
Monday, February 2, 2015

SECOND PEGIDA LEADER PRESSURED TO RESIGN - German anti-Islamization movement had to cancel another weekly rally - By blocking and undermining the expression of mass protest over the erosion of European values, the government and left-wing elites will push this movement into the hands of the extreme right

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PEGIDA leaders cite "media pressure" but there may be other forces at work, particularly those linked to the government and the puppet masters behind government.
PEGIDA stands for Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West and so far it has had a mainstream, not extreme nature.  This may change in the future, though, as it is continuously muzzled and smeared with accusations of racism.
PEGIDA:  "Mrs Merkel, this is the people"
Chancellor Merkel has been trying to
stifle democratic protest against Islamization
European racism did not die with the German defeat at the end of World War II. 
It has lain dormant all these years, hidden behind closed doors and silenced by a government-enforced policy of multiculturalism. 
But as the Muslim population of Europe not only pushes further for the Islamization of European societies, but it also engages in domestic crime and terror, that enforced veneer of tolerance is wearing thin.
Europeans are beginning to show their true feelings:  they don't appreciate what out-of-control Muslim immigration has done to their countries and want the islamization of Europe to stop.
Muslims brought virulent and violent
anti-Semitism back to Europe
European politicians have two options: 
1)  To listen to the people and to put a moratorium on immigration, while making a sincere effort to reaffirm  secular values and a safe place for Christianity.  
(Muslim violence against Jews is already past the point of no return, and  Jews will continue to flee Europe no matter what.)
Demonstrators bear flags of several European countries during a rally of the group Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West, or PEGIDA, in Dr...
PEGIDA's weekly march
2)  To push back with more censorship against the expression of discontent, to continue to smear moderates as "racists" or "extreme right wing" or "fascists", and to surreptitiously undermine the moderate anti-Islamization movement and threaten its leadership.
So far they have chosen #2,  which is a sure formula for the radicalization of the movement. 
Neo-Nazis are not intimidated by authorities' veiled threats.  They will take over.  And the desperate and angry population will follow.
Some conditions in Europe are already eerily reminiscent of the 1930s. 
At that time it was the right wing establishment and the Communists that weakened the democratic and moderate center left (Weimar Republic).  At the same time the right wing feared and delegitimized the Communists.   All that favored the Nazi movement to thrive and to eventually take over.
The European economy is doing better than in the 1930s but it is spotty, with Germany doing well, while resentful southern Europe struggles with debt.  
Strict interdependence among European states as legislated by the European Union bureaucracy, plus Europe's dependence on trade with other countries (such as the importation of Russian fuel) add up to an unstable formula in the long term, and with unpredictable consequences.  
Intimidation is forcing
the PEGIDA leadership to resign

The following is a report from The Telegraph:

German anti-Islam movement Pegida lost its second leader in a week on Wednesday when Kathrin Oertel, who took over after the founder quit for (jokingly) posing as Hitler, also stepped down, citing media pressure.  
Kathrin Oertel has stepped down after a week of being the Pegida leader
with still too much to lose if she's threatened
The Dresden-based group announced on its Facebook page that Ms Oertel and another board member were resigning.
The 37-year-old became Pegida's national figurehead after founder Lutz Bachmann resigned a week ago after news that he was being investigated. 
Pegida said Ms Oertel had quit "due to the massive hostility, threats and career disadvantages", adding: "Even the strongest of women has to take time out when at night photographers and other strange figures are sneaking around outside her house."
The group added that its cause remained "good and just". 
Lutz Bachman
The previous leader, Lutz Bachmann, announced his resignation last Wednesday after the top-selling daily Bild carried a front-page photo of him with a Hitler moustache and haircut that he had posted on Facebook.  
This, and reports that he had called refugees "scumbags", prompted prosecutors to investigate him for inciting hatred. 
Ms Oertel had told Reuters that Pegida "will go on" despite the departure of Bachmann, who said the Hitler photo was taken as a joke.  .
BY STUBBORNLY IGNORING THE PUBLIC OUTCRY AGAINST THE ISLAMIZATION OF THE WEST and the role of Islam in terror attacks, our leaders, media and elites will help empower the extreme right and unleash disaster
A reporter's first hand account of a demonstration and his denunciation of media malpractice

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