
Friday, March 6, 2015

SATIRE - WHY NOT USE THE PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE IN IMMIGRATION POLICY? - The high cost of Muslim immigration - And it was not a Star Wars spaceship that Harrison Ford crashed on a golf course.

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SATIRE By Zbiegniew Zwgstkstwig

I was out golfing last weekend when I ran into a couple of old buddies.  For some reason they had stopped playing and were engaged in a heated conversation.  OK, it was more like an argument.  A fight, actually.  
This did not look good, and since we've been good friends since college, I thought it was my duty to intervene.  I approached them. 
They ignored me.  They seemed to be ready to hit each other over the head with their golf clubs.  
May I say first that Mark is a fellow with old-fashioned values, a conservative with little patience for liberals, or progressives, as they like to call themselves. 
And Kevin is a born progressive.  Son of hippies, he drank liberalism with his mother's milk. 
But in spite of their differences, Mark and Kevin have remained friends through the years.  Last Sunday, however, that friendship was put to the ultimate test.
Hold it, guys, I said.  What is the problem?  It's such a beautiful day and ...
"Oh, shut up", said Mark.  "Kevin here can't seem to grow up.  He's stuck in the 60s, complete with John Lennon songs going through his head." 
"That's not true," argued Kevin.  "I'm just upholding multicultural values that make our country great.  As Obama said..."
"Oh, Kevin, shut up you too," said Mark.  "Zbiegniew, you're a cool-headed guy.  You be the judge.  Here's the issue:  whenever there is a product that fails to comply with the expected requirements, the government takes it off the shelves and issues a recall.  And as a first step, we stop manufacturing or importing such product.  Think of automobiles, or baby cribs, or pharmaceuticals.   It happens, right?" 
"Well, yes," I said.  "The government is responsible for keeping us safe.  It's an important part of their job."
"Correct!"  said Mark. "So what about the case of immigration from certain countries that produce jhadis that hate, threaten, and kill our citizens?  And when they're not doing that they are demanding that we modify our laws and customs to accommodate 7th century Sharia laws?"
"Now, wait a minute," interjected Kevin, red in the face.  "That's so unfair.  Most Muslims - and I think you're referring to them in this case - are peaceful and law-abiding citizens.  Why should good people hoping to migrate into our lands suffer for the misconduct of a few?"
"Kevin has a point," I said.
It's all about the precautionary principle, replied Mark.   As  I already mentioned:  if a product has a high chance of doing harm, we ban it, or suspend it, until the manufacturers can prove that they have corrected its flaws.
"Mark too has a point," I said.
"Just this morning I happened to read the budget allocated to combat jihadism in my country," said Mark, who happens to be a Canadian.  "It's not only extremely high but growing exponentially.   More Muslim immigrants equals more expense to combat home terror, and quite likely more acts of terror.  We need to put a moratorium on Muslim immigration until we can be certain that they can integrate peacefully into our societies, and that they won't require an army of intelligence officers to keep tabs on them.  We can't afford it."
"The financial aspect is certainly a consideration," I said, "particularly in times when we have to cut back on social spending."
Kevin interrupted:  "But immigrants contribute to the economy.  They buy stuff.  They set up businesses."
"In Europe and the US they are mostly on social assistance," argued Mark.  "That's another cost added to the policing and such."
"Muslims also contribute to science and philosophy and art," said Kevin. 
"Name one," snarled Mark.
Kevin got even closer to Mark's face as he said: "You are just being a racist and an Islamophobe,  You think your culture is better than those of others.  How wrong you are.  All values are relative." 
At that moment a plane flew over very close to the ground.  We all looked up, then ran for cover. 
Kevin was flailing his arms and screaming, Don't hit me, Don't hit me!  I'm a liberal!  I'm a progressive!  I love Muslims! I  love Islam!
The plane crashed not far from us.Crash site: Firefighters who responded to the crash scene say Ford was alert and conscious when they pulled him from the World War II-era plane
Later we found out it was only actor Harrison Ford who chose to crash his malfunctioning aircraft on a golf course so as not to hurt anyone. 
Much calmed down, Mark, Kevin and I sat down for coffee.   Kevin looked rather subdued.  Mark was keeping generously silent about our previous discussion.  Let the facts speak for themselves.
Copyright Zbigniew Zwgstkstwig
See more cartoons and satire on this blog

Injury prone: Thursday's crash comes just months after Ford, 72, was airlifted from the set of the new Star Wars movie for an ankle injuryActor Harrison Ford crashes his vintage plane on a golf course after engine failure
And no, it was not  a Star Wars spaceship that crashed. 
Star Wars fan Iwan Thomas posted pictures on Twitter purporting to show the moment the Millennium Falcon crashed into the golf course
And a weasel had not taken over control of the craft:
One user incorporated the weasel, whose was pictured riding a woodpecker earlier this week, to make this hilarious meme
See pictures - real and photo-shopped - of a weasel hitching a ride on top of a woodpecker
The inimitable Harrison Ford, as Han Solo in Star Wars, and as Indiana Jones:
Ford is best known for his brave film characters Han Solo (above)from Stars Wars and Indiana Jones
    Facts behind the satire
Continue reading

 ISIS SHOWS VERSE OF THE KORAN TO JUSTIFY BURNING CAPTURED JORDANIAN PILOT ALIVE - What Islam's sacred texts teach in detail about conquest, war and punishment
In the news:
AS SOMALI MUSLIM GROUP AL SHABAAB THREATENS AMERICAN MALLS WITH TERROR, the White House is importing 800 Somalis a month - White House also to quadruple number of Syrian refugees allowed into the USA, among whom there may be jihadis

Europe -  They destroyed the Jews and then invited Muslims to settle in.  A Journalist documents Muslim racism.

