
Monday, January 19, 2015

THE POWER OF LOVE - PICTURES OF DOGS BEFORE AND AFTER BEING ADOPTED - From loneliness and depression to real joy and happiness

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The same process occurs in humans after adopting a pet.  Animals bring the kind of love and companionship that no human can match.  Pets are our teachers, and we have the privilege to share our lives with such kind, intelligent and loving creatures. 

All pets are therapy animals, particularly for children and the elderly.  It is amazing how people turn to pets for true and unconditional love in childhood, and then again during their senior years - periods in which many people experience loneliness.

This Reddit user shared a photo of his Labrador hound mix rescue dog named Spokey, whom he adopted from the SPCA. He wrote: 'What a difference one day can make. Meet Spokey!'

This is Pillow the bulldog. His owner, Reddit user Gniwa, visited him on numerous occasions until his parents gave him the permission to adopt him 

This pup's Christmasses all came at once when he was adopted just in time for the festive season
This pup's Christmasses all came at once when he was adopted just in time for the festive season

The thread on Reddit, called Before N After Adoption, has been gathering momentum, with hundreds of owners posting their pictures 

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