
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

MADNESS HAS TAKEN OVER THE WORLD - Terror and Muslim intolerance invades Europe, to be met by appeasing liberals who blame Israel for Muslim rage

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What do children dream of these days?
couple amoureux tour eiffel cocher de soleil baiser
Paris then
There was a time, not long ago, when youngsters dreamed of international travel.  Of going to Europe.  Of seeing the world.  There were risks, of course, but their need for adventure trumped their parents' concerns.   And it was OK.  Travel was an enriching experience.
During the 1960s American kids travelled to Europe or joined the Peace Corps.  They were romantic, full of idealism.
These days a madness has taken over the world.  It's made up of hate and violence.
French soldier patrols at the Eiffel tower in Paris
Paris today
Not that it never existed before.  Our European history books were - as we used to say - a litany of conflict and battles. 
Although the Holocaust was not talked about much during the first couple of decades after Auschwitz, students knew about it. 
It had happened in the same Europe that movies and magazines portrayed as such a safe and romantic place.  Kids chose the romantic version.
Much farther away Muslim kids were being indoctrinated under an ideology of hate.  There was no opportunity for those kids to rebel against their parents.  The penalty for girls breaking strict rules is death.  The penalty for anyone questioning Islam is death. 
Paris today
And then one day those two cultures would meet, first in Europe, then all over the west. 

And the encounter would be lethal for the West.  It would not only take lives, but it would destroy idealistic dreams and erode the post-war gains of tolerance and centuries of culture. 
Those trips to Europe?  Just getting through airport security became a nightmare.  And then nobody knows where the Muslim killers will spring out next.  On the plane?  At the Eiffel Tower? 

Those romantic sites in Paris are under heavily armed guards.   Gangs of resentful Muslim youngsters roam the streets, knowing full well that they are feared, that it's only time till their ideology fully dominates Europe through intimidation and sheer numbers.
Europe today.
They don't bring wisdom, hard work, Nobel Prizes. 
They bring hate, terror and violence
And wave after wave of Muslims keep arriving in Europe, where they are welcomed by the also insane liberal class, and provided with benefits and special rights in deference to their faith.

Muslims respond with increased demands for the Islamization of Europe, with riots, terror, intolerance and widespread crime.
The romantic streets of Paris have thus been taken over by the madness of an ideology of hate, which is met by the madness of multicultural liberals.  A formula for the suicide of Europe.
Liberals  tell us  that Muslim anger and violence are simply the expression of resentment for how life has treated them, and not part of their ideology of peace.
Germany loves
Palestinian terrorists
because killing Jews
is not considered terror
Seventy years ago Holocaust survivors left Europe and went to America, Israel, and other places. 
They did take revenge against the world that had persecuted them for two thousand years, and had just murdered their entire families and Jewish European culture.  
Europe had not only massacred their loved ones, it had deprived the victims of all remnant of human dignity,  starved them, subjected them to all kinds of violence,  and eventually gassed them and burned them.
The survivors did  not take revenge.
They asked for nothing but the opportunity to start anew.  They had nothing but they made something of themselves.  They married other survivors.  They raised children.  They worked hard.  They continued to educate themselves and their children.  They made an effort to forget their nightmares and enjoy life once again.   They gave to a variety of causes.  They  learned to love the same countries that had been complicit with the Holocaust.
They did not take revenge.  
On the contrary.  They responded with generosity to a world that had treated them so badly, and offered their contributions to science, business, art, and much more.
Decades have passed, and Jewish blood is once again being spilled in the cities of Europe, in America, in other parts of the world, and the world blames the Jews for their victimization  -  another version of anti-Semitism under the guise of anti-Zionism. 

The West under attack
While Muslims act out of hate, liberals cling obstinately to their morally relativistic ideas and make excuses for Jihad. 
And so they keep welcoming hundreds of thousands of Muslims into European countries and America every year. 
And appeasing them, while blaming the Jews.  

How dare the Jews return to their ancient home of Israel and offend the Muslim conqueror with their presence there? 
The Free World
responds to Muslim hate 
The same liberals who make excuses for Muslims who turn Western cities into war zones, join efforts to sabotage Israel and to undermine that country in every way they can:  by financing terror, by relentlessly bullying Israel, by boycotting it, and by using hard-edged diplomacy instead of gas chambers to destroy the Jews of Israel.
That is the madness that greets us from news headlines every day.  Another act of terror.  Another police raid on jihadi cells. Another official government statement defending Islam.  And another official government statement condemning Israel.
Pogrom in Paris.  Murderous Muslim crowd attacks synagogue full of people.
German judge:  Palestinians torching a synagogue NOT anti-Semitic
The three German Palestinians caused €800 damage to the synagogue. They were given a suspended sentence.
The original synagogue in Wuppertal was burned by Germans during the Kristallnacht pogroms in 1938. 
When Nazis burn a synagogue, it’s anti-Semitism. When Muslims do it, it’s anti-Zionism.
Obama State Department: “Palestinians” who throw molotov cocktails at Israelis are not terroristsUS State Department:  Palestinians who throw firebombs at Jews in Israel are NOT terrorists
Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terroristsAmerican and European taxpayers funding the murder of Jews in Israel.
Palestinian Authority pays up to $3,400 a month to terrorists who kill Jews - funded by you.
PA Chief Mahmoud Abbas

'Moderate" Palestinian Authority Prisoner Salaries:
Kill More Israelis, Get More Cash
Shocking new documents show how Palestinian Authority studies details of each terrorist act before issuing wages to jailed terrorists.
President Obama's reaction to massacre of Jews:
Too many Palestinians have died...
Shameful beyond measure: 
Not wanted in Europe
And now condemned by
the White House and EU
for living in JUDEA and SAMARIA,
the ancient Jewish heartland
After Europe wiped out millions of Jews, it condemns the survivors and their descendants for daring to live in their ancient Jewish land of Judea and Samaria in Israel.
February 10, 2015:  Europe prepares to impose sanctions on Jews living in Israeli communities in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. 
In spite of all the savagery occurring in the world, Europeans choose Jews building homes in Jerusalem as a target for their hate and outrage.
State Department calls Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria "illegitimate"
Although they have been Jewish since Biblical times.
That means that the Muslim conqueror has more "legitimate" rights to Jewish land than the Jews themselves - according to the White House.
ALL EUROPEAN LIFE DIED IN AUSCHWITZALL EUROPEAN LIFE DIED IN AUSCHWITZ - Europe refused to save the talented, patriotic and productive Jews. Today it submits to the invasion of people who hate Europe and its culture, and who use violence to impose their views.
Virulent anti-Semitism rises again
News from Europe
as it becomes Eurabia

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