What England has become, thanks to Muslim immigration.  A Jewish journalist walks in predominantly Muslim neighborhoods.  Within a minute he was being attacked.  He was spat on, abused, even stalked, but escaped alive while his tour was being secretly taped.  His experiment follows those of other Jews walking European cities and documenting abuse, mostly at the hands of the European Muslim population.

An essay published by a Spanish newspaper many years ago, but now more relevant than ever:
Europe refused to save the talented, patriotic and productive Jews. Today it submits to the invasion of people who hate Europe and its culture, and who use violence to impose their views.

Bill Warner - Political Islam (recommended)

Refugee Resettlement Watch
Money Jihad (recommended)

The Muslim Issue

The Religion of Peace - Latest news

Soeren Kern

Creeping Sharia

Gates of Vienna

Geert Wilders

Tundra Tabloids

Andrew Bostom

Vlad Tepes

The Islamization of Europe and European Anti-Semitism
Columns by Dr Manfred Gerstenfeld

Jihad Watch
Palestinian Media Watch

Militant Islam Monitor
Barenaked Islam


The Religion of Peace  -  25,176 Muslim attacks since 9/11

The Myths of Islam

Islam's history

Islam not a religion of peace - ten reasons

Killings for Islam


Koran as hate speech

Islam terror and genocide through the centuries

Professor Bill Warner:  Video - Why we are afraid
For a brief and fascinating look at Islam and why we are afraid, watch Professor Bill Warner's chat on the history of Islam.  He'll tell you facts that are being deliberately obscured by the media and other politically correct institutions.

Dr. Bill Warner on Deception in Islam

Other sources

Mark Humphrys' in-depth article on Islam's violence with numerous links to different subjects exposing Islam's true nature.

ISIS is selling women as slaves.  Nothing new, as you can see.  Slavery is part of Islam

Myths of Islam -

The four stages of Islamic conquest (when not by outright invasion, as in the case of ISIS) -

What the Koran says about violence -

Islam and human rights

Arab Slave Trade (ongoing)

The greatest genocide
At least 250 million non-Muslims slaughtered by Islam through the centuries

No, Mr. President, Islamics are the real Islam -
Their behavior is based on the Koran and the Hadith.
Six times the White House said its job is to promote Islam

ISIS and Islam follow the same religious scriptures
Professor of Middle East studies says there is no religious difference between ISIS and Saudi Arabia.  They both govern based on the same religious texts.  The difference is only one of degrees in the application of religious texts.

Antisemitism - A website reporting ongoing anti-Semitic attacks, many of them in Europe, many of them perpetrated by followers of the Religion of Peace.

Europe News - An overview of terror and Islamization in Europe

 Islam and the Koran

Verses of violence on the Koran
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"  No reasonable person would interpret this to mean a spiritual struggle.
Read more

More on Islam

The Myths of Islam

Islam's history

Islam not a religion of peace - ten reasons

Killings for Islam


Koran as hate speech

Islam terror and genocide through the centuries

Daily news from the world of Islam

Islamization of the West
and facts about Islam
Jihad Watch
Palestinian Media Watch
The Religion of Peace
Creeping Sharia
The Muslim Issue
Militant Islam Monitor
Barenaked Islam
Gates of Vienna
Money Jihad
Andrew Bostom
Prof. Bill Warner
His YouTube channel (recommended)
Political Islam - Prof Bill Warner
Soeren Kern

The Islamization of Europe and European Anti-Semitism
Columns by Dr Manfred Gerstenfeld
Geert Wilders
Tundra Tabloids
The greatest genocide
At least 250 million non-Muslims slaughtered by Islam through the centuries

Professor Bill Warner on Islam:

Why we are afraid
For a brief and fascinating look at Islam and why we are afraid, watch Professor Bill Warner's chat on the history of Islam.  He'll tell you facts that are being deliberately obscured by the media and other politically correct institutions.
Prof. Bill Warner's YouTube channel
Other sources

Mark Humphrys' in-depth article on Islam's violence with numerous links to different subjects exposing Islam's true nature.

ISIS is selling women as slaves.  Nothing new, as you can see.  Slavery is part of Islam

Myths of Islam -

The four stages of Islamic conquest (when not by outright invasion, as in the case of ISIS) -

What the Koran says about violence -

Islam and human rights

More Islam-related articles on this blog

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