
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

IRAN MILITARY IN CHARGE OF SYRIAN AND HIZBULLAH FORCES AT BORDER WITH ISRAEL IN THE GOLAN - SOON IRAN AND ISRAEL TO BE FACE TO FACE - White House still thinks Israelis building apartments in Jerusalem is the greatest obstacle to peace

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The White House continues to be at war with Israel, and busy with other relatively minor issues, while the Middle East and other parts of the world burn.

Obama Selfie Stick Video


For years, and until the Arab Spring, the White House has held relentless pressure on Israel to hand over the Israeli Golan Heights to Syria.
That was one of the several suicide gestures the USA wants Israel to make - for peace.
The Golan Heights were liberated by Israel in 1967.  Since then the Golan has been a territory where Jews and Arabs live in peace.  Until very recently there was a prosperous tourism industry in the region. 
Had Israel agreed to White House pressure, the Golan Heights would no longer protect the rest of Israel, which would then be under fire by Syrian/Iranian/Hizbullah/ISIS and other assorted terror groups operating in the region. 

DEBKAFILE reports:

  • Iranian military in charge of Syrian forces in the Golan.
  • The Iranians aim to drive the Syrian rebels off the Golan and occupy Quneitra as a major military outpost and the seat of their forward command.
  • An Iranian command post has reached to within sight and firing range of Israeli military forces.
  • The Iranian military will also bring over from Iraq short-range cannon, various types of missiles and T-72 tanks to face Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on the Golan.
  • Also perched there were advanced Russian radar station connected to intelligence networks to keep Tehran abreast of Israeli military movements. 
  • Tel al-Hara (roughly 3,500 ft alt) is the tallest peak in the Golan region, overlooking Israel’s outposts.
  • Now in rebel hands, its fall would award Iranian forces a commanding position over IDF positions.
  • Friendly fire from Syrian government forces just killed by mistake scores of Iranians and Hizbullah fighters on the way to the Golan.

The full Debka report: 
The Syrian army’s 9th Division mistakenly directed artillery and missile fire on Iranian, Hizballah and its own forces Wednesday, Feb. 18 during their push from southern Syria towards the Golan.
This is reported by debkafile’s military and intelligence sources. A Syrian general was also among those killed by the “friendly fire,” which military experts attribute to faulty coordination among the assorted forces taking part in the drive towards Quneitra.
Their operation has so far claimed an estimated 200 Syrian, Iranian and Hizballah lives.
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It was this incident which greeted Iranian Al Qods Brigades commander, Gen. Qassem Soleimani, shortly after he arrived this week at the Iranian command center west of Damascus, to take command of the South Syrian warfront with Syrian President Bashar Assad’s assent.

This was the first time in the four years of the Syrian conflict that Assad has agreed to relinquish control of any of his army’s war sectors and pass it in full to an Iranian commander.
This action has four ominous military and intelligence connotations for Israel:
1. The earlier surmise that Tehran’s motive in the combined push for control of the Golan was to entrench Hizballah forces on the Golan opposite Israeli lines, has now been updated: The Iranian goal is broader and more dangerous; it is to deploy radical Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) units right up against Israel’s northeastern border with Syria and face to face with the IDF.

2. And that is not all, The Iranians aim to drive the Syrian rebels off the Golan and occupy Quneitra as a major military outpost and the seat of their forward command.
This would be the first time that an Iranian command post has reached to within sight and firing range of Israeli military forces.

 The large number of IRGC and Al Qods Brigades officers attached to this offensive form the future nucleus of the new Iranian command center in Quneitra.

 It must be presumed that, just as Tehran has transferred forces from Iraq and other parts of the Shiite world to Syria for its Quneitra operation, it will also bring over from Iraq short-range cannon, various types of missiles and T-72 tanks that are suitable for a potential contest with the Israeli military at very close quarters.
The equipment will not be consigned via Damascus or subject to Syrian military control, but transferred straight to the new Iranian base on the Golan – that is if their combined force is able to pull itself together after the friendly fire episode and capture Quneitra.

 3.  Gen. Soleimani has set the Iranian commanders their first objective. It is to wrest from Syrian rebels the loftyTel al-Hara mountain, which was formerly a Syrian fortress with tens of square kilometers of bunkers, funnels and defensive positions.
Also perched there were advanced Russian radar stations, which kept track of Israel military and air force movements across the border. These stations were connected to the Middle East intelligence networks of the IRGC and kept Tehran abreast of Israeli military movements and deployments.

Should the Iranian-led Syria-Hizballah force succeed in overwhelming the Syrian rebel defenders and capturing this strategic mountaintop, they will be able to restore these facilities and go back to spying on northern Israel.
Soleimani’s plan is to connect this station to the forward command center he is aiming to establish in Quenitra.

 4. Tel al-Hara (roughly 3,500 ft alt) is the tallest peak in the Golan region, overlooking Israel’s outposts including Tel Hazaka. Its fall would award Iranian forces a commanding position over IDF positions.
The White House and the EU still think
 that Jews building in their ancient capital of Jerusalem 
are the greatest obstacle to peace in the Middle East.
The US and EU have repeatedly denounced construction for Jewish residents in Jerusalem, Israel’s capital, and in Judea and Samaria. And now, they are doing it again, claiming it is an ‘obstacle to peace.’
Read more

August 2014 - Golan Druze (Arabs) thankful to Israel as Syrian violence nears
Read more
Golan Heights - History and overview
Golan - a tourist attraction until very recently
Government tourism office



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