
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

STEPHEN HAWKING - THE HERO? - HE JOINED THE ANTI-SEMITIC MOB BOYCOTTING ISRAEL, BUT HE AVAILS HIMSELF OF ISRAELI TECHNOLOGY TO COMMUNICATE - The shameful hypocrisy of those who don't even consider boycotting countries with egregious violations of human rights, but single out Israel because it is Jewish

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In this case perhaps you can blame the 'anti-Israel activism mafia' that threatens celebrities themselves with isolation and loss of income unless they agree to join the boycott of Israel.
Many celebrities who have announced a visit to Israel have been forced to retract due to pressure put on them by that anti-Israel activism mafia. 
Stephen Hawking needs to make paid appearances and write books to pay for the expensive equipment and care he needs to survive.  As in the case of most people who can't afford to say no, it's BOYCOTT ISRAEL OR ELSE. 

Eddie Redmayne
Eddie Redmayne at the Oscars ceremony
Stephen Hawking's life inspired a movie, The Theory of Everything, and actor Eddie Redmayne just won an Oscar for his portrayal of Mr Hawking.  
Stephen Hawking certainly deserves many accolades for his scientific work, as well as for his courage in carrying on in spite of suffering from ALS, a crippling disease that has deprived him of movement and voice. 
Mr Hawking communicates thanks to sophisticated technology made in Israel.
Since 1997, Hawking's computer-based system has been sponsored and provided by Intel. His latest computer is based on an Intel Core i7 Processor. The Core micro architecture was designed by Israel's Intel team that previously designed the Pentium M mobile processor. 
The first mobile processor that used the Israeli designed chip was code named "Merom." Merom is the Hebrew word for a higher plane of existence or a level of heaven, and was a name chosen by the team in Haifa, Israel.
A couple of years ago Mr Hawking had been scheduled to attend a conference in Israel.  However, he decided to join an ongoing boycott of Israel.
His decision highlighted the basic hypocrisy of those who call for the boycott of Israel, and yet do not hesitate to use the benefits - often life-saving benefits - of Israeli technology.
That is one part of the hypocrisy of the Boycott-Divest-Sanction (BDS) international movement aimed at demonizing and isolating Israel.

A genius in love: Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones in the film version of the wedding of Stephen and JaneThe couple met and fell in love during Hawking's post-graduate career at Cambridge and tied the knot in 1965

Stephen Hawking and bride (left), and Eddie Redmayne (right) in his portrayal of Hawking in the film The Theory of Everything.

There is another important component to their blatant hypocrisy. 
The boycotters do not boycott merchandise made in countries that severely violate human rights, or countries engaged in wars, such as Britain and the US themselves - which have killed many more Arabs than Israel ever could.  
This double set of hypocrisy exposes those calling for the boycott of Israel as blatantly anti-Semitic.
Because there is absolutely no other reason why anyone would single out Israel while giving a pass to despotic and oppressive countries such as China, Saudi Arabia -  or to the Palestinians themselves, who advocate a viciously hateful and genocidal agenda against the Jews.
It is only the unfairly maligned Israeli military that prevents the Palestinians and their Muslim allies from massacring every single Jew in Israel. 
Why are "progressives" supporting people with such genocidal ideology?
And why are they supporting the Muslim conqueror? 
Israel has been Jewish for thousands of years.  Until 1948 the land was under occupation, first by the Romans, then the Muslim invader, and then the British, after World War II. 

The war of 1967 liberated Jewish land that bears Biblical names such as Judea and Samaria.  The Arabs occupiers originated from Saudi Arabia.
Why is the world demanding that Israel surrender the Jewish heartland to Islam?  Because they just want to deprive Jews from having it. 

Even the Vatican and Protestant Churches would rather see the Holy Land in Muslim rather than Jewish hands - never mind that Muslims are massacring Christians in the Middle East and Africa, and Palestinians are driving the last Christians in the Palestinian Authority away.  

Israel is the only Middle East country where Christians enjoy freedom and safety.
There is something disgustingly immoral and perverse in persecuting Jews for two thousand years, to the point of genocide - and then demonizing the survivors and their descendants descendants for daring to reclaim their own ancient land.
These are clear notions that anyone with an average intelligence - and someone like Stephen Hawking with a brilliant mind - should be able to understand.
But perhaps they do understand them.  It is only that their hatred against the Jews is so irrational that it overrides all moral and intellectual considerations.

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What every self-respecting boycotter of Israel must know. 
For your convenience here is a list of products you must absolutely boycott

May 2013 - Stephen Hawking decides to boycott Israel
Read more

More on the Israeli-made components
that Mr Hawking uses to communicate

BUT TAKE BRITISH MONEY, with the UK having killed, and still killing, many more people in the Middle East than Israel ever has - 
The answer: pure anti-Semitism and blatant hypocrisy 
Nothing to do with anti-Semitism?  Then why is it that British artists refuse to work with Israel, whose army killed 2,000 people in Gaza last year (mostly terrorists), yet will take money from the UK government, whose army killed 150,000 people in Iraq?  And what about the US and French governments?  Would they take Palestinian money?  The 'moderate' Fatah faction of the Palestinian Authority bragged on Facebook last year of having murdered 11,000 Israelis, many of them civilian men, women and children. 
Read more

Israel fighting relentless Muslim terror
while 700 British artists boycott Israel

A detailed study after Operation Protective Edge proved 49% of the casualties in Gaza were terrorists, meaning the IDF achieved a 1:1 civilian to combatant ratio almost unprecedented in urban warfare. The IDF has revealed Hamas's deep embedding of its terrorist infrastructure in the heart of the civilian population, including UN facilities, and cynical use of human shields to protect terror targets.  Despite this, the media has embarked on an unending smear campaign against the IDF, claiming multiple times based on reports from the Hamas-run Palestinian Health Ministry that the terrorists were 'civilian casualties.' 

The genocidal ideology of Palestinian nationalism
Palestinian collaboration with Hitler, and ongoing support for Nazi ideology
Read more
Palestinian Media Watch
Genocidal and anti-Semitic Palestinians
in their own words

'Moderate' Palestinian faction Fatah brags of having killed 11,000 Israelis

What if Jesus lived in Israel today?

Pleads for a stop to the campaign against Israel and to those who want to destroy it

Father Gabriel Nadaf at the UN

 says Father Gabriel Nadaf, leader of Christians in Israel,

This Ongoing War -
A blog about Arab war of terror against Jews


February 23, 2015:  US court orders the Palestinians to pay $218 million to American victims of terror

The court ruled in favor of 10 American families who sued the PLO and PA for six different terrorist attacks that were linked to those groups during the second Palestinian intifada (uprising). Thirty-three people were killed in those six attacks between 2002 and 2004, and 450 were injured. Since the lawsuit was filed in a U.S. court under the Anti-Terrorism Act, the reparation amount is expected to triple to $655.5 million.

The 'Palestinian Authority' continues to pay 'salaries' to imprisoned terrorists, freed terrorists and the families of dead terrorists (whom they call 'martyrs') to this day. If this verdict does nothing other than to make the 'Palestinian Authority' stop that practice, that will accomplish a lot. Hopefully, the verdict will accomplish more.

Read more



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