
Wednesday, March 11, 2015


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The following is an article by exposing another case of libel against Israel.
Latest Blood Libel:
Fake Israeli Police Brutality Edition

The following photo has been disseminated by the Israel hating crowd – including the ever (un)reliable Richard Silverstein – and is being passed off as Israeli policemen brutalizing a Palestinian woman.

Silverstein also includes it in this post:

dickie post

As is typical with such blood libels against Israel (and Silverstein’s posts), something seemed amiss straight away.

Read more about how those hats were traced to a children's costume photo, and watch video "Pallywood" by Richard Landes, exposing how confrontations with Israel and fake casualties are routinely STAGED and choreographed by Palestinians for the sake of "sight bites" of Palestinian victimhood that are then sold to the international media - and to you, the viewer.  Examples provided below.
For a start, the uniforms are not those worn by Israeli riot police, who look like this:

israeli police 1

Or this:

israeli police 2
The hats in the photo look similar to those of the regular Israeli police. But not quite.

israeli police 3

In fact, the hats worn in the photo seem to be from a kid’s costume!


costume 2

Because they are hats from a kid’s costume, the brims are too short, and the fake policemen seem to have extended them with real hats.


Then there’s also the matter of the gun in the photo not being Israeli police department issue.
In other words, this is fake.

Incidentally, Silverstein knew there were question marks regarding the authenticity of the photo and even asked for a source.

Despite not receiving a source nor proof it was authentic, he went ahead and posted it anyway.

Because spreading the truth is not his agenda. Damaging Israel is.

Help counter the lies by sharing this post.

Source -


The issue of Pallywood
How Palestinians routinely stage scenes for the international media.  Sometimes the scenes are based on a real event but distorted and dramatized for the cameras.  More often, they are wholly fabricated. 


Elderly Arab woman crying on cue for the cameras 

It was all choreographed.  Read more and watch video.

Watch 18 minute documentary "Pallywood" by Richard Landes
How Palestinians stage "sight bites" for the cameras.
You will never see TV reports from the Palestinian-Israeli conflict
 the same way again

See how a "dead" Palestinians  suddenly resuscitate when they are mistakenly dropped on the ground as they are being carried by their cohorts.

How to expose Pallywood

Here is a graphic image of "horrific images of seriously injured as a result of Israeli shelling," with "Live Gaza" in the picture along with a reference to Al Jazeera. If you download this picture, or if you found it on Facebook or other social media, you can use Bing Image Search to locate similar images on the Internet.

If you do this with the referenced image, you will find that the "wounded man" is an actor in a movie called Sholay.
Read more

Pallywood and the pornography of death:
the Western media suckered again
Read more


Photos Of Dead Syrian Children Used As Propaganda For Palestinian Plight Sparks Outrage

The International Business Times reported that Australian MP’s across the board have expressed outrage at the manipulating tactics of the group (Australians for Palestinians) and condemned them, in no uncertain terms, for trying to pass dead Syrian children off as dead Palestinian children.


The photos were accompanied with the caption: “some people may find the above photo disturbing, and we hope it is.” Yes, it is indeed disturbing to show pictures of dead children, especially when they are from a completely different country.


Even the BBC is shocked at the deception
Even the routinely anti-Israel BBC felt the need to clarify that some of the pictures being circulated as being from the 2014 Gaza war were from previous wars and even from other places in the Middle East.
BBC:  Some of the images are of the current situation in Gaza, but a #BBCtrending analysis has found that some date as far back as 2009 and others are from conflicts in Syria and Iraq.
Using images of  Jewish children
 murdered by Palestinian terrorists,
and passing them as Palestinian victims of Israel
Palestinians even used pictures of JEWISH children slaughtered by Palestinians, and presented them as being Palestinian children killed by Israel.
These are the Fogel family children, who had their throat cut by Palestinian "militants" from the "moderate" Palestinian authority.  But see how they use them for Free Palestine propaganda.
The following links have images of extreme violence against small children.
The yellow bubble on the picture of the murdered Fogel children is a bit hard to read, but it says:  
This is what the medical personnel saw after the Israeli army left this house in Gaza. 
It shows tiny Jewish children with their throats cuts as they were murdered right on the beds as they slept.  The youngest victim just a baby, shown on this picture when he was the adored youngest member of the family.  
Read more and see photo of the Jewish children murdered by Palestinians, but with an advertisement for FREE PALESTINE!
*Warning - very disturbing scene. 

Read about the Fogel family massacre and see uncensored pictures here:
The murderers of the Fogel family were caught.  They said they were proud of what they did.


as exposed by former AP correspondent Matti Friedman

It's not just that the media make mistakes, or trust Palestinian stringers for information on what goes on in Israel and Gaza. 
The problem goes much deeper than that, and it reflects a deliberate effort to smear Israel's reputation as a means to achieve a political end:  Israel's partition and the creation of a Palestinian state. 
All news reports and commentary from the region must pass through the filter of the journalists' own biases and those of their bosses.  The mainstream media are notoriously pro-Palestinian. 
Read the insider's scoop, as journalist Matti Friedman tells of his experiences as correspondent for Associated Press.

Read article

The report at the top of this page about the latest blood libel against Israel came from a commentator on this interesting article on Israpundit.  So, hat tip to Bernard Ross.

Report: Hamas Misused International Law
 to Undermine Support for Israel
Read more

Bernard Ross also posted a link to this related article|

Top Investigative Reporters Assail Associated Press Story on Gaza Civilian Casualties
Two of America’s top investigative journalists, Richard Behar and Gary Weiss, have assailed a recent story by the Associated Press on Israel’s military action against Hamas in Gaza last summer.
Published in the The New York Observer, the Behar-Weiss report on the AP reveals a pattern of one-sided reporting, staged photos, and poor research. It also uncovers a departure from established ethical journalism, and contends that the AP story “was set into motion by slanted, politically biased non-governmental organizations.”
Read more
Media For Hamas


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