carry out this mass murder.  
Apparently from the comments at German PI – Andreas Lubitz was Muslim convert from his Facebook page.
A close friend of Andreas Lubitz says he was mentally unstable.
Source -

Via -


PI REPORT (in German): 
andreas_lubitzEin zerschellter Airbus und viele Spekulationen
And here:

PI News in English
The Andreas Lubitz report is not there yet, but maybe it will be by the time you read this

More rumors:  He had a Muslim girlfriend

It was said that Lubitz had a Muslim girlfriend. It is unclear if she was still dating Lubitz at the time of the crash. It is unclear if he met the woman through his Muslims friends.
One said that Lubitz had broken off the relationship after he pledged to commit Jihad for Allah. (This cannot be verified at this moment.)


  • Pilot Andreas Lubitz might have been suffering a 'personal crisis' after failed relationship, it was claimed last night 
  • He had suffered from depression and 'burnout' but still passed psychological assessments and was deemed fit to fly
  • Head of Lufthansa admitted the 28-year-old had slipped through the 'safety net' - with devastating consequences
  • Detectives made 'significant discovery' during four-hour search of his Dusseldorf flat and searched his family home
  • Black box voice recorder reveals screams of passengers aware of their fate in chilling final moments of Airbus A320 

  • Yesterday, Lubitz's boss admitted he had slipped through the ‘safety net’ and should never have been flying.

    Last night police raided Lubitz’s family home in a small town north of Frankfurt and an apartment in Dusseldorf, taking away a computer, laptop and other files. Lubitz is understood to have split his time between the two addresses.

    A police spokesman said: ‘We wanted to search to see if we could find something that would explain what happened.
    'We have found something which will now be taken for tests. We cannot say what it is at the moment but it may be very significant clue to what has happened. We hope it may give some explanations.' 

    Police said they had 'found something' that would now be taken for tests, adding it may be a 'clue' as to what happened to the doomed jet
    German detectives carry boxes with evidence
    from Lubitz' Dusseldorf's apartment.

    German detectives were also pictured carrying computer equipment from Lubitz's family home in a small town north of Frankfurt
      German detectives also carry computer from Lubitz's
    family home in Montabaur, north of Frankfurt.
    Under guard: Police keep the media away from the house where pilot Andreas Lubitz sometimes lived with his parents in Montabaur, Germany
     Police guarding the family home in Montabaur



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