
Saturday, February 28, 2015

THE PALESTINIANS' MURDEROUS ROCK-THROWING WAR AGAINST JEWS - The case of toddler Adele Biton - The cowardly policies of pro-Arab Israeli authorities

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Rock throwing has been often dismissed as a harmless form of expression in Palestinian culture.  Not so.  Many Jews have been injured, and even killed, by rock-throwing Palestinians.  Here is the story of Adele Biton, a toddler severely brain damaged when a Palestinian hit her head with a fist-sized rock.  Adele passed away a few days ago after months of struggling  for her life.
In the meantime the Israeli government still refuses to deal with daily attacks by Arab rock throwers.  The appeasing Israeli authorities prefer to risk Jews being injured or killed, than to irritate the Arabs by arresting their gangs of rock throwers.  As the author of this article says, Jewish blood is cheap in Israel. 

Adele Biton, a light snuffed out by Arab terrorism
Adele Biton, a little angel. 
Photo taken before her injury.

Anatomy of a Stone
A Portrait of Arab Morality

By Donny Fuchs

Rafi and Adva Biton buried their four year old daughter, Adele Biton (Hyd) last week. Yet another precious Jewish child, nay, a baby by any definition, was stolen from her parents. 
Arab rock throwers
 intent on murdering Jews
It wasn’t due to complications related to pneumonia, which her death certificate will surely list as the cause of death.
Pneumonia was secondary to the real disease which stole her life, as surely as if she was shot in the head. Adele was murdered by Arabs.
In March of 2013, Arabs hurled stones at Adele’s family’s car outside the community of Ariel. Her mother had to swerve the car and they collided with a truck.
The injuries the two year old Adele sustained should have killed her; instead she was left with severe neurological impairment and compromised health.
Sometimes people aren’t killed outright when terror strikes. Sometimes the after effects reduce the person to a shell of their former self, either physically, cognitively, or emotionally.
Many victims of Arab terror are left in vegetative states, comas, or the lesser forms of brain trauma that robs the person of his or her intellect and personality. The little deaths. The slow deaths. The death of one’s health.
The tragedies that precede quietly but no less tragically. Adele’s death must be seen as death by Arab terror. They stoned her, and damaged her health forever.
Continue reading

Anatomy of a Stone
Stones kill. Stones maim. Stones are deadly, despite what foolish liberals maintain. No liberal on earth would let you throw a rock at their heads to prove a point.
The bodyguards of any world leader be it a president, prime minister, or king, would all put a bullet through the head of anyone throwing a rock at their leader.
The term rock is a misnomer, and we would be wise to lose the term. It conjures up images of innocent children collecting pebbles. Those who throw stones are terrorists who understand precisely what a stone can do to a person.

