
Friday, February 13, 2015

RUSSIAN CITY WAKES UP COVERED IN BLUE SNOW - Attributed to dye spill by a local factory - Residents complain of toxic effects

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Russian city wakes up to find it is covered in BLUE snow: Bizarre weather strikes remote area that was hit by a meteorite in 2013
  • Residents in Chelyabinsk woke up to odd-coloured snow in the streets
  • Some locals complained of having sore throats after contact with it
  • It sparked fears that the snow was contaminated with toxic materials 
  • Local reports claimed it was actually a 'minor' dye spill from a factory 
  • Viteks Company reassured locals the colourant did not pose health risks

  • Locals in Chelyabinsk, Russia, which was hit by a meteorite in 2013, were stunned to wake up to blue snow 
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    Yesterday, local media reported people’s concerns – and a news presenter Alexandra Artamonova, from Telefact, said she felt a ‘sweet taste in the mouth’ simply from standing near the snow.  She added that people had been complaining of a sore throat after passing near the contaminated area.
    It was also reported that the government had not responded to the case.

    Local resident Dmitry Kudryonok said locals started 'panicking' after waking up to the strange occurence
    Local resident Dmitry Kudryonok told ‘As the sun rose today, everyone notices the blue rooftops, blue parking lots. We started panicking a bit.’  He added the snow, which he said smelt a little bit like iron, brightened up the area’s gloomy surroundings.
    The blue snow hit an industrial zone on the outskirts of the city and one resident said it smelt like iron
    Two years ago, more than 1,500 people were injured from flying glass and debris after a relatively small asteroid exploded in the atmosphere over Chelyabinsk.
    The meteor, which exploded near the city in February 2013, was the largest recorded meteor strike in more than a century. 
    More on city of Chelyabinsk
    2007 - Putrid smelling orange snow falls in Siberia

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