
Friday, January 23, 2015

THE MAGIC OF AN ICE CAVERN AT SUNRISE IN SIBERIA - The frozen cave on Olkhon Island at Lake Baikal

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  • Andrey Grachev's photos provide a rare glimpse inside the frozen grotto on a Olkhon Island at Lake Baikal 
  • Many adventurers have fallen through the ice, but he ignored the dangers to capture the cave in a beautiful sunlight
  • Andrey, from Moscow, found hundreds of icy stalactites and huge blocks of blue ice, known as ice hummocks
  • Russian photographer Andrey Grachev risked his life on the frozen lake to capture breathtaking images of the ice cave at sunrise

    Andrey's photos provide a rare glimpse inside the frozen grotto, but he had to travel across cracked ice that could give way at any moment

    See more images

    When the 35-year-old entered the frozen cave he found large ice stalactites, or icicles, descending from its ceiling
    A view of the ceiling
     The fearless photographer said the sound of ice cracking underneath his feet was unnerving but he got used to it

    Andrey captured magical images of huge blocks of blue ice, known as ice hummocks, which glistened like precious stones 
    Hummocks, or blocks of blue ice that look like precious stones.
     Despite the dangers Andrey said the opportunity to photograph the spectacular ice cave was 'well worth the risk'

    Even though many adventurers have fallen through the ice in the past, Andrey ignored the dangers to capture the cave in a beautiful sunlight
     Another view of that sunrise
    Andrey, from Moscow, and local guides safely crossed Lake Baikal, where around 50 cars are still waiting to be plucked from the frigid water
    Photographer Andrey Grachev
    Visitors to the site take in spectacular views such as waterfalls frozen in place - to manage the growing number of visitors, the National Park Service has proposed a $5 special recreation fee 
    The wonder of Apostle Island National Lakeshore caves in Wisconsin
    Read more and see photos

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