Stones are mankind’s oldest weapon. Whatever their organic make-up, whether they be jagged or smooth, they are similar in principle to a war hammer, a modern sledgehammer, a club, or a baseball bat.
They crush and break bones, including the human skull. A child’s small skull cannot sustain a vicious assault with stones.
Stones were used in their crude forms as deadly bludgeons and projectiles. In time, they were forged into more efficient killing tools. Technology allowed them to be hurled through the air via crossbows and catapults. Large stones and boulders were rolled down mountain tops to flatten armies. Mankind discovered how to send them flying through the air with gunpowder. Modern weapons can be traced back to the simple stone.
An assault on a person with a stone is an act of premeditated murder.
There are stones everywhere. They are easy to discard. Arabs use stones because they can be hurled from afar, allowing them to flee into a nearby Arab village, where they will never be found.
No police forensics unit will investigate the area to lift fingerprints from stones. Nor will there be any investigation of the surrounding areas because the Israeli police are useless. 
Arabs don’t need guns to murder Jews. They only need stones at their disposal, or the stone’s urban cousin, the brick and the cinderblock.
They only require the rudimentary tools of day to day living to murder and maim. Whole books can be written on the bloody history of the stone in the Arab war with Am Yisroel, a tragic compendium detailing the many deaths and critical injuries that robbed families of their loved ones.
During the first intifada, the stone became the dominant weapon of the Arab street. The roads were no longer safe for Jews.
Today the stone is both an offensive and defensive weapon, since the insane national policy is that Israel’s soldiers and police back down or retreat from Arab mobs. The stone has won the battle.
The Arabs require Jewish Weakness
In their war with the Jewish people, the Arabs require weak, timid, Jewish leaders who perseverate on what the world will think if Heaven forbid Israel responds to terror with Jewish power.
They require the aid of appeasing Jewish governments who readily release hundreds of Arab murderers with a little cajoling from a U.S. President.
Their tactic requires that the Israeli government refuses to protect her citizens.
They require an Israel with a police force and an army whose leadership is politicized and riddled with the immoral framework of corrupt bureaucracy.
They need a populace who will continue to elect representatives who convey charisma or the facade of the former, who can wax eloquent on Israel’s right to exist, rather than men of truth and courage whose stick surpasses their speech.
They require a society where Israel’s leaders declare, “but we cannot shoot on them, since they are only throwing stones.”
Jewish blood is cheap in Israel. Jewish blood can be bartered and bought. The blood of Jewish children is worth very little.
And after one vulgarity followed by another, the IDF’s Civil Administration gave the grieving parents additional anguish when they raised difficulties for them, when it came to burying their murdered daughter on Jewish land.
Heartbreak and Rage
Adelle and Adva Biton
Adele and her mother Adva Biton
The only sane reaction to this ongoing evil is heart-break for the victims, dead and alive.
Tears and mourning for another child murdered by Arabs.
Every parent’s worst nightmare: the loss of a child.
There are no words to convey such a nightmare. No words of comfort for the parents, family, and for the collective nation whose heart aches with the loss of a tiny child.
We are talking about preventable murder that would be removed forever from our midst if we sent the Arabs away. Because the lesson is plain: live with them and continue to die from them.

The nightmare is captured in the photographs of mother and father, hearts torn in two, mourning over their beautiful little girl, dressed in a tiny shroud; parents wailing and mourning to the Almighty.
The pain of being human when tragedy strikes. Even the higher animals, lacking the cognition of man, grunt and moan with agony when their babies are taken from them.
Man has to deal with the eternal voices and the questions that will never go away. And the eternal enduring pain of grief struck parents who will never know comfort on this earth.
If 1000 Arabs gather on the roads to hurl stones at Jews, then the government of Israel has the moral obligation to shoot 1000 terrorists dead in their tracks, with no regard for age; old enough to kill, old enough to die. This is the response to Arab terror that any sane government would enact.
Naturally, the only guaranteed solution is to get rid of the Arabs via transfer. Until that occurs, there will always be Arab assaults against Jews, since they need Jewish blood the way most people need air.
Yet the use of lethal force from Israel’s defense forces must be an essential component. We need to meet Arab violence with the righteous violence of self-preservation. 
Our leaders make promises of strength, when strength is as foreign a concept to them as the principle of truth.
They pander to selfish special interests and squabble among themselves. They fragment the nation rather than fight the Arab enemy. 
May The Almighty avenge Adele’s precious blood! May He heal the neurotic Jewish psyche which questions its right to defend itself, even when the victims are little Jewish children. 

Family and friends carrying the body of 4-year old Adele Biton
Family and friends carrying the body of 4-year old Adele Biton

More by Donny Fuchs here
The Israeli Army, IDF, at first refused to allow Adele to be buried in her home town. 
After much pressure, it relented.
The IDF is responsible for the administration of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria (West Bank)

Palestinians' hit song calls for the murder of Jewish babies. 
Composed after Palestinian driver deliberately ran over and murdered a Jewish baby.
Run over the two-month-old baby
That is how we get them

US State Department says that Arabs throwing firebombs at Jews are NOT terrorists

Treason in Israel.
Pro-Arab and anti-Jewish bias among leftist authorities.
Influence from foreign governments.
Recurrent cases of corruption.

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) leftist judge dismisses rock throwing by Arabs as merely "mischievous"
although they have injured and even killed Jews this way.

Israeli police recurrent coverup of acts of Arab terror

Photo on the right:  Asher Palmer and son Yonatan, both murdered by Arabs throwing rocks at Mr Palmer's car.

"Moderate" Palestinian faction Fatah brags on Facebook of having murdered eleven thousand Israelis.

PALESTINIAN CULTURE OF HATRED IS THE MAIN OBSTACLE TO PEACE, Palestinians can't murder their way into statehood - says Wall Street Journal editorial, a newspaper known for its pro-Palestinian views - It also criticizes anti-Israel White House policies

This Ongoing War
A very good blog about the relentless Palestinian terror war against the Jews

Palestinian Media Watch
Palestinians in their own words:  what they think, what they want, what they do

IDF soldiers complain that their commanders have made them capitulate to rock throwers and firebomb throwers

A report by a political activist and reservist combat soldier claims the IDF has effectively capitulated in the face of Arab rock and firebomb attacks.
 Writing in the web magazine Mida, Erez Tadmor says that in the past week, since the grave injury of Yaakov Zlatkin at the hands of an Arab mob, he has spoken with dozens of officers and soldiers who all said the same thing: The health and security of Jews who live in Judea and Samaria, as well as those of the soldiers who are supposed to guard them, have been left to the mercy of the enemy.
Soldiers, Arab rioters
Soldiers prevented from properly
 dealing with rock throwers
The data show a sharp rise in the number of rock and fire bomb attacks, possibly in the hundreds of percentage points, writes Tadmor, and a growing number of soldiers have suffered injuries to the limbs and face in the past few weeks.

"But most serious of all is the fact that IDF soldiers are operating without motivation to strive for contact with the enemy and refrain from any proper response to the threats to their lives and those of the civilians.
"Central Command and the Judea and Samaria theater have turned into a Russian roulette in the last few months, in which the lives, health and dignity of soldier and civilians hang in the balance, while Palestinian marauders enjoy near complete immunity in what an only be described as operational recklessness."
Tadmor explained that Zlatkin was gravely injured by Arabs in the course of a protest by residents of Talmon and Neria, despite the presence of four armed soldiers. The soldiers' presence does not guarantee the safety of civilians, he said, "especially when they are afraid to exit their rock-proofed vehicle, for fear that they will have to open fire and will face the real threat: the possibility of being put on trial."
Two days before that attack, he writes, dozens of marauding Arabs attacked vehicles in the same area, at the Bitilu junction. The first vehicle attacked by a mob hurling rocks and metal bars was a military one with five soldiers inside, but they escaped without responding and did not even warn other vehicles of the ambush they were about to enter.
Tadmor quotes a soldier who says that he and other soldiers were ordered not to pursue an Arab who had just thrown a fire bomb at their position near Kiryat Netafim. "For 15 minutes he stood there and cursed us and we could not give chase," the soldier said.
"The orders in this case are clear: throwing a fire bomb at a pillbox is not considered a life-threatening action," the soldier said.

"Inside the pillbox compound there is a genderator, and next to it there is a gasoline container, and above this there is a net for shade hanging on the side, it is all completely flammable. Now, can someone honestly say that a firebomb on the gasoline container is not life threatening?"
The accompanying video shows an Arab riot as videotaped from inside an IDF position. The red flash at the end is a fire bomb exploding.

 Pro-Arab, anti-Jewish, and ideologically detached from reality - 
 Jewish Israeli journalist who supports Palestinian rock-throwing was ejected out of an Arab conference for being Jewish - That's apartheid.

More articles on the Israeli pro-Arab Jewish left on this blog



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