
Friday, January 16, 2015

POPE JUSTIFIES MUSLIM RAGE AND TERROR AGAINST CHARLIE HEBDO CARTOONISTS - Those who insult the faith of others can expect a punch, the Pope said - The Vatican rushes to clarify statement - The Vatican has consistently supported Palestinian terrorists who murder Jews.

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Vatican rushes to defuse statements by Pope Francis
where he appears to justify Muslim terror
against those who insult Islam.
Pope Francis

The world is shocked at Pope Francis apparent justification for the Muslim massacre of Chralie Hebdo cartoonists in Paris. 
The tacit alliance between the Church and Islam
What the general public may not know is that the Vatican and other Christian denominations have struck a tacit alliance with Islam, where the Church will abstain from criticizing Islam - even in the case of widespread persecution and murder of Christians - in exchange for Islam's relentless and violent war against Israel and the Jews.
Pope Francis and his predecessors have been outspoken in their support for Arab terrorists who threaten Israel and murder Jewish men, women and children. 
And they have been mostly silent about the hundreds of thousands of Christians being persecuted, raped, enslaved or murdered by Islam.
That is the depth of Christianity's hatred for Israel and the Jews.  As long as there are Jews the Church can't make full claim to the Bible - as Replacement Theology tries to do.
For Christian churches it is more important to see Israel destroyed, along with the Jews, than to stand in support of Christians and other victims of Islam. 
Shocking: The chilling image from the Charlie Hebdo office shows blood-stained wooden floors, papers strewn across the corridor
Charlie Hebdo office after the massacre -
Justifiable, Pope Francis?
The Pope appears to justify Muslim rage and massacre in reaction to Charlie Hebdo cartoons:  "It's normal"
Israel National News:  Did Pope Francis justify the brutal Islamist attack on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris last Wednesday, in which 12 people were murdered in cold blood?
The Vatican has snapped into overdrive trying to play down controversial comments made by the pope this Thursday, during a flight to the Philippines,  which are seen as blurring the lines of free speech.

Saying there are limits to free speech, the pope referred to Alberto Gasbarri who organizes his trips, reports Associated Press.
"If my good friend Dr. Gasbarri says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch," the pope said half-jokingly, proceeding to throw a mock punch at him. "It's normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others."
He called the attack an "aberration," but at the same time said a response - evidently a violent response as per his example - was expected.
They deserved it?
On a flight to the Philippines on Thursday, the pope spoke about the attack last week at the magazine which has published cartoons of Mohammed, the founder of Islam - along with cartoons poking fun at the pope and the Catholic church. 
"There are so many people who speak badly about religions or other religions, who make fun of them, who make a game out of the religions of others," he said.
"They are provocateurs. And what happens to them is what would happen to Dr. Gasbarri if he says a curse word against my mother. There is a limit," opined the pope.
As backlash started to pour in to the comments, Rev. Thomas Rosica, an associate of the Vatican press office, issued a statement on Friday claiming the pope was not justifying the attack.

"Pope Francis has not advocated violence with his words on the flight," claimed Rosica. He said the statement was "spoken colloquially and in a friendly, intimate manner among colleagues and friends on the journey."
The pope is himself targeted for assassination by the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist group, but last November he said he was open to "dialogue" with the brutal organization responsible for countless atrocities in Syria and Iraq.
Evidently his targeting is not for "provocation" but simply for his religion - ISIS has made clear that it is waging a war on Christianity, noting that Rome is a key target for conquest as the home of the Vatican and a core symbol of Christianity.

Terrorist Abbas & Pope Francis
Pope Francis and his predecessors have been extremely supportive of Arab terrorists who murder Jews, and have waged an indefatigable diplomatic and verbal war against the state of Israel.
This and previous popes have warmly embraced terrorists with blood on their hands, such as Yassir Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, and criticized the very existence of Israel.
Not only that, but the Vatican and other Christian denominations have delegitimized Jews' very connection with Israel and the Bible, in an attempt to usurp Jewish rights to the Bible and to the ancient sacred sites connected to Jewish history.
Such is the Vatican's hatred, that the popes would rather see Islam as owner of those holy sites, than the Jews.
Pope John Paul II met 12 times
 with terrorist Arafat
Christianity has struck a wicked alliance with Islam where the Church will abstain from criticizing Islam's depredations, in exchange for Islam's war of destruction against Israel and the Jews.
This alliance explains the Church's silence or its subdued criticism of Islam's ongoing persecution, rape and murder of Christians in the Middle East and Africa. 
Christian victims can't understand why they have been abandoned by the powerful Vatican and other Christian denominations while they suffer for their faith. 

It's because of the Church's higher priority:  the destruction of the Jews at the hands of Islam.
Strangely, though, Middle East Christian who are safely away from the worst of Islam's persecution, share the same hatred for Israel.
At a "Defense for Christians" meeting Senator Ted Cruz was rudely heckled by Middle East Christians when he defended Israel. 

for defending Israel at the "In Defense of Christians" event -
He called the reaction a shameful display of bigotry and hatred

CHRISTIAN CHURCHES HAVE OPENLY SUPPORTED MUSLIM TERROR AGAINST ISRAEL, while silent about Muslim persecution of Christians - Now they are reaping the results of their wicked tacit alliance with Islam as Christians are increasingly abused and murdered

CHRISTIAN IDENTITY THEFT or 'Replacement Theology' - 
By DEJUDEIZING the Bible and denying Jews any claim to Israel, Christians hope to claim full inheritance to the Jewish Bible
To anti-Semitic Christians, Israel is the usurper (by Giulio Meotti)


Pope Francis in Israel:  Israeli film maker denounces Pope Francis for his outspoken support for Arab terrorists.
Simcha Jacobovici writes: 
How dare the Pope condemn a barrier that’s meant to protect Jewish children!

Father Gabriel Nadaf at the UN
Father Gabriel Nadaf at the UN
PRIEST FROM NAZARETH TO THE UN: ISRAEL ONLY MIDEAST COUNTRY NOT PERSECUTING CHRISTIANS - Pleads for a stop to the campaign against Israel and to those who want to destroy it

"ISRAEL IS THE ONLY SAFE PLACE FOR CHRISTIANS IN THE MIDDLE EAST" says Father Gabriel Nadaf, leader of Christian Aramaeans in Israel, who recently rejected their "ARAB" designation, in favor of ARAMAEAN

The illumination of the world famous Cologne cathedral goes out during a rally called 'Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West' (PEGIDA) in ...
German Cathedral dims its lights in protest
against anti-Islamization marches,
but NOT against Islam's persecution of Christians

June 2014
Oblivious to Muslim massacres of Christians, Presbyterians pass anti-Israel BDS resolution


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