
Friday, January 16, 2015

THE REBIRTH OF THE RIVER ZIN IN ISRAEL - A WONDER RIGHT OUT OF THE BIBLE happens in modern times in the Negev Desert

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A Biblical wonder  -  Dramatic moment the River Zin is reborn as flash flood sweeps across arid landscape during the spring of 2014, in Israel's Negev Desert
  • Thrilled spectators gathered to watch the powerful display of nature
  • It is believed that the flood occurs when heavy rain falls in mountainous regions several miles away from the massive riverbed made of chalk.
  • The river’s source is upon the slopes of the Ramon Crater, one of three Negev craters famed for its geological formations.
  • The natural wonder is described in the Jewish Bible 

    Spectators gathered to watch the rebirth of the Zin River as floodwaters filled the dry riverbed

    See more images

    Omri Ginzburg and Gilad Zwebner recorded the video, which shows floodwaters gushing over a cliff

    It is believed that the flood occurs when heavy rain falls in mountainous regions several miles away
    The natural wonder is even described in the Old Testament of the Bible

    The river’s source is upon the slopes of the Ramon Crater, one of three Negev craters



    More on the Nahal Zin:

    Nahal Zin from northwest
    The Nahal Zin is 75 miles (120 km) long and drains 600 sq. miles (1550 sq. km).
    It is the largest wadi (dry river bed) that begins in the Negev.
    Nahal Zin
    Nahal Zin waterfall and Ein Avdat

    Read more

    Bible Places website list of related links
    Ein Avdat National Park (Israel Nature & National Parks Protection Authority) A brief description of the national park in which Nahal Zin is situated, providing details for planning a trip there.
    Ein Avdat (Jewish Virtual Library) An informative article that provides many details on the geography and history of the area, plus helpful facts about the national park.
    Insights into Nahal Zin (Institut fur Hydrologie) An interactive map of Nahal Zin with numerous links to photographs of certain areas.
    Map of Ein Avdat National Park (Midreshet Sde Boker) A schematic interactive map of Ein Avdat National Park. Like the map above, this one also contains links to photographs of certain areas.
    Ancient Ein Avdat (History of the Ancient Near East) A few facts about the Nabataean spice route that passed through the area with a map and a photograph.
    Israel im 360 Blick (Israswiss) A webpage full of 360 degree images of sites in Israel, including one of Ein Avdat Nature Reserve. The images can be viewed in either medium or high resolution.

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