
Monday, February 16, 2015

THE BIRD WITH THE CUTEST SMILE - The Australian Tawny Frogmouth smiles for the camera

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Smile for the camera! Bird called the Tawny frogmouth grins for his close up from his perch.

  • Bizarre-looking bird was spotted in Queensland on Australia's east coast
  • Nocturnal animal was perched on a branch next to two fellow frogmouths  
  • The amateur photographer was amazed by creature's startled-looking smile
  • Birds often camoflauged in golden shower trees, known as Cassia Fistula

  • Smile for the camera! A Tawny frogmouth beams as its picture is taken in Queensland, eastern Australia

    It may not have the sweetest-sounding name - but apparently this Tawny frogmouth still has plenty to smile about.
    Read more and see additional images

    The remarkable-looking bird was spotted perching on a branch in eastern Australia with a startled expression on its face resembling a comical beaming grin.
    Comical expression: The owl-like bird was pictured with two fellow Tawny frogmouths in a golden shower tree, known as Cassia Fistula
    The colourful owl-like creature was captured on camera by Malcolm Catchlove, 52, who saw it while visiting relatives in Woodgate, Queensland, for new year celebrations.
    Distinctive: Malcolm Catchlove, who took the photos, said he was struck by the bird's quizzical intense gaze
    The architectural drafter, from Brisbane, looked on in amazement as the animal stared back at him from a treetop while two fellow Tawny frogmouths got in a flap next to it. 

    Nocturnal: Tawny frogmouths, native to Australia, are stocky birds that are often mistaken for owls
    Nocturnal: Tawny frogmouths, native to Australia,
    are stocky birds that are often mistaken for owls


    • Native to: Mainland Australia and Tasmania.
    • Diet: Insects, worms, slugs and snails. Small mammals, reptiles, frogs and birds are also eaten.
    • Size: 34cm - 53cm. 
    • Song: A soft, deep and continuous low oom oom oom. Also makes a loud hissing noise when threatened.
    • Breeding: Usually between August and December. Males and females take it in turn to incubate eggs.
    • Behaviour: They are nocturnal and spend most of the daytime perched on branches while camouflaged. 
    More articles and photos of birds on this blog